
Go to December 23rd, 2006, the first line of Holes

2024-09-29 We're no longer on the walls of the MOLI.
2024-09-28 Sometimes what I really want is you.
2024-09-27 Repetition is not illogical.
2024-09-26 Would this, I wonder, work as a dance piece?
2024-09-25 Two more moments and we will have a set.
2024-09-24 Holes come from experience, not vision.
2024-09-23 Sometimes what I really want is water.
2024-09-22 This flight to Cork could be a tad smoother.
2024-09-21 We are the Canvey Island contingent!
2024-09-20 I just love being your uncle, sweetheart x
2024-09-19 Five hours, in an airport, fishbowl sauna.
2024-09-18 Sometimes what I really want is whiskey.
2024-09-17 Sometimes I'm hungry for a plate of beans.
2024-09-16 The English are a different shape to us.
2024-09-15 I seem to be preparing for their deaths.
2024-09-14 I'll have to get a bit more serious.
2024-09-13 the rich get richer, and the poor get cut.
2024-09-12 and England is in thrall to them all,
2024-09-11 Swords, Zombie Knives and Machetes are evil
2024-09-10 History, Time, Evil, and, of course, Love.
2024-09-09 I am purchasing serious whiskey.
2024-09-08 but to no avail, with no alibi.
2024-09-07 myth by myth, trope by trope, and book by book,
2024-09-06 It is her I try to incorporate,
2024-09-05 It looks like it's Anne Carson and it's me.
2024-09-04 If there is oil, then you will find it.
2024-09-03 Don't try do hard, the flood-gates will open.
2024-09-02 The best poems are too bright to look at.
2024-09-01 They cast malformation into the air.
2024-08-31 Poems happen on nuclear test-sites.
2024-08-30 Metaphor fuses like hydrogen bombs.
2024-08-29 Our writing hands are made of shattered glass.
2024-08-28 We are the quake that brings down every bridge
2024-08-27 Poets are miners who dig for treasure.
2024-08-26 We are the tremor below the city.
2024-08-25 Poets mine some inexhaustible ore.
2024-08-24 WE are the paper-clip making monster.
2024-08-23 I wish you would all just leave me alone.
2024-08-22 Necromancer, betrayer of your soul.
2024-08-21 but you can't train the sun in any respect.
2024-08-20 You can train a dog to forget the sun,
2024-08-19 There is a brighter day for it as well.
2024-08-18 There is a larger world for my cell phone.
2024-08-17 It can multitask much faster than me.
2024-08-16 It has a better social life than me.
2024-08-15 My cell phone knows more people than I do.
2024-08-14 I see double, I wish that I saw more.
2024-08-13 Are you really that shallow, Professor?
2024-08-12 Salvation or sex, no competition.
2024-08-11 Poetry or sex, different registers.
2024-08-10 Cake or sex, different categories.
2024-08-09 then I will be a hero to myself.
2024-08-08 If I cannot be a hero to you,
2024-08-07 There are blood stains all over my laptop.
2024-08-06 as summer ash trays, burn to the socket.
2024-08-05 The Good die young, and those hearts are dry
2024-08-04 Eibhear, my friend, my colleague, RIP.
2024-08-03 The worst is part of our horizon.
2024-08-02 So that you are my child and my fosterage.
2024-08-01 Which means I'm older and younger than you.
2024-07-31 I'm sixty, but I feel twenty-two.
2024-07-30 In this world, coherence spells danger.
2024-07-29 Misery is too honest for this world.
2024-07-28 Joy often takes the face of misery.
2024-07-27 He must not perish on the barren waste.
2024-07-26 We must find a way of letting him in.
2024-07-25 politics, culture and philosophy.
2024-07-24 This fool has been excluded from science,
2024-07-23 who has persisted through to true wisdom.
2024-07-22 This fool is also Willian Blake's fool,
2024-07-21 Experience is a fool's evidence.
2024-07-20 Whatever you do, you can't unseat me.
2024-07-19 One day I'll prove I have discipline.
2024-07-18 My bed is so high, I have to mount it.
2024-07-17 Unexploded bomb near the garden gate.
2024-07-16 Light breaks through as the Tories taste defeat.
2024-07-15 My whiskey seems to be drinking itself.
2024-07-14 They talk so blithely of my demise.
2024-07-13 Smiling at me with a stacked pack of cards.
2024-07-12 When he gave up frowning, he lost his smile.
2024-07-11 He wrote a prophecy of true feeling.
2024-07-10 consigning thought to the ashtray of mind.
2024-07-09 He gave up wondering what others thought,
2024-07-08 He gave up sex, involuntarily.
2024-07-07 He gave up booze, but lost his character.
2024-07-06 He gave up fags, but got no nearer God,
2024-07-05 This is not Jerusalem, this is real!
2024-07-04 Will the first person back turn on the lights?
2024-07-03 Strangely, for what's at stake, there are no nerves.
2024-07-02 Up and down to Dublin because of Suede.
2024-07-01 Put a little humanity in, fool!
2024-06-30 Will they listen or laugh at the Sorbonne?
2024-06-29 Clinamen seeps out of every structure.
2024-06-28 an open secret, leaning on the sun.
2024-06-27 I am Lucretian, I am just veering,
2024-06-26 I can even pull out my professor's robe.
2024-06-25 all of my exams are long-since over,
2024-06-24 veering like Shelley always to the left,
2024-06-23 I'm going to break through the borderlines,
2024-06-22 Parkinson's has emasculated me.
2024-06-21 My hell is not being able to move.
2024-06-20 I have lost the song that my hands once sung.
2024-06-19 so that I wonder who I'm addressing.
2024-06-18 a bungled, childish, unreadable scrawl
2024-06-17 Because I cannot walk, I write and write
2024-06-16 Tired of the thought of the horizon.
2024-06-15 I'm tired of icons that want to shock.
2024-06-14 The present is just a veil of salt tears.
2024-06-13 The past has gone and run off with soul.
2024-06-12 The future is obviously for schmuks.
2024-06-11 This language offends your fucking readers.
2024-06-10 I like that you shitheads, sing it again.
2024-06-09 and you are in love with your own shadow.
2024-06-08 Now we're up Shit Creek without a paddle,
2024-06-07 but the Earth took that dream and smashed it up.
2024-06-06 The dream was always gravity's defeat,
2024-06-05 except, I love you, I love you, I love...
2024-06-04 You're one of mine, was all she had to say,
2024-06-03 Hardly Kick Over the Statues, but still.
2024-06-02 if it offends thee, cut the bugger out!
2024-06-01 But I guess that's just the way these days,
2024-05-31 The teeth his father worked so hard to save.
2024-05-30 My dentist is sequestering my teeth.
2024-05-29 Life is harder without your reflection.
2024-05-28 I hate with a passion UnReal Madrid!
2024-05-27 I've eaten all of the boy's Oreos!
2024-05-26 That would be serious, if you couldn't.
2024-05-25 Can you reload back into a person?
2024-05-24 Libido is expensive, love is cheap.
2024-05-23 Every other Sunday, I'm spilling my guts.
2024-05-22 I keep opening and closing your face.
2024-05-21 I wonder what names we'll be given?
2024-05-20 Desire gives guidance, love misdirects.
2024-05-19 Lust surrenders, romance indoctrinates.
2024-05-18 Haunted all night by foreboding figures.
2024-05-17 Is that a puppy or a giant spider?
2024-05-16 What are those angels doing near the shed?
2024-05-15 Isn't this just a list of one liners?
2024-05-14 This is my condition, and also yours.
2024-05-13 the other half just wanting to sleep.
2024-05-12 With half his head on fire with vision,
2024-05-11 Do you understand? Everything's for you.
2024-05-10 Betrayal, sometimes the only option.
2024-05-09 Don't let your pain obscure the joy of life.
2024-05-08 Nebuchadnezzar on his four, sharp stumps.
2024-05-07 This disease transforms me into a beast.
2024-05-06 and I wasn't looking for anything.
2024-05-05 I have spent most of the day on the floor,
2024-05-04 Do not hide behind your old Bible book.
2024-05-03 America, listen to your children.
2024-05-02 Protest Palestine, Palestine Protest
2024-05-01 A cut like that can always take on time
2024-04-30 The second person covers my madness.
2024-04-29 Talking to yourself all through a bad night.
2024-04-28 But somehow, repetition stays its hand.
2024-04-27 Then how would you account for artistry?
2024-04-26 You should see the state these lines come out in.
2024-04-25 They should see the state this country is in.
2024-04-24 whereas, in fact, it's the Sun that has dimmed.
2024-04-23 I worry they will think I've grown too dark,
2024-04-22 The best things on Earth are not Photoshopped.
2024-04-21 Honour is the most dangerous fantasy.
2024-04-20 No business as usual, if genocide.
2024-04-19 James Parkinson, in case you hadn't guessed.
2024-04-18 He gave to me, a second chance at life.
2024-04-17 We will never see his likeness again.
2024-04-16 The LCS was a surprise to me.
2024-04-15 From fossils to brains, the power of names.
2024-04-14 All those poor, unmedicated victims.
2024-04-13 All my Arsenal dreams lay torn on the grass.
2024-04-12 Parkinson's makes me lean to the right.
2024-04-11 Do they also clean your conscience with bleach.
2024-04-10 Who irons your hairpiece for you, Donald?
2024-04-09 Try telling your students that has no meaning.
2024-04-08 Shelley drew the faces of those who judged him.
2024-04-07 Intentional, but no printer's devil
2024-04-06 And it's that, that frightens the pants off them.
2024-04-05 So not all doodles are, indeed, doodle.
2024-04-04 There is no doodle that is made by chance,
2024-04-03 But doodles are for the gods of ordering.
2024-04-02 I wish I could doodle between these lines,
2024-04-01 It is not earned and it is badly used.
2024-03-31 They have a reputation for a reason.
2024-03-30 I am a classic prevaricator.
2024-03-29 I should have sent these onto you by now.
2024-03-28 Too frightened to watch the news.
2024-03-27 There is an eye of calmness in this great storm.
2024-03-26 As small as an impenetrable hole.
2024-03-25 How small will I be in the very end?
2024-03-24 Every year I get shorter and shorter.
2024-03-23 I am as old now as I will ever be.
2024-03-22 Ancient nuns flash past me as I try to walk.
2024-03-20 My computer is much smarter than me.
2024-03-20 My son (aged nine) always beats me at chess.
2024-03-19 Is this a philosophical zombie?
2024-03-18 Is this your doomed and merciless godhead?
2024-03-17 Is this the end of livable nature?
2024-03-16 Is this the tower from which you were thrown?
2024-03-15 Is this my kiss in Gethsemane?
2024-03-14 Is this a story that was never born?
2024-03-13 Is this a poem that lost its author?
2024-03-12 Is this the ghost of a woman's lost child?
2024-03-11 Is this a stone upon which people died?
2024-03-10 Is this a couple of yesterday's bards?
2024-03-09 Is this an eagle jealous of the earth?
2024-03-08 Is this the Lottery grabbing your balls?
2024-03-07 Is this a super-sized bedbug terror?
2024-03-06 Is this the vision of a girl gone mad?
2024-03-05 Is this the Albert Hall in a matchbox?
2024-03-04 Is this the ocean where mermaids live?
2024-03-03 Is this a dictator in shitty clothes?
2024-03-02 Is that a Sky that is full of Angels?
2024-03-01 Is that a soldier who will live in Cork?
2024-02-28 Is this a rich man who lives in Dublin?
2024-02-27 Is this boy nursing a Christ complex?
2024-02-26 Is that the place where the sun is worshiped?
2024-02-25 Is this a couple of old painted shoes?
2024-02-24 Is that an elephant sleeping soundly?
2024-02-23 Is this a porcupine with droopy spikes?
2024-02-22 Drawn, and quartered, and left for everyone to see.
2024-02-21 If there were justice, Putin would be hung,
2024-02-20 Can you not sleep because you need the pain?
2024-02-19 The real Russia, now, lives among the dead.
2024-02-18 My beard is a constant surprise to me.
2024-02-17 Thirty fathers, and at least ten women.
2024-02-16 If you're not real, then you can't get off the bus.
2024-02-15 There is status in self, but there is no gold.
2024-02-14 The cure that I found was in-between.
2024-02-13 The poison that I took was sleeplessness,
2024-02-12 Modern Sebastian, mess of wires.
2024-02-11 All of us are on the brink of ruin.
2024-02-10 What if I said your words are little knives?
2024-02-09 What if I said that your face fills my with bile?
2024-02-08 What if I said that my eyes were bleeding?
2024-02-07 What if I said I didn't give a crap?
2024-02-06 All I ask is you are not comical.
2024-02-05 This is my mission, my project, my toy.
2024-02-04 STOP! Turn around. Do not go down that road.
2024-02-03 In warmer climes, they are a tad calmer.
2024-02-02 Didn't even ask if I took sugar.
2024-02-01 All I want is the world and some respect.
2024-01-31 Look at the state you've left the future in!
2024-01-30 Good and bad are words for the nursery.
2024-01-29 Tomorrow I will have a complete draft.
2024-01-28 Time was, I could write about the day.
2024-01-27 You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.
2024-01-26 try writing a book, colonize yourself.
2024-01-25 When all your friends decide to hibernate,
2024-01-24 There is no copyright on Genocide.
2024-01-23 it dislikes me. That's it! You've got it there!
2024-01-22 I do not dislike Modernity, but
2024-01-21 Disturbance to every living creature.
2024-01-20 You are the least quiet thing in the world.
2024-01-19 Silence finds no welcome at your doorway.
2024-01-18 You are a hollow drum for all the ages.
2024-01-17 What is that noise at the back of your head?
2024-01-16 Lie back and think of European Zones.
2024-01-15 Legislator of nothing much at all.
2024-01-14 Centre of pain and dislocation.
2024-01-13 There's a reason it's called The Dead Sea.
2024-01-12 and return to me without my bidding.
2024-01-11 I have followed the dreams that fade away,
2024-01-10 Dead ends, red herrings, false starts, no brainer,
2024-01-09 We can actually see what you're doing.
2024-01-08 Desire is something that squats in your head.
2024-01-07 Telepathy is a subject that delights us.
2024-01-06 If I were a worm, I'd poop a crown.
2024-01-05 If I were a dog, I'd seek therapy.
2024-01-04 If I were a penguin, I'd invent shoes.
2024-01-03 the last dry lips that will ever confess.
2024-01-02 She said ours are the last eyes that will see,
2024-01-01 The swollen seagulls, the hum of traffic.
2023-12-31 the concrete contours of our horizon,
2023-12-30 of everything we counted as home,
2023-12-29 She looked at me as if it were the end
2023-12-28 If only life had a well stocked app store.
2023-12-27 Beware of the commas, points and stops!
2023-12-26 because Love hitches a lift on Death's back.
2023-12-25 This is an old , once venerable ethic,
2023-12-24 The worst thing to be is a hypocrite.
2023-12-23 Still here, still strong, still getting up and on.
2023-12-22 All this treasure is wasted on you.
2023-12-21 Thanatos over Eros every time.
2023-12-20 If I'm going blind, won't somebody tell me.
2023-12-19 I wish I was a creature of the sun.
2023-12-18 Interesting stories don't have me in them.
2023-12-17 To be cool here, you have to have a cough.
2023-12-16 Bemoan the cause, do not bemoan the cost.
2023-12-15 You are the fire in my wife's belly.
2023-12-14 But I do not understand her answers.
2023-12-13 Nature has given me all these questions,
2023-12-12 What is beautiful and also what's not.
2023-12-11 Surely I have a heart that I might love.
2023-12-10 Surely I have arms that I might swim.
2023-12-09 Surely I have feet that I might climb.
2023-12-08 this generation and many others.
2023-12-07 Surely I have reason that I might teach
2023-12-06 Surely I have a mouth that I might speak.
2023-12-05 Surely I have ears that I might hear.
2023-12-04 Over this land, or any other.
2023-12-03 Surely I have senses that I might scan
2023-12-02 Surely I have eyes that I might see.
2023-12-01 Surely I have legs that I might walk.
2023-11-30 The Parkinson's Disease Hymn to Nature.
2023-11-29 I don't know what I am, but I'm not that.
2023-11-28 I'm not a fucking Englishman, capisce?
2023-11-27 He is waiting for God to call, but HE won't.
2023-11-26 He loves no one, business is business.
2023-11-25 Having spread his bile around, he goes back to dreaming.
2023-11-24 There is even a man whose name is PJ.
2023-11-23 It's easy to be a man with a gun.
2023-11-22 But I do not know what other people think.
2023-11-21 I am a man who thinks what other people know.
2023-11-20 Everyone here wears tartan pyjamas.
2023-11-19 William Booth, still shitting on my dreams.
2023-11-18 Sometimes one and two, one and two don't work.
2023-11-17 Terrorist babies, your worst nightmare.
2023-11-16 Terrorist babies hold their war council.
2023-11-15 Terrorist babies cancelling the moon.
2023-11-14 Terrorist babies want to fuck you up.
2023-11-13 Terrorist babies, either you or them.
2023-11-12 Terrorist babies discuss strategies.
2023-11-11 Terrorist babies are coming for you.
2023-11-10 Babies, terrorists before they were born.
2023-11-09 40% of the victims are children!
2023-11-08 Where are you getting all these monstrous bombs?
2023-11-07 We know where Trump is, in the law courts.
2023-11-06 Where is Obama? Where are the Clintons?
2023-11-05 There is only one subject, until there's not.
2023-11-04 Innocence is not allowed in Gaza.
2023-11-03 Children of Gaza are NOT terrorists.
2023-11-02 Disgusting orgy of narcissism.
2023-11-01 Boris Johnson is a moron, who knew?
2023-10-31 Starmer, just wake up and back a ceasefire.
2023-10-30 No opportunity for irony.
2023-10-29 Samhain, Halloween our empty pockets.
2023-10-28 All this comes about through our misreading.
2023-10-27 Everyone is seeing double, my friend.
2023-10-26 Perpetual shadow of the Middle East.
2023-10-25 I wonder what's going on in Ukraine?
2023-10-24 Whoever did that is going to Hell.
2023-10-23 Poetry is the heart's antithesis.
2023-10-22 Hunt them down like dogs, but don't become dogs.
2023-10-21 Free the Palestinians! Free Yourselves.
2023-10-20 Hamas are monsters, you should know better.
2023-10-19 Can't read Derrida with the rugby on.
2023-10-18 Israel, do not become your own nightmare.
2023-10-17 The Master looks at the Slave as a mirror.
2023-10-16 STOP emboldening the Israeli regime.
2023-10-15 I do not see a way out of all of this.
2023-10-14 Corny is a word that we never use.
2023-10-13 And yes walking, I remember that too.
2023-10-12 because everything that lives is holy.
2023-10-11 and you don't need Nietzsche to make this true,
2023-10-10 It wasn't me, it was that other guy.
2023-10-09 The darkest sky is the one before dawn.
2023-10-08 But you can't run society like that.
2023-10-07 There you go buster, making sense again.
2023-10-06 More like a style you adopt for this.
2023-10-05 Identity, personhood, loads of names.
2023-10-04 Character, I find, is not a constant.
2023-10-03 Blank sky at night with no stars and no hope.
2023-10-02 The writing books lark is nerve-racking
2023-10-01 Can I have my money back, Mister?
2023-09-30 I cannot believe it is October.
2023-09-29 Arsenal are learning to sing again.
2023-09-28 She was a star, now she's a broken bridge.
2023-09-27 R.I.P. Jude, noblest of dogs.
2023-09-26 He was great, but now he's made of butter.
2023-09-25 We are the creatures that exceed all doubt.
2023-09-24 Lost your voice? Now where did you last see it?
2023-09-23 Too shaky to post an emoticon.
2023-09-22 For 'signifiance', read the late Roland Barthes.
2023-09-21 Conscious arbiter of signifiance.
2023-09-20 Theory of free play that got them flustered.
2023-09-19 Spinner of lines without due referent.
2023-09-18 I have been accused of being obtuse.
2023-09-17 It's the force of self-determination.
2023-09-16 Some lines here are too ontological.
2023-09-15 I feel like an old man who's lost his socks.
2023-09-14 I'm a theorist who doesn't read theory.
2023-09-13 Foucault comes storming out of the cupboard.
2023-09-12 Think of love and war and the pact they make.
2023-09-11 London is over, it does not exist.
2023-09-10 You are my philosophical zombie.
2023-09-09 Mother, that was another, also Breathe.
2023-09-08 What ever I did... Whatever you did?
2023-09-07 Boy Band Song was a critique, by the way.
2023-09-06 Like Boy Band Song or Bored or Blind or Pimp.
2023-09-05 All those songs nobody will ever sing.
2023-09-04 Makes me think of that sod with a guitar.
2023-09-03 Predictive text is writing this for me.
2023-09-02 September is a splinter in my mind.
2023-09-01 I'll put a bomb there, under my right hand.
2023-08-31 You can't play Rhapsody in Blue too loud.
2023-08-30 Hair cut, beard trimmed, and I'm sane again.
2023-08-29 The sky must soon forget the blazing sun.
2023-08-28 Little green boxes that disrupt my flow.
2023-08-27 Maybe I am allergic to our cat.
2023-08-26 Grumble with me and I'll rumble with you.
2023-08-25 Autoimmunity sounds like self help.
2023-08-24 I've grown to be resistant to myself.
2023-08-23 My small voice is taking a battering.
2023-08-22 Our monuments are built with bytes not bricks.
2023-08-21 My umbrella has taught itself Spanish.
2023-08-20 I break my fast with etymologies.
2023-08-19 We've had too much of the Devil may swing.
2023-08-18 Some people just have to walk into the distance.
2023-08-17 I'll be falling asleep standing up next.
2023-08-16 Or at least madder than I am right now.
2023-08-15 I could keep on, but it would drive me mad.
2023-08-14 And they call this the mystery of love.
2023-08-13 They hate you more than you can understand.
2023-08-12 Deep sleeper, sleeping through Armageddon.
2023-08-11 Naughty child holding a lit firework.
2023-08-10 No democracy if no government.
2023-08-09 Always one or two lines behind myself.
2023-08-08 The point is, we have not learnt to eat cake.
2023-08-07 Or else we passed that landmark long ago.
2023-08-06 This may be the last human century.
2023-08-05 Some people are the river, some the stone.
2023-08-04 Blue Liberals are prone to fascism.
2023-08-03 I took a suitcase of drugs to Kerry.
2023-08-02 America sleeps, everyone else burns.
2023-08-01 Trump on the threshold of a prison cell.
2023-07-31 Biden's hands are tied in a fancy knot.
2023-07-30 I am bored of my disability.
2023-07-29 The infancy of the world is over.
2023-07-28 An infirmary of the muddy mind.
2023-07-27 There's no forgiveness in this bloody rain.
2023-07-26 Join in the general murmuration.
2023-07-25 Dylan Moran for our next President.
2023-07-24 All the wrong people in all the wrong holes.
2023-07-23 Doctor! Doctor! My car has exploded.
2023-07-22 Television is obsessed with death.
2023-07-21 Listen to this pair of cremated socks.
2023-07-20 In Sheffield, everyone calls them shreddies.
2023-07-19 There's too much anti-matter in my hat.
2023-07-18 Russia has many sons to sacrifice.
2023-07-17 They deserve more success than they wanted.
2023-07-16 Am I having to repeat this again?
2023-07-15 Why have we started to speak so quietly?
2023-07-14 The end of the beginning of this war.
2023-07-13 I have lived by my eyes, now they are spent.
2023-07-12 We've all become a little bit tetchy.
2023-07-11 When it comes to teeth, sweets do not repair.
2023-07-10 Forgotten Palestine once again burns.
2023-07-09 Betrayed Palestine is weeping again.
2023-07-08 But most of all your unwasted legs.
2023-07-07 and for your dubious, heard it all ears.
2023-07-06 I write for the sake of your open eye,
2023-07-05 Confession is a dark, dim illusion.
2023-07-04 I am tempted to spill all the beans.
2023-07-03 I am very tempted to address you.
2023-07-02 Spectacles that work, that would be an idea.
2023-07-01 Every day now, I am just surviving.
2023-06-30 Love is Land, you're on the spot there. baby!
2023-06-29 It's just a step away, it's just a step away...
2023-06-28 The human face is one small step away.
2023-06-27 And you also know how to turn my off one on.
2023-06-26 I'm addicted to chocolate biscuits.
2023-06-25 Sixty heads towards me like a freight train.
2023-06-24 Sometimes the referent sails out of sight.
2023-06-23 You know how to turn my on button off.
2023-06-22 Russia has lost its unique memory.
2023-06-21 Setting our course to the heart of the sun.
2023-06-20 Luminescence is now universal.
2023-06-19 That was the worst nightmare of a seizure.
2023-06-18 We have globalized lunacy and fear.
2023-06-17 Last thing at night, you smile like sunrise.
2023-06-16 First thing in the morning, your midnight face.
2023-06-15 Insomnia is a true love of time.
2023-06-14 Your face is the East when the moon is full.
2023-06-13 I love you whenever you're not around.
2023-06-12 Your face is like an old sticky keyboard.
2023-06-11 Your conscience behaves like predictive text.
2023-06-10 I read your books, but I don't understand them.
2023-06-09 I am your friend, although I hate your guts
2023-06-08 I am a notebook and you are a pen.
2023-06-07 Things not to say to someone you love:
2023-06-06 Chance, the courtesan of evolution.
2023-06-05 Cry for him, and let your tears change the world.
2023-06-04 If you were a photo, what would you show?
2023-06-03 Nobody seems to be counting the dead.
2023-06-02 Without silence, there can be no writing.
2023-06-01 If time stood still, then I could catch up.
2023-05-31 For sweetness and light, read anger and filth.
2023-05-30 From the bedroom to the stairs, it is gone.
2023-05-29 Don't try and force it, think of something else.
2023-05-28 If I cannot sleep, I think of Ukraine.
2023-05-27 Where are they going, the people who pass by?
2023-05-26 Melancholia is the sweetest drug.
2023-05-25 That's about it with all the yesterdays.
2023-05-23 I am keeping the pharmacy afloat.
2023-05-22 Grab your mac and dance to the Bunnymen
2023-05-21 Tear your tee-shirt, if not already torn.
2023-05-20 Wear your hair long, but only to one side.
2023-05-19 Indie came like an overdue revelation.
2023-05-18 Kissing the red haired girl in the cloakroom.
2023-05-17 Sorry, you have no memories today.
2023-05-16 Has this all become too prosaic?
2023-05-15 Teasing Mr. Long for being a twit.
2023-05-14 Drinkin vodka and black behind the quad.
2023-05-13 No, but loads of money buys you cups.
2023-05-12 Did I do something, or are Arsenal cursed?
2023-05-11 Staying awake isn't insomnia.
2023-05-10 Walking home from school full of silver clouds.
2023-05-09 Feeding the ducks, concocting my future.
2023-05-08 Listening to The Cure with the lights turned off.
2023-05-07 We do not fancy another world war!
2023-05-05 There will be other mornings like this.
2023-05-04 Growing a beard so I can teach it tricks.
2023-05-03 You just can't mark essays with your eyes closed.
2023-05-02 If I'm a monster, then you are mad.
2023-05-01 Sleep, the prerogative of the homeless.
2023-04-30 Sleeping is a variety of war.
2023-04-29 Labyrinths not mazes, but who can tell?
2023-04-28 Don't go looking or you'll never come back,
2023-04-27 Radical juxtaposition, that's all.
2023-04-26 To fall asleep is to cease shaking.
2023-04-25 Purveyor of darkness, child murderer.
2023-04-24 How do you know that they love the sunlight?
2023-04-24 The one thing that matters is point of view.
2023-04-23 Zombie newscasters are talking at me.
2023-04-22 All my life waiting for its arrival.
2023-04-21 it is, simply, the distance between us.
2023-04-20 Let's be clear, hell is not other people,
2023-04-19 And this is the hell that is existence.
2023-04-18 I could never guide you from here to there.
2023-04-17 We could do this for all eternity.
2023-04-16 Here there are names which mean the sun and moon.
2023-04-15 Nietzsche, physical torment with a smile.
2023-04-14 You cannot send a hole, just enter it.
2023-04-13 If you cannot make poetry out of this...
2023-04-12 Last night my body shook like a building,
2023-04-11 There is no dustbin big enough for you.
2023-04-10 You are dust, drift, impossible dreck.
2023-04-09 No more idiot, T. S. Eliot.
2023-04-08 Just another delusional presence.
2023-04-07 And when you see me, I'm not really there.
2023-04-06 I go outside just enough to stay in.
2023-04-05 No to philosophical poetry.
2023-04-04 and in arriving, it cancels presence.
2023-04-03 It arrives, the abolition of now
2023-04-02 Direct flash and all the calendars burn.
2023-04-01 Direct flash and all the animals die.
2023-03-31 And it is always gone and so never.
2023-03-30 Always arriving until it is gone.
2023-03-29 But tomorrow's gone with what's arriving.
2023-03-28 So, action and beginning tomorrow,
2023-03-27 But tomorrow the immedicable.
2023-03-26 So, responsibility tomorrow,
2023-03-25 On the long-finger and yet imminent.
2023-03-24 Always arriving, never arriving.
2023-03-23 It has the property of arriving.
2023-03-22 The end has broken free of the future.
2023-03-21 Oh no Brideshead! I'll want to start smoking!
2023-03-20 National anthem of nowhere at all.
2023-03-19 It's only fate when it's done and dusted.
2023-03-18 Tomorrow is presence not arriving.
2023-03-17 But hold yourself together most of all.
2023-03-16 Hold me close in the storm that's coming.
2023-03-15 Cats are funny, you can stare them to sleep.
2023-03-14 Regard today's earthquakes, wars, disasters
2023-03-13 Turn to void reflection, realism,
2023-03-12 This version, digression, divergence, blind.
2023-03-11 Professor, Deconstructor, Doctor, Spoof.
2023-03-10 Academic parlour game, LOST AND FOUND.
2023-03-08 Better to ask where the ship is heading.
2023-03-07 Influence is simply the ship's pump room.
2023-03-06 and without, and passing between the two.
2023-03-05 History is the alien within
2023-03-04 Product of the noble art of blinking.
2023-03-03 But influence is engine, not meaning.
2023-03-02 Romance quest over, influence toppled.
2023-03-01 No need to progress, thesis is achieved.
2023-02-28 Mystery resolved, intertext located.
2023-02-17 William Blake is the lock and the key.
2023-02-16 I've said it before, I'll say it again,
2023-02-15 Then the world would turn strange and alien.
2023-02-14 If I could cleanse the iris of bias,
2023-02-13 I see another world in a clump of clouds.
2023-02-12 Faces in the curtains, carpets, and duvets.
2023-02-11 Faces that P.B. Shelley might have sketched.
2023-02-10 I see faces in the weirdest places.
2023-02-06 Nice one God, you've played a blinder there.
2023-02-05 There's light, but it's not coming from the sun.
2023-02-04 We cannot take this bastard anywhere.
2023-02-03 Daddy fell over in the restaurant,
2023-02-02 Daddy fell over in the bathroom oh,
2023-02-01 Daddy fell over in the kitchen oh,
2023-01-31 Bright sky in the morning, our nakedness.
2023-01-30 Dark sky at night, no money to be seen,
2023-01-29 Oh my poor soul, what are we all to do?
2023-01-28 Daddy fell over with a great, big crash.
2023-01-27 Daddy fell over chasing you and me.
2023-01-26 Daddy fell over like a big, old tree.
2023-01-25 It's just my stupid, poor, palsied arm.
2023-01-24 I'm not excited, no my daddio
2023-01-23 Parkinson's Disease, folksongs and folklore
2023-01-22 Not frozen and stranded like a bastard.
2023-01-21 And you'll be walking home again, my son,
2023-01-20 And the right leg do the work of the left
2023-01-19 Let the left leg do the work of the right
2023-01-18 Someone forgot to download the future.
2023-01-17 The sun rises above a sea of blood.
2023-01-16 Goodbye to the faithful and false reader.
2023-01-15 Goodbye to plentitude, all walls secured.
2023-01-14 Goodbye to books, the worlds that they contain.
2023-01-13 Goodbye to the good European dream.
2023-01-12 Goodbye to ignorant martyrdom.
2023-01-11 Goodbye to the good touch, tomorrow's heart.
2023-01-10 The world-wide, starving, digital gob-face.
2023-01-09 Eaten by the ravenous, global maw.
2023-01-08 Happiest when slipping down the basin.
2023-01-07 Somethings now, from today, unsavable.
2023-01-06 Somethings now, from today, unsayable.
2023-01-05 Prophetic paradox, Cretin liar.
2023-01-04 Nothing will ever be true again.
2023-01-03 Nothing will ever be good again.
2023-01-02 All that unsaid hurt, all that cold desire.
2023-01-01 All that innocence, all that gaity.
2022-12-31 ********
2022-12-30 The world turned evil for no reason.
2022-12-29 Tears of every Ukrainian mother.
2022-12-28 Tears of every Ukrainian fighter.
2022-12-27 At once totally futile yet precious.
2022-12-26 Cinders, ashes, born of conflgraation.
2022-12-25 Poetry is the art of retrieval.
2022-12-24 Acme of all analogies in this.
2022-12-23 Have sufficient strength to take up the sail.
2022-12-22 So long as you, amongst your brokenness,
2022-12-21 So long as you can lose yourself like that.
2022-12-20 Restoration, not the same, but still.
2022-12-19 Until epiphany breaks into despair.
2022-12-18 Physical labour gone down the plughole.
2022-12-17 Perfection of memory in machines.
2022-12-16 Hubris is the idea of the archive.
2022-12-15 True despair upon something and nothing.
2022-12-14 Cataclysm of our own written sign.
2022-12-13 A minor, unnoticed apocalypse.
2022-12-12 Death is not the reserve of you and me.
2022-12-11 Computerized haven, memory dump.
2022-12-10 The lights are going out in me and you.
2022-12-09 Catching myself up in ones is just no good.
2022-12-08 Infinity, figure eight's whodunnit?
2022-12-07 There is not enough meaning for everything.
2022-12-06 I have memories I can't remember.
2022-12-05 Out of the words springs opportunity.
2022-12-04 King Mezentius may have had a point.
2022-12-03 Just leave my Nobel Prize by the door step.
2022-12-02 The fifth element must surely be speed.
2022-12-01 It only exists if we remember.
2022-11-30 We're looking for a place that knows our name.
2022-11-29 We're looking for a place in which to breathe.
2022-11-28 Democratic-biographic freedom.
2022-11-27 Bring back the body that has been hidden.
2022-11-26 It is all a question of memory.
2022-11-25 again and again / again and again.
2022-11-24 This is the end of the Ancien Rgime.
2022-11-23 People Power in China and Iran.
2022-11-22 A doorway is an opportunity.
2022-11-21 Support Iranian revolution.
2022-11-20 Why not defeat the morality machine?*
2022-11-19 I am obsessed with luxury biscuits.
2022-11-18 Another stir and the pot might explode.
2022-11-17 Leave the bleeding hearts trailing in your wake.
2022-11-16 Just sleep. Dreams are the harbingers of the worst.
2022-11-15 Get up as late as you can and dream.
2022-11-14 and nothing more. Don't get your heart involved.
2022-11-13 You're there to supply the experience
2022-11-12 Editor in your head writes the poem.
2022-11-11 There is a large open field for lying.
2022-11-10 There is no room for misunderstanding.
2022-11-09 Ukrainian bombs create peace and love.
2022-11-08 Russian bombs make large holes in the pavement.
2022-11-07 I want to write poetry like Pollock and Rothko.
2022-11-06 The annual cop-out excuses shindig.
2022-11-05 They're playing the World Cup in an oven.
2022-11-04 If you struggled to walk like me.
2022-11-03 As is I possessed such a vaulted thing.
2022-11-02 There should be more sunshine in my vision.
2022-11-01 No wonder I'm a student of despair.
2022-10-31 In poetry we become phantasmal.
2022-10-30 In prose we seem to be concerned with ghosts.
2022-10-29 This is the everlasting cough ROUND SIX.
2022-10-28 How many times have we watched Paddington?
2022-10-27 You are Chamberlain waving his white note.
2022-10-26 I don't believe you believe in this war.
2022-10-25 If it comes without our preparation.
2022-10-24 The war that will quickly go nuclear.
2022-10-23 The one that will quickly become global.
2022-10-22 I'm talking about the imminent war.
2022-10-21 Is there no preparation for the war.
2022-10-20 Never been so _____ around a World Cup.
2022-10-19 I have stopped.... ?
2022-10-18 Polar bear standing on a cliff of ice.
2022-10-17 All those dark silences from the womb on.
2022-10-16 And in the end you forget to repress.
2022-10-15 And me, it is home, finally, to me.
2022-10-14 That's why it's home to all the world's misfits.
2022-10-13 Ireland's history happens somewhere else.
2022-10-12 To be a Tory is to despise life.
2022-10-11 Once as tragedy, the second as farce.
2022-10-10 Like the horizon, always receding.
2022-10-09 It's October, must be Gulliver.
2022-10-08 Family time watching the world collapse.
2022-10-07 Reading Freud is like blowing my brains out.
2022-10-06 Sometimes even I can use computers.
2022-10-05 My first work fall, I dedicate to you.
2022-10-04 I am officially bloody useless.
2022-10-03 I will never get used to these goodbyes.
2022-10-02 I'm clambering up the drain pipe of love.
2022-10-01 Liz Truss has lost what she never possessed.
2022-09-30 The bank of England is revolting now.
2022-09-29 Holes are eyes that cannot see anymore.
2022-09-28 Ada Lovelace was a natural steam punker.
2022-09-27 Europe has forgotten what it gave birth.
2022-09-26 There's a right wing coup in the British Isles.
2022-09-25 Bolsonaro, a pair of soiled jocks.
2022-09-24 Liz Truss is a torn, old, sweaty jumper.
2022-09-23 But it's not as bendy as that, you fool!
2022-09-22 Reality alters when it's looked at.
2022-09-21 We all live in a giant frac machine.
2022-09-20 Time's pimped motorcar is catching up now.
2022-09-19 Jacob Rees-Mog you are a strange disgrace.
2022-09-18 Oh Leicester, for pity's sake!, don't go there.
2022-09-17 Ukraine is and will continue to win.
2022-09-16 The Lord Mayor and myself on the same script.
2022-09-15 Cork City at night sounds like a tug boat.
2022-09-14 Putin you are just a playground bully.
2022-09-13 No bird soars too high without its own wings.
2022-09-12 What you have overcome will bite you in the bum.
2022-09-11 Age will just have to become a virtue.
2022-09-10 The weather now becomes a joke.
2022-09-09 I hate the way guns are such a feature.
2022-09-08 Do not pity the plumage but the bird.
2022-09-07 I can't finish this, I must go to sleep.
2022-09-06 But we are fat and idle and lacking soul.
2022-09-05 We need to build the Fifth Estate again.
2022-09-03 I have grown mad about Millionaire.
2022-09-02 This is like writing with your fingers tied.
2022-09-01 We seem to be wandering from the point.
2022-08-31 If time is a dimension then you're a horse.
2022-08-30 All this scratching at a very fine spot.
2022-08-29 These days the morning's a rattle of drugs.
2022-08-28 I am like the UK, I am just bits.
2022-08-27 Another match like that and I'll expire.
2022-08-26 The last fully electronic poet.
2022-08-25 Autocheck is learning to write poems.
2022-08-24 Get Kafka off your shelves and dust him down.
2022-08-23 Our love for each other will not save us.
2022-08-22 I'm trying to sort out all my notebooks.
2022-08-21 I could never live on a riverboat.
2022-08-20 I am like Europe, I'm falling to bits.
2022-08-19 The evening always begins with Pointless.
2022-08-18 If you do this, shouldn't you know the date?
2022-08-17 But my fingers are making a comeback.
2022-08-16 Some mornings a body just can't get up.
2022-08-15 Quantum Entanglement is not spooky.
2022-08-14 Watching Man United is like bleeding.
2022-08-13 Salman Rushdie, we do not deserve you.
2022-08-12 At its centre is a foreign body.
2022-08-11 This isn't Ireland, this is Italy.
2022-08-10 My world is shrinking under this fierce sun.
2022-08-09 My fingers are now unreliable.
2022-08-08 And what is this if it's not commentary?
2022-08-07 In the future I'll write my own Mishnah.
2022-08-06 That bullet is still whizzing through the air.
2022-08-05 I'll emphasize the boom in baby boom.
2022-08-04 Another character without an arse.
2022-08-03 I miss the tears and I miss the tickles.
2022-08-02 Reeling In the Years shows the wrong faces.
2022-08-01 Everybody's got their own game to play.
2022-07-31 If there was a God, this would not happen.
2022-07-30 You'll be picking me up at airports next.
2022-07-29 Let's not get too confessional here.
2022-07-28 Poison is eating from the inside.
2022-07-27 I don't know where such a story came from.
2022-07-26 And friendship between Bird and his Shadow.
2022-07-25 My story is about skepticism.
2022-07-24 Except whenever it comes to rugby.
2022-07-23 I'm an Irish supporter of England.
2022-07-22 I'm enjoying a tournament for once.
2022-07-21 The Kerry Paps, you filthy minded beast!
2022-07-20 Particularly impressed with Paps.
2022-07-19 Joe Root is good but Bairstow is better.
2022-07-18 Jesus! Can I catch up with one day.
2022-07-17 The void haunts everything we say and do.
2022-07-16 The one-eyed King and Queen have been destroyed.
2022-07-15 We have become death, destroyer of worlds.
2022-07-14 She thought I was a chair leg, or a dog.
2022-07-13 The James Webb Telescope will murder God.
2022-07-12 Putin, I would be an assassin too.
2022-07-11 When you swim, do not use your spectacles.
2022-07-10 We're patiently waiting for our heatwave.
2022-07-09 The trick is to close your eyes and whistle.
2022-07-08 This is harder than you thought, isn't it?
2022-07-07 Show us Yahweh with blind eyes and compass.
2022-07-06 Dalton's notes on ever changing weather.
2022-07-05 The reek of human blood smiles out of us.
2022-07-04 The no-keys-needed version of your life.
2022-07-03 And in the end there's nothing you can do.
2022-07-02 Putin, the inverted mirror of truth.
2022-07-01 Putin, tragically a human being.
2022-06-30 Putin, not a leader but a coward.
2022-06-29 Putin, the purveyor of dread and death.
2022-06-28 Putin, a clown who thinks he's a hero.
2022-06-27 Putin, the surprize saviour of NATO.
2022-06-26 Putin, unwitting source of unity.
2022-06-25 What kind of man would decide to do that?
2022-06-24 I've got no in- I've got insomnia.
2022-06-23 I need someone to talk about cricket.
2022-06-22 I have wikileaked my mind and my soul.
2022-06-21 My dad is far more handsome than I am.
2022-06-20 Somebody put a bug in my software.
2022-06-19 The science of the universe is love.
2022-06-18 I come from the country of yesterday.
2022-06-17 This should be written by Andy Warhol.
2022-06-16 If I was a painter, I'd paint your face.
2022-06-15 A rainbow is only a fleeting thing.
2022-06-14 This is my style in its purest form.
2022-06-13 A city is an abomination.
2022-06-12 The wicked man thinks books are old fashioned.
2022-06-11 I am less than a stone in a river.
2022-06-10 The virtuous man drinks plenty of wine.
2022-06-09 The body smiles a smile as it shifts towards death.
2022-06-08 Photographs are the death of all romance.
2022-06-07 Hazel is a word with a Z in it.
2022-06-06 I am the man who has left tomorrow.
2022-06-05 Educate yourself about menopause.
2022-06-04 Penalties, the working man's opera.
2022-06-03 Television news is unbearable.
2022-06-02 Oh my god! all the animals have died.
2022-06-01 Oh my god! We don't like nuclear threats.
2022-05-31 Oh my god! I think I've damaged my thumb.
2022-05-30 Oh my god! You're like that guy on Youtube.
2022-05-29 I will never catch myself up this way.
2022-05-28 We are in the gutter, the sky is blank
2022-05-27 As it is, I live and die a Shaker.
2022-05-26 If forced to choose, I would be a Ranter.
2022-05-25 I am so glad that I gave up the fags.
2022-05-24 You should show me on Antiques Roadshow.
2022-05-23 There is another world, oh there must be.
2022-05-22 I want to tear down the walls in my mind.
2022-05-21 I want to be a punk and make trouble.
2022-05-20 Three o'clock and I'm writing holes.
2022-05-19 The next thing is fish, this next thing is fish.
2022-05-18 We are in the Dark Ages alright.
2022-05-17 From a long way up we all look like ants.
2022-05-16 This century is like a B-movie.
2022-05-15 Throw me a questionnaire and I'll kiss you.
2022-05-14 I want to tear you down with my bare hands.
2022-05-13 I don't believe child soldiers are evil.
2022-05-12 I cannot compete with my laptop.
2022-05-11 And none of this makes any difference.
2022-05-10 I would give Putin a jolly good slap.
2022-05-09 I have marked myself into heartlessness.
2022-05-08 There is no other world for us but this.
2022-05-07 This is thick history, but done thinly
2022-05-06 If I was a building, you'd be condemned.
2022-05-05 You make me cry and I become winter.
2022-05-04 If I was a dancer, you'd be a dog.
2022-05-03 Shorts so tight they threaten catastrophe.
2022-05-02 Russia must pay for Ukraine's restructure.
2022-05-01 Beyond the bedroom door, I keep a light.
2022-04-30 Before he spoke, Ezekiel ate words.
2022-04-29 My body is talking louder than me.
2022-04-28 Round the corner is, given time, the sea.
2022-04-27 Imagination, conjuring the worst.
2022-04-26 Putin is the great mistake of our time.
2022-04-25 Politics is not graphs and statistics.
2022-04-24 This is perhaps hallucinatory.
2022-04-23 Are you waiting for some epiphany?
2022-04-22 His face is an arse that has not been wiped.
2022-04-21 He thinks he's a genius, silly sod.
2022-04-20 He has the stench of sewage about him.
2022-04-19 He thinks he's a leader, but he's a worm.
2022-04-18 He thinks he's Churchill, he's a liar.
2022-04-17 Keep me up, keep me out, keep me open.
2022-04-16 I've made peace with all the gods there are.
2022-04-15 Change the future, the present empties.
2022-04-14 Change the past and the present disappears.
2022-04-13 Why does everybody sound like the police?
2022-04-12 A cure is not available to you.
2022-04-11 mouth, anus, exit wound, eye, and the rest.
2022-04-10 The eagerness of birds, morning half-light.
2022-04-09 I have an allergy to whispering.
2022-04-08 Sanctuary is a haunted refugee.
2022-04-07 Putin you stupid, stupid, stupid man.
2022-04-06 it's from here the worst and the best derive.
2022-04-05 My brain is not right but my head survives,
2022-04-04 and everything else I could ever know.
2022-04-03 that conjures such absurdities as me,
2022-04-02 this unholy, revolting, clump of stuff,
2022-04-01 this bundle of nerves, neurons, and gristle
2022-03-31 about this soggy, woe-begotten sack,
2022-03-30 by me I mean that entity that thinks
2022-03-29 that gives the illusion of being me,
2022-03-28 by brain I mean bundle of tissue
2022-03-27 My head is not right. By head I mean brain,
2022-03-26 Putin is trying out for Herod's role.
2022-03-25 Hey Putin, when did you become so mad?
2022-03-24 Hey Putin, what on Earth are you doing?
2022-03-23 Humanity's not what I thought it was.
2022-03-22 Under caution Bojo! Under Caution!
2022-03-21 A little taste of what we can expect.
2022-03-20 Two storms and the threat of nuclear war.
2022-03-19 There's a thin line of culture between us.
2022-03-18 For myself, I don't fancy World War Three.
2022-03-17 Did you know Putin has a big, big dick?
2022-03-16 I've painted myself into a corner.
2022-03-15 or just the rellation between those things.
2022-03-14 whether what speeds is an object or no
2022-03-13 and speed becomes all that there ever is
2022-03-12 save an impossibility of speed
2022-03-11 so that nothing connects to anything
2022-03-10 and my stars race out at the speed of light
2022-03-09 so that my tongue can't keep up with my stars
2022-03-08 but all at once, a sudden violent sneeze
2022-03-07 not day after day, not week after week
2022-03-06 a sudden tsunami of one liners
2022-03-05 And suddenly the lines come spiling out
2022-03-04 Open the door, close the door, don't go there.
2022-03-03 Take a dump over there and don't do it here.
2022-03-02 You are that man and I am Godzilla.
2022-03-01 Or maybe some kind of woody ballad.
2022-02-28 I love it when good people get good things.
2022-02-27 Just go and enjoy your togetherness x
2022-02-26 The irony of this book knows no end.
2022-02-25 That Alfoxden oak tree could tell a tale.
2022-02-24 I am older now than I've ever been.
2022-02-23 Time pases, we don't like it but it does.
2022-02-22 The lost traveller's dream under the hill.
2022-02-21 I believe in the dream of the walker.
2022-02-20 Time's winged chariot, I hate your guts.
2022-02-19 The rats are deserting the ship of rats.
2022-02-18 Fling in those Tory letters of no con.
2022-02-17 Why do all the spiders want to kiss me?
2022-02-16 Are these my hands or have I been bitten?
2022-02-15 Do I have a face or just an excuse?
2022-02-14 I feel like a stranger in a strange land.
2022-02-13 The Last Post played badly by tone deaf pups.
2022-02-12 I have declared war on all sacrifice.
2022-02-11 Sentences are the sanctuary of prose.
2022-02-10 He was as rough as an alley cat's tongue.
2022-02-09 Life is just harder without you, David.
2022-02-08 I have no love and no hate for this place.
2022-02-07 Happy birthday David, we still love you.
2022-02-06 The poet gives images not stories.
2022-02-05 Nothing sentential should pass your lips.
2022-02-04 The form should be fragments, not linear.
2022-02-03 The line and logic ought to be broken.
2022-02-02 Smear this palette with fingers and knuckles.
2022-02-01 It's about time we had a holiday.
2022-01-31 and I'm pleased I don't live there any more.
2022-01-30 Boris Johnson is the soul of England.
2022-01-29 Russians hold your toilet brushes high.
2022-01-28 Boy George is sixty, how did that happen?
2022-01-27 Your character donated to the poor.
2022-01-26 Your soul cryogenetically frozen.
2022-01-25 Your religion educated and cleansed.
2022-01-24 Happy, happiness, minimorale.
2022-01-23 Your teeth reset in less than fifty months.
2022-01-22 The ride has been highjacked by our end game.
2022-01-21 Your brain rewired in fifteen seconds.
2022-01-20 Conspiracy Theory, dreck sanctified.
2022-01-19 Russian interference cost me my face.
2022-01-18 Conspiracy Theory, shite believed in.
2022-01-17 Conspiracy Theory, error made truth.
2022-01-16 Shouting very loud, doesn't make it true.
2022-01-15 Put Chump in gaol before he runs again.
2022-01-14 My world reduced to a single bed.
2022-01-13 History finally caught up with me.
2022-01-12 Christmas, a time when there is space for thought.
2022-01-11 Rose of Tralee and Ms Information.
2022-01-10 Disinformation, misinformation.
2022-01-09 China, a land of reason and slaughter.
2022-01-08 This is the true American epoch.
2022-01-07 This is the age of aggressive morons.
2022-01-06 God is the dirt under your fingernails.
2022-01-05 The poet's task is to demystify.
2022-01-04 The day by day is just an illusion.
2022-01-03 I'm piecing together the last few months.
2022-01-02 Anti-vaxxers, reconnect with your brain.
2022-01-01 by typing out your god-forsaken names.
2021-12-31 Anti-vaxxers, step away from the mike.
2021-12-30 I wouldn't contaminate my fingers
2021-12-29 Anti-vaxxers, cleanse your minds of nonesense,
2021-12-28 Everyone knows who you are, you arsehole!
2021-12-27 I think we're done with subjectivity.
2021-12-26 Did you think I was going to name you?
2021-12-25 A loud voice is no substitute for thought.
2021-12-24 We live on the puke of your productions.
2021-12-23 Belief is the poor relation of Truth.
2021-12-22 We live in the whirl of your machines.
2021-12-21 Information is the high road of knowledge.
2021-12-20 We live on the crap of your ignorance.
2021-12-19 Rare Earth Elements are not very rare.
2021-12-18 We live in the filth of your betrayal.
2021-12-17 You can't plan for the day when the sun fails.
2021-12-16 We live with the fallout of your mistakes.
2021-12-15 Reason is a house with many windows.
2021-12-14 We live with the dreck of your promises.
2021-12-13 Knowlegde grows sleek on a diet of facts.
2021-12-12 We live in the spitoon of your deceit.
2021-12-11 I believe in education and facts.
2021-12-10 We live in the shithole of your disease.
2021-12-09 You really should stay off the internet.
2021-12-08 We live in the rubble of your lies.
2021-12-07 You believe in science? you're a monster!
2021-12-06 This is a world of non-smiling faces.
2021-12-05 You think Biden won the White House? Burn him!
2021-12-04 The trick is not to mind that it hurts.
2021-12-03 You think the Earth is round? You are evil!
2021-12-02 I meant there the US variety.
2021-12-01 You want facts? You must be a paedophile.
2021-11-30 Ban the Republicans from politics.
2021-11-29 Sleep may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-28 Soccer stars are immune from pandemics.
2021-11-27 How did this happen? All my friends have left!
2021-11-26 Snow may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-25 You have nothing I could ever desire.
2021-11-24 Dirt may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-23 I have nothing you could possibly want.
2021-11-22 Peas may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-21 America's enemy is the real.
2021-11-20 Wind may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-19 History is dead, Europe is finished.
2021-11-18 Rain may be part of the conspiracy.
2021-11-17 Thousands are dying of brute mimesis.
2021-11-16 Government is poor, but it's not evil.
2021-11-15 Nature breaks in as a pure negation.
2021-11-14 I am sorry but the Earth is not flat.
2021-11-13 We have so much knowledge, but no wisdom.
2021-11-12 If you want conspiracy, you'e a fool.
2021-11-11 Old letters, what a prick I was!
2021-11-10 It's fucking Novemember, it's not Christmas!
2021-11-09 Humankind cannot bear reality.
2021-11-08 Kermit will not now visit the Kremlin.
2021-11-07 Reality is an old, fragile crone.
2021-11-06 The skill is to turn the out into in.
2021-11-05 Anti-vaxxers, the truth still cares for you.
2021-11-04 Earth is a tin you can kick down the road.
2021-11-03 We'll deal with urgent business tomorrow.
2021-11-02 Kermit is now running the Cabinet.
2021-11-01 If you don't turn up then you can't cope out.
2021-10-31 If you want conspiracy, go away!
2021-10-30 Your body is a runway to the stars.
2021-10-29 My body is a bag of nervous cats.
2021-10-28 Trying to think above Spongebob Squarepants
2021-10-27 Mad dogs and Englishmen and the Tories.
2021-10-26 The brightest stars are the shortest lived.
2021-10-25 Human beings are purveyors of death.
2021-10-24 Leonard Bernstein taught me how to gurgle.
2021-10-23 Getting ready for Cop-Out 26.
2021-10-22 All modern wars are pathological.
2021-10-21 The best hats you forget you are wearing.
2021-10-20 no wonder you cannot enter your dreams!
2021-10-19 you pity yourself, and that disgusts you
2021-10-18 you envy the young for beauty and sex
2021-10-17 and you feel so helpless and dispossessed
2021-10-16 and what you know is a fraction of the Truth
2021-10-15 and you have no way of sharing what you know
2021-10-14 and that sickness covers the Earth like rain
2021-10-13 and you know the rest of the world is hell
2021-10-12 you have more privilege than you can own
2021-10-11 even you can't stand the sound of your voice
2021-10-10 nobody notices that you are bleeding
2021-10-09 what you desire is what you can't get
2021-10-08 Reasons why you can't get to sleep at night?.
2021-10-07 I have grown allergic to books again.
2021-10-06 Time won the day, time always wins the day.
2021-10-05 Come to this house of corners and soft falls.
2021-10-04 I spend my days in perpetual motion.
2021-10-03 A Latin quote would not be out of place.
2021-10-02 I know what people mean by rest in peace.
2021-10-01 This house, my ruin and my salvation.
2021-09-30 Silence, the clock is not ticking for you.
2021-09-29 I am too impulsive for my own good.
2021-09-28 Stuck here, chair-bound, waiting on chemistry.
2021-09-27 A ghost is an excess of energy.
2021-09-26 I see stars from the corners of my eyes.
2021-09-25 Your philosophy is what you look at.
2021-09-24 Words are weapons with which we wage wars.
2021-09-23 All of your speed vanishes at the door.
2021-09-22 All your securities have holes in them.
2021-09-21 What you trust is clearly culpable.
2021-09-20 What you fear is proven to be your friend.
2021-09-19 What you intend is what will not happen.
2021-09-18 All your bitter tears are sweet to the taste.
2021-09-17 All your energy leads to inertia.
2021-09-16 What you believe goes and disproves itself.
2021-09-15 What you anticipate is behind you.
2021-09-14 What you imagine is not what you get.
2021-09-13 Life has flattened out, there are no more folds.
2021-09-12 I am in love with Emma Raducanu.
2021-09-11 There is no elsewhere for our metaphor.
2021-09-10 He was well over the National Limit.
2021-09-09 Problem is your brain is full of chickens.
2021-09-08 Problem is there's no detail in your face.
2021-09-07 Maybe it's simply that you are that age.
2021-09-06 Everyone wants me to review their book.
2021-09-05 This year I'm back to the little red book.
2021-09-04 Maybe it's the vibe from Roxy Music.
2021-09-03 I must learn again to wait in patience.
2021-09-02 My bed is the tomb of many lost holes.
2021-09-01 And I dread the thought that there's less to come.
2021-08-31 Work is a toad, but writing is a worm.
2021-08-30 And I know that's almost fifteen years down.
2021-08-29 I feel the heft of what is written shift.
2021-08-28 Why have I got the Fifties in my head.
2021-08-27 At the end of this tunnel there's no light.
2021-08-26 Do not work for the National War Machine.
2021-08-25 A lot of people are wearing your face.
2021-08-24 No vaccine for us, the world is too flat.
2021-08-23 No vaccine for me, I drank Toilet Duck.
2021-08-22 No vaccine for us, we hate our neighbours.
2021-08-21 No vaccine for me, I'm frightened of pricks.
2021-08-20 Boris has got his head stuck in a bag.
2021-08-19 Boris isn't anywhere to be seen.
2021-08-18 No vaccine for me, I live in the bath.
2021-08-17 Look at those gunmen and tell me it's okay.
2021-08-16 How scared must those women and children be.
2021-08-15 200 years of Western meddling.
2021-08-14 Another AI film will do me in!
2021-08-13 and that's what you get for harbouring hope.
2021-08-12 They dare not now dream of Afghanistan.
2021-08-11 Perhaps Prince Andrew should join the clergy.
2021-08-10 No vaccine for us, made from children's tears.
2021-08-09 No vaccine for us, our god wants us dead.
2021-08-08 No vaccine for us, we read it spreads rats.
2021-08-07 No vaccine for me, my brain is a brick.
2021-08-06 Football appears like a summer head-cold.
2021-08-05 We used to have another word for that.
2021-08-04 Like a slap on your face on your birthday.
2021-08-03 At nine o'clock the sky was a grey chalk board.
2021-08-02 Got yourself home, managed as you do.
2021-08-01 If you are dying cease digging that hole.
2021-07-31 If you are uninspired pick up your Blake.
2021-07-30 If you are lonely open the front door.
2021-07-29 If you are cold go buy yourself a hat.
2021-07-28 Sleep came but it was tattered and broken.
2021-07-27 It's a rare cloud that turns the Earth to night.
2021-07-26 Lost in a world stuffed with information.
2021-07-25 Our Jerusalem is built brick by brick
2021-07-24 Learning to do absolutely nothing.
2021-07-23 Logorrheic exponents of Brick World.
2021-07-22 Sometime I hear you thinking about me.
2021-07-21 Good money is quickly forgotten.
2021-07-20 So no mournful epithalamium.
2021-07-19 That's a union that will grace the Earth.
2021-07-18 Leaderless, clueless, friendless
2021-07-17 Social Media is anti-social.
2021-07-16 Leaderless, clueless, and friendless nation.
2021-07-15 Spots before his eyes, bars within his mind.
2021-07-14 Suddenly no mirrors to be looked in.
2021-07-13 I am definitely not behind these lines.
2021-07-12 The trapped fly doesn't know what the house is.
2021-07-11 I woke up one day and the fear had gone.
2021-07-10 The only to live is to face death.
2021-07-09 I'll read the paper from the back today.
2021-07-08 These lines, fragile as memory.
2021-07-07 My poems are ghosts, faint shadows of time.
2021-07-06 My phone knows what I am going to write.
2021-07-05 Shelley would rise rather than fall in love.
2021-07-04 It has begun, coastal cities flooded.
2021-07-03 I feel like my body has let you down.
2021-07-02 Love is an invention to fool the poor.
2021-07-01 Even coherence is just one more hole.
2021-06-30 self annihilating law of the land.
2021-06-29 everything that abides by the clock-face
2021-06-28 resisting all barriers, all dead-ends,
2021-06-27 flowing back to the Great Mother Ocean
2021-06-26 following the cracks of our subsidence
2021-06-25 to what's porous, the tiniest of gaps
2021-06-24 like water finding a way to return
2021-06-23 nothing worth singing until your voice slips
2021-06-22 nothing new without breaking the vessels
2021-06-21 creation come from a swerve that breaks us
2021-06-20 and thus the idea of the clinamen
2021-06-19 so the thought returns of Lucretius
2021-06-18 that in breaking that oath coherence comes
2021-06-17 And of course the irony lies right there
2021-06-16 Some covenant neither of us witnessed?
2021-06-15 Would that break some pact we have between us?
2021-06-14 What if I started writing this to you?
2021-06-13 You no longer remind me when I'm late.
2021-06-12 Bye bye Arlene, know that we won't miss you.
2021-06-11 you have I have never agreed or signed.
2021-06-10 but then that feels like breaking some contract
2021-06-09 or someone born with no ears to speak of
2021-06-08 like a monk quietly involved in prayer
2021-06-07 in the purest of all pure silences
2021-06-06 and living whatever time is left to me
2021-06-05 and I feel like giving up on myself
2021-06-04 Sometime there's a gap much worse than a hole
2021-06-03 Is this the worse century for the brain?
2021-06-02 I'm feeling I'm behind a lot these days.
2021-06-01 Surely these Starlings are taking the piss?
2021-05-31 I can only write when I'm not writing.
2021-05-30 If I could find you I would hold you close.
2021-05-29 I keep on writing the same poem.
2021-05-28 Do I repeat myself? No I do not!
2021-05-27 I'm in tune with the future, it's not hard.
2021-05-26 Flat Earth is the new Creationism.
2021-05-25 God is not dead, he's just indifferent.
2021-05-24 We will wake from your dream Andrew Wakefield.
2021-05-23 The travellers lost dream under the hill.
2021-05-22 We have replaced God with penicillin.
2021-05-21 Schools are not military targets.
2021-05-20 Yes I use that word, even at dinner.
2021-05-19 Each bomb is an abnegation of soul.
2021-05-18 trapped in this conventional prisonhouse
2021-05-17 and all the bitter defects you endure
2021-05-16 Do you want to break America? Yes.
2021-05-15 barred from your dramas and disasters
2021-05-14 Oh God let me out I'm suffocating!
2021-05-13 People are dying because of your faith.
2021-05-12 that you dare not acknowledge, dare not show
2021-05-11 and that enormous darkness within you
2021-05-10 Cry of the land where history began.
2021-05-09 There's a black cloud over your allegiance.
2021-05-08 the open road for the spirit and mind
2021-05-07 Song of the land where history ended.
2021-05-06 no more constrictions like a wooden box
2021-05-05 no more dabbing with your digits to count
2021-05-04 I'm wearing purple trousers and a fez.
2021-05-03 Oh, for the longer line, the open road
2021-05-02 Cleaning the windows on the Titanic.
2021-05-01 Snooker is better than anesthetic.
2021-04-30 If he can't bear to listen you're not friends.
2021-04-29 Amen. The prayer of money kbv.
2021-04-28 and the slush fund, for Jacob and Boris
2021-04-27 for thine is the Christmas bonus, the power
2021-04-26 but deliever us from rogue traders
2021-04-25 and lead us not into a ponzi scheme
2021-04-24 and forgive us our loans and pyramids
2021-04-23 give us this day our daily brand
2021-04-22 in the Nasdac as it is in the Dow
2021-04-21 thy share price be robust, thy stocks secure
2021-04-20 Hallowed be thy ceos and execs
2021-04-19 Our company which art in floatation
2021-04-18 Arsenal are punching above their station.
2021-04-17 Was that you looking from a high window?
2021-04-16 Arsenal are the purest of my vision.
2021-04-15 As the wild garlic gives way to bluebells....
2021-04-14 Boris's best mate stabbed him in the back.
2021-04-13 Boris is a slip-shod clown with bad jokes.
2021-04-12 Boris thinks Arlene is a useful fool.
2021-04-11 Boris is Great Britain losing its mind.
2021-04-10 I mourn the tiger dead under his feet.
2021-04-09 Arsenal are a nightmare, a cosmic joke.
2021-04-08 Boris is a thug in a blind alley.
2021-04-07 Boris is that stink below the floorboards.
2021-04-06 Boris is a schoolyard bully with cash.
2021-04-05 Happy chocolate egg day to every one.
2021-04-04 Too much history will make you go blind.
2021-04-03 Partition, not a word that has aged well.
2021-04-02 If you stop saying it, it won't exist.
2021-04-01 Pyramid boy has taken up rhomboids.
2021-03-31 Cressida Dickhead should be booted out.
2021-03-30 All these words were written by committee.
2021-03-29 In the end the dust gets inside of you.
2021-03-28 Meaning has dripped through my fingers like rain.
2021-03-27 Silence to unquiet minds is lethal.
2021-03-26 If I wanted help, it wouldn't be here.
2021-03-25 Don't be a coward, something may arrive.
2021-03-24 You don't know what a triumph this month is.
2021-03-23 Biden, bleasedly quiet President.
2021-03-22 But for that you need a glamorous life.
2021-03-21 I would love to have a glamorous death.
2021-03-20 He vocalized his early youth away.
2021-03-19 Condensed as haiku, memorable as song.
2021-03-18 The fear of Judgement, Japanese Knotweed.
2021-03-17 Their fall pings around like a silver ball.
2021-03-16 Nothing that's false or contrived should survive.
2021-03-15 Should I shave my head, should I raise my hand?
2021-03-14 And from 'sun' maybe I should have said 'sin'.
2021-03-13 The tap of monosyllables, like these.
2021-03-12 I've found a place that's hidden from the sun.
2021-03-11 Meaning found him and broke him in pieces.
2021-03-10 You wrap me up in a million zeros.
2021-03-09 She had a Flemish Poodle in her face.
2021-03-08 I am channelling my inner Geldof.
2021-03-07 You can't break me, I'm already broken.
2021-03-06 Life on Mars should be the National Anthem.
2021-03-05 Men think they are bigger than the moonlight.
2021-03-04 Send guns to the people of Myanmar.
2021-03-03 The Americans invented Jesus.
2021-03-02 Make sure they cannot get in through the window.
2021-03-01 Am I sufficently locked from the world.
2021-02-28 What am I doing teacing him these things?
2021-02-27 I can never say no to anyone but?.
2021-02-26 I cannot bear to repeat the story.
2021-02-25 Under that social surface there was this.
2021-02-24 Bearers of the wave put down your tablets.
2021-02-23 I don't want your sympathy or your help.
2021-02-22 R.I.P Frankie, noblest of cats.
2021-02-21 and into the room, is it always like this?
2021-02-20 I don't mention friendship else it departs.
2021-02-19 and can you still love a man out of time?
2021-02-18 Mafia dreams I just can't interpret.
2021-02-17 You might enjoy some hallucinations
2021-02-16 While I must admit, I fucking crave it!
2021-02-15 Putin, you have made a big, big mistake.
2021-02-14 It does not delight me like it once did.
2021-02-13 She is terrified of being alone.
2021-02-12 we do that quite well on our own, thank you.
2021-02-11 By the way, love will not tear us apart
2021-02-10 We say, we will never be clean again.
2021-02-09 The virrus destroys all chance of silence.
2021-02-08 Whitman's tally is now a mockery.
2021-02-07 It looks like it's me and W.B.
2021-02-06 Next one is all about me and Ireland.
2021-02-05 I am too tired to read the Bible.
2021-02-04 You go for natural symbols: moon, sun, fire.
2021-02-03 Starless night, show without an audience.
2021-02-02 Isn't it about time you made yourself known?
2021-02-01 Russia hold your toilet brushes aloft!
2021-01-31 except the barber, who has gone bankrupt.
2021-01-30 Everyone in the town cuts his own hair,
2021-01-29 My hand shakes so bad I can't write this line.
2021-01-28 Nationalist games don't work with viruses.
2021-01-27 Putin hang your head in shame and sorrow.
2021-01-26 Silence is of quite another order.
2021-01-25 We are stockingpiling vaccines, world fuck off!
2021-01-24 People earning a crust fear for their lives.
2021-01-23 Captain T has gone, executions done.
2021-01-22 Dark energy, proof of the multiverse.
2021-01-21 The world is looking less orange today.
2021-01-20 I can breathe again, we can breathe again.
2021-01-19 Frightened shitless by Tipper Gore.
2021-01-18 Priti Patel should now bully herself.
2021-01-17 These holes I have shored against our ruin.
2021-01-16 And it means paying tribute to the dead.
2021-01-15 It means believing survivors' stories.
2021-01-14 That means treating women as citizens.
2021-01-13 It is time to tell the truth in Ireland.
2021-01-12 I am ashamed of old Ireland tonight.
2021-01-11 Walk from one room out into another.
2021-01-10 CNN should win some movie Oscars.
2021-01-09 Happy birthday you sweet buttoned-eyed man.
2021-01-08 Captain T stages coups against himself.
2021-01-07 Enforce the 25th Amendment, now!
2021-01-06 like this virus spreads itself through the air.
2021-01-05 it creeps over the wicked and the good,
2021-01-04 Resentment conspires like morning mist,
2021-01-03 We have need of you nd your ctalogues.
2021-01-02 Whitman you should be living at this hour.
2021-01-01 I spent my health like a sudden windfall.
2020-12-31 True love is as secret as the moon.
2020-12-30 Soon I will have nothing but Beckett's feet.
2020-12-29 Shopping is a matter of life and death.
2020-12-28 and everyone one of the puppies was drowned.
2020-12-27 I'm afraid the cat is out of the bag,
2020-12-26 My poetry is being held hostge.
2020-12-25 There is no Covenant, get used to it.
2020-12-24 The riser is slower now, but still moving.
2020-12-23 We already have red rivers Enoch.
2020-12-22 Thatcherites would privatise this virus.
2020-12-21 God is a church full of gold-leaf and guilt.
2020-12-20 Television poetry makes me sick.
2020-12-19 Ryan Turbidy and the mute button.
2020-12-18 I'm as steady as a pig on a bike.
2020-12-17 And when you think he's gone, flush one more time.
2020-12-16 Sunshine creates panic, frost delusion.
2020-12-15 Stop the year, I want to get out of it.
2020-12-14 I am in love with crisp December days.
2020-12-13 Don't forget to use loads of detergent.
2020-12-12 What in hell is the soundtrack of this year.
2020-12-11 Pull my teeth out by the roots, then bill me.
2020-12-10 Flush him down, down, down, flush him down, down, down!
2020-12-09 Donald acts like a far unsinkable.
2020-12-08 And I'd show you where the condiments are.
2020-12-07 They've boxed him away till after Christmas.
2020-12-06 Truth creates peace, rain creates erosion.
2020-12-05 Has anybody seen Jacob Reese Mogg?
2020-12-04 If you were starving you'd eat me for food.
2020-12-03 We should never get used to these numbers.
2020-12-02 I have become what in youth I despised.
2020-12-01 I hate teaching rows of large initials.
2020-11-30 Oisian and Niamh are on social welfare.
2020-11-29 If this was football it would be nil-nil.
2020-11-28 Some people were just born to wear a mask.
2020-11-27 He could really fill a pair of trousers.
2020-11-26 I AM creation as catastrophe.
2020-11-25 The country is riddled with useless roads.
2020-11-24 Time is a leary, bearded assassin.
2020-11-23 and all the insects are dead or dying.
2020-11-22 The sun is shining but the birds have fled
2020-11-21 Sometimes you are a lump of pure poison.
2020-11-20 Pain is salt to the gist of genius.
2020-11-19 Our starlings, far more globe-trotting than me.
2020-11-18 Putin is the master, Chump is a fool.
2020-11-17 When it comes to clinging on to power
2020-11-16 How many poems have five thousand lines?
2020-11-15 Your birthday, the old moon snug in the new.
2020-11-14 How many will lose their lives to your jest.
2020-11-13 Biden outlived and outplayed Bin Laden.
2020-11-12 Idiot reality denier.
2020-11-11 I'm still President, nah nah na nah nah!
2020-11-10 Wake up America, you are dying.
2020-11-09 We've seen the future, it's called Kamala.
2020-11-08 Tiny sentences flung against the clock.
2020-11-07 Trump, a bad idea wrapped in a nightmare.
2020-11-06 And lo, the doubters assembled and blew.
2020-11-05 find it extremely illuminating.
2020-11-04 I have started talking to myself, I
2020-11-03 Pity the land that has lost its prophets.
2020-11-02 That kind of food requires another mouth.
2020-11-01 The illiterate have inherited...
2020-10-31 I have never met a Trump supporter.
2020-10-30 It's cheering to note that guilt fades away.
2020-10-29 Never eat spaghetti with your legs crossed.
2020-10-28 When methane awakes the whole game is up.
2020-10-27 Rainbows pointed the way to Tir na ng.
2020-10-26 We left him where Niamh and Oisn escaped.
2020-10-25 Alone in the house and I fall over.
2020-10-24 I refuse to get up before the sun.
2020-10-23 A dirty house in a stale, gutted world.
2020-10-22 Mourning begins when the flowers fade.
2020-10-21 The mountains are pulling at the clouds.
2020-10-20 Each time you die it's the end of the world.
2020-10-19 Favourite moment of the season so far.
2020-10-18 You can't teach a cat any tricks at all!
2020-10-17 Sanctimonious Arlene sucks six eggs.
2020-10-16 Well, be honest, do you feel great again.
2020-10-15 Tell King Thailand to go hug his cash.
2020-10-14 The digital age had come and then gone.
2020-10-13 Be careful they don't cement their control.
2020-10-12 A week now feels like an eternity.
2020-10-11 Venus, not Mars, is a luck omen.
2020-10-10 There's no consolation for the weather.
2020-10-09 There are eyes full of incomprehension.
2020-10-08 Everyone must carry grief for someone.
2020-10-07 At the edge of things, the sun eats itself.
2020-10-06 Weigh him down with the pennies of the world.
2020-10-05 Kevin Griffin, my father and my friend.
2020-10-04 An intravenous drip of Toilet Duck.
2020-10-03 The first decade is the easiest.
2020-10-02 President Chump has tremendous virus.
2020-10-01 I still keep a little Marc in my heart.
2020-09-30 The American century has passed.
2020-09-29 I always feel giddy in Switzerland.
2020-09-28 If you are honest, cover up you face.
2020-09-27 Your hot bodied dream of revolution.
2020-09-26 Don't you think, really, that we've lost enough?
2020-09-25 Consciousness is a myth, and a value.
2020-09-24 Should we not reivent society?
2020-09-23 This week we have mainly been watching cats.
2020-09-22 The voice of the last man singing his song.
2020-09-21 Do not load every rift with ore, my friend.
2020-09-20 Everybody walks too fast nowadays.
2020-09-19 Strange Wordsoworthianism of spirit.
2020-09-18 We can only hope there's life somewhere else.
2020-09-17 This is the time for extinction of hope.
2020-09-16 This is the time for extinction of worms.
2020-09-15 This is the time for extinction of whales.
2020-09-14 This is the time for extinction of apes.
2020-09-13 This is the time for extinction of bears.
2020-09-12 This is the time for extinction of birds.
2020-09-11 This is the time for extinction of bees.
2020-09-10 This is the time for extinction of fish.
2020-09-09 I hate hunters more than anyone else.
2020-09-08 Nobody is perfect, not even me.
2020-09-07 While others rebel, Percy the cat poops.
2020-09-06 If you carry a knife you're a cowards.
2020-09-05 Alignment is the benefit of spires
2020-09-04 Russia is broken, imPutinity.
2020-09-03 The city is blue and yellow and red.
2020-09-02 He smiles a smile with his Waterloo teeth.
2020-09-01 The world is doomed and so are my Mondays!
2020-08-31 Five hex stones in a row at Garryvoe.
2020-08-30 Excuse me, does anybody live here?
2020-08-29 This is an Excel Data_Tab poem.
2020-08-28 Tonight there are no colours in the dark.
2020-08-27 Notes for a new kind of was it for this?
2020-08-26 No more pictures of strange, broken nature.
2020-08-25 Who and where is the enemy today.
2020-08-24 A storm now feels like admonishment.
2020-08-23 Lifeis as ephemeral as this phrase.
2020-08-22 Where ghosts live every colour fades.
2020-08-21 Some would deny that they were ever born.
2020-08-20 Not every poem has to have a place.
2020-08-19 I have never had the want of a Muse.
2020-08-18 I do hope the rest of your holes goes well.
2020-08-17 I will not be going back there again.
2020-08-16 This will not resolve as a love story.
2020-08-15 This is spooky action from a distance.
2020-08-14 Therefore, war is the cauldron of our mirth.
2020-08-13 The basis of comedy is violence,
2020-08-12 Certainty is the betrayal of hope.
2020-08-11 Revenge is a bloodline of the bizarre.
2020-08-10 His eyes burn into a future that fails.
2020-08-09 His signature is an Oppenheimer.
2020-08-08 Nausea is the consequence of touch.
2020-08-07 He beats you with metaphysics and teeth.
2020-08-06 There is horror in your amatory glance.
2020-08-05 There is terror at the heart of your kiss.
2020-08-04 I keep on seeing faces, but not yours.
2020-08-03 So many attempts, so many false starts.
2020-08-02 The muses speak through other people's lips.
2020-08-01 Today there are no colours in the dark.
2020-07-31 This is the end of the Age of Reason.
2020-07-30 Without satire there's no democracy.
2020-07-29 Everyone thinks I'm an afternoon drunk.
2020-07-28 Some disabilities are not on show.
2020-07-27 Goodnight sweetheart and here come the robots.
2020-07-26 The silent will go down with evil men.
2020-07-25 Privacy is a scream stuck on a stick.
2020-07-24 And we're not talking a rabbit!
2020-07-23 What you regret from the past is belief.
2020-07-22 Don't get sloppy boys and you won't get sick.
2020-07-21 I think we should start calling you Harvey.
2020-07-20 Belief is in a ratio with need.
2020-07-19 I love logic its so illogical.
2020-07-18 Somewhere between a horse and an angel.
2020-07-17 Mighty line, my fecking flipperty arse.
2020-07-16 Send yourself a Thank You, no one else will.
2020-07-15 Enough is just not good enough for me.
2020-07-14 It's business as usual in Africa.
2020-07-13 Socio-psycho-alienation.
2020-07-12 Half a life suffering from solitude.
2020-07-11 Half a lifetime wishing you were alone.
2020-07-10 Pandemonium over pandemic.
2020-07-09 Good news Dustin, birds are rarely naked.
2020-07-08 I think my memory thinks I'm still drunk.
2020-07-07 I've been coughing for a million years.
2020-07-06 Alexis Ffrench is my piano man.
2020-07-05 Have we not put the clocks forward too much?
2020-07-04 Stones dream of indivisibility.
2020-07-03 Glastonbury David, get a hair cut!
2020-07-02 500,000, half a million.
2020-07-01 Res cogito my arse, shake my cold hand.
2020-06-30 Manga might be the making of me yet.
2020-06-29 Sorry, I never lived in 'the real world'.
2020-06-28 Jupiter is my solace before sleep.
2020-06-27 You should not chew batteries my sweet one.
2020-06-26 In heaven watching films in our PJs.
2020-06-25 Slavery is not a thing of the past.
2020-06-24 You will drag this pen from my cold dead hand.
2020-06-23 Mother N don't want us around no more.
2020-06-22 It is not death I'm frightened of, it's time.
2020-06-21 This is auto-geo-bio-graphy.
2020-06-20 Welcome to the new heavy bombardment.
2020-06-19 But I have pulled myself out of a hole.
2020-06-18 I have never woken up in a book,
2020-06-17 The Long Revolution has been derailed.
2020-06-16 Still, Ian Curtis is the Ferryman.
2020-06-15 Why does Los Angeles look like Japan?
2020-06-14 There's something wrong with this world, Dolores.
2020-06-13 My battery is low, it's getting dark.
2020-06-12 Today's hole got lost. Today's hole is gone.
2020-06-11 I don't want to breathe the same air as you.
2020-06-10 Joke is, I'm an athlete walking backwards.
2020-06-09 The USA is now a police state.
2020-06-08 We don't need little fingers in our back.
2020-06-07 Say his name George Floyd. Say his name George Floyd.
2020-06-06 The inside and the outside of it all.
2020-06-05 We could start getting really confused here
2020-06-04 Democracy is slumped, kicked and bleeding.
2020-06-03 Unholy factory of lies and spin.
2020-06-02 Dominic Cummings is s greasy rat.
2020-06-01 Chemists are alchemists without a hat.
2020-05-31 Our weapons bristle against who knows what?
2020-05-30 I won't let anybody bully me.
2020-05-29 We are sleeping as the world falls apart.
2020-05-28 No more jokes about Dettol and Harpic.
2020-05-27 These are the lines of my mind at the time.
2020-05-26 I suppose all childhood is already doomed.
2020-05-25 My dreams have always been solitary.
2020-05-24 These lines are my line Proverbs of Hell.
2020-05-23 Time is the preserve of ambitious youth.
2020-05-22 I've worked all my life in a dying swan.
2020-05-21 I'd like someone else to narrate my life.
2020-05-20 You can't trick your eyes, but they can trick you.
2020-05-19 The Hydrogen-bomb is a filthy thing.
2020-05-18 One of these days I'll just fall into one....
2020-05-17 Come sweet CRISPR and disentangle me.
2020-05-16 Some days memory is a metaphor.
2020-05-15 We say we can't go back because we can.
2020-05-14 Cock on the wall, the oldest thing of all.
2020-05-13 Life is sad, and then catastrophe comes.
2020-05-12 Let's say it, nobody gets left behind.
2020-05-11 So we will pretend you didn't hurt me.
2020-05-10 I am madly, deeply in like with you.
2020-05-09 And on the eighth day He just pissed himself.
2020-05-08 No-one told the sun it's the end of things.
2020-05-07 You open the door and in steps evil.
2020-05-06 President Chump needs your dead body now!
2020-05-05 Things are much more like they are than they were.
2020-05-04 I have killed myself many times before.
2020-05-03 My one hope is in pre-history.
2020-05-02 The first of revolutionary May.
2020-05-01 April has indeed been the cruelest month.
2020-04-30 I won't let anybody bully me.
2020-04-29 We are sleeping as the world falls apart.
2020-04-28 No more jokes about Dettol and Harpic.
2020-04-27 I'm writing about machines on machines.
2020-04-26 Ireland is a song full of anecdotes.
2020-04-25 President Chump is crazed on toilet duck.
2020-04-24 Leaders of the 'free world' share excuses.
2020-04-23 I am waiting for an apology.
2020-04-22 A forest is not just a bunch of trees.
2020-04-21 Leaders of the 'free world' run for cover.
2020-04-20 This is the place where cliches come to die.
2020-04-19 Saying it doesn't always make it so.
2020-04-18 I will metaphysically vomit.
2020-04-17 Patrick Street has turned greasy under foot.
2020-04-16 We are not juggling too many balls.
2020-04-15 Quos vult perdere Juppiter dementat.
2020-04-14 Auto-immunity is not fake news.
2020-04-13 Sometimes I can't tell real shit from gold.
2020-04-12 Sometimes I feel a million years old.
2020-04-11 Jakob Rise Bog ate his children for lunch.
2020-04-10 Wash hands to the Internationale.
2020-04-09 I am afraid America is dead.
2020-04-08 Captain T has happy hands and no brain.
2020-04-07 Shocked at the modernity of Rousseau.
2020-04-06 Everything I love is here in Ireland.
2020-04-05 If everyone owes a vast debt, then who...?
2020-04-04 Who knew? You can't do without shelf stackers.
2020-04-03 Who knew? You can't do without bus drivers.
2020-04-02 Who knew? You can't do without health workers.
2020-04-01 We can't go back to the logic of growth.
2020-03-31 Haunted by what our children will become.
2020-03-30 BoJo has a cold in his empty head.
2020-03-29 Out of the viral pan into the fire.
2020-03-28 Those who have homes say you must have a home.
2020-03-27 Is this the end of hospitality?
2020-03-26 Those who have homes say 'stay safe in your homes'.
2020-03-25 Putin has seen to the sun, it is dark.
2020-03-24 Putin has assassinated this hole.
2020-03-23 A pair of fecking women's knickers!!!
2020-03-22 The kid has nightmares. If he only knew!
2020-03-21 This might be the most memorable year yet.
2020-03-20 We are all breathing clean, fresh air again.
2020-03-19 This season everyone will die alone.
2020-03-18 We are going to the birthplace of sticks.
2020-03-17 From the onset, Rousseau was a wanker.
2020-03-16 This is how I live my life anyway.
2020-03-15 A year with no growth is just what we need.
2020-03-14 Home-schooling made me feel so middle class.
2020-03-13 Tremendous country, tremendous bullshit!
2020-03-12 We are not a "region," we are a State!
2020-03-11 Visit me now in your bright happenstance.
2020-03-10 Delicious lunacy of creation
2020-03-09 Don't you realise, we are the virus.
2020-03-08 Bashar al-Addad, your people hate you.
2020-03-07 Bashar al-Addad, go and bomb yourself.
2020-03-06 Bashar al-Addad, you are the devil.
2020-03-05 Bashar al-Addad, you are excrement.
2020-03-04 Bashar al-Addad, you are not human!
2020-03-03 Everyone wants to jump inside the Book.
2020-03-02 I'm sorry dude, there is a run on brains.
2020-03-01 Remember comfiness is a killer.
2020-02-29 Globalisation is dangerous, right!
2020-02-28 One day I will die of my own rhetoric.
2020-02-27 I am sickened by tiny ear squirrels.
2020-02-26 What's all this about Shane, Sean and Saemus?
2020-02-25 Where I live there are not any strangers.
2020-02-24 Apologies to regular readers.
2020-02-23 Take the bus and defamiliarise.
2020-02-22 Idlib is a horror beyond all hope.
2020-02-21 It strikes me that I'm like a frightened horse.
2020-02-20 Oh sweetheart, don't you know you're fucked?
2020-02-19 Somebody has poisoned our sandwiches.
2020-02-18 There is no method other than breathing.
2020-02-17 Create a new manifesto each week.
2020-02-16 The book tells us it is no sin to limp.
2020-02-15 Bring new technology into the frame.
2020-02-14 Anthropocene meets the Idiocene.
2020-02-13 I imagine that they are thanking drones.
2020-02-12 Maybe I should return to The Last Man.
2020-02-11 Doubting Thomas was just a scientist.
2020-02-10 Why are the timorous people so loud?
2020-02-09 Down the bankers! Down functionaries of state.
2020-02-08 I love this reckless and fearless country.
2020-02-07 what is the background music our my life?
2020-02-06 This is just a fucking feeding frenzy
2020-02-05 All this over in the blink of an eye.
2020-02-04 Prosopagnosia, my sweet daughter.
2020-02-03 This is as grown up as I'm going to get.
2020-02-02 This book is hungry, it swallows my days.
2020-02-01 Boris is at the helm, you'll be fine (laughs).
2020-01-31 The countdown begins to none entity.
2020-01-30 I hang my head in shame at my birthplace.
2020-01-29 The world is a parade of pictures.
2020-01-28 There is still no home for them, after all.
2020-01-27 The F.A. Cup, our one remaining hope.
2020-01-26 [today is a day without any hole]
2020-01-25 ....and not to yield....and not to yield....and not....
2020-01-24 How do you liberate the Gates of Hell?
2020-01-23 Looks like it's me and the Osborne, Ozzie.
2020-01-22 Stick your trillion trees up your arsehole.
2020-01-21 My life is the Alps, and you are the weather.
2020-01-20 I am an Ireland that might yet be born.
2020-01-19 We have no love for that foul number one.
2020-01-18 She had a biodegradable soul.
2020-01-17 Down with the New Catholic Ascendency.
2020-01-16 In the first place you must talk to yourself.
2020-01-15 You make me strong when you don't attack me.
2020-01-14 Your child, the purest love you'll ever know.
2020-01-13 Victory at all cost doesn't make sense.
2020-01-12 Have we given up on literature?
2020-01-11 My palsied left thumb just started a war.
2020-01-10 The spectral zone is where we're comfortable.
2020-01-09 My books have been annotated by ghosts.
2020-01-08 At least we are sane, at least we're not you!
2020-01-07 There is nowhere else, there is nowhere else.
2020-01-06 We are extremists, we want our childhood.
2020-01-05 We are extremists, we want a future.
2020-01-04 We are extremists, we are against death.
2020-01-03 The Nostradamus of every weekend.
2020-01-02 Persistence is the mother of nothing.
2020-01-01 Seriously, there is only one wish.
2019-12-31 I want to get back to the mothership.
2019-12-30 Flushed away with all your other daydreams.
2019-12-29 Australia is cremating itself.
2019-12-28 I call you and I say, I am not dead.
2019-12-27 You call me and you say, do not call me.
2019-12-26 Santa Claus's tears are laced with plastic.
2019-12-25 Australia is a huge seekh kebab.
2019-12-24 A ride that has had many twists and turns.
2019-12-23 Each Christmas takes us nearer to the brink.
2019-12-22 I come from a land of broken promise.
2019-12-21 Bowie and Jazz, an unexpected gig.
2019-12-20 This is the year I became a machine.
2019-12-19 England now suffers from dementia.
2019-12-18 Our hearts are broken over your decline.
2019-12-17 Our fable starts with a very big bang.
2019-12-16 Stick the fucker in gaol and lose the key.
2019-12-15 Admit Turkey, or expel the U.K.
2019-12-14 I don't understand, I won't understand!
2019-12-13 The world looks in horror at your folly.
2019-12-12 Madam Suu we don't recognize you!
2019-12-11 Don't be lemmings racing towards the cliffs.
2019-12-10 Do not be turkeys voting for Christmas.
2019-12-09 We are all lost love, no one has a home.
2019-12-08 Sometimes you just can't get rid of a hat.
2019-12-07 I have returned to the London rush hour.
2019-12-06 Unai already a pub quiz question.
2019-12-05 P.M. BoJo is hiding in plane sight.
2019-12-04 Blake makes us pray for the fools of this earth.
2019-12-03 I've seen all the faces I'll ever see.
2019-12-02 Since when was London friendlier than Cork?
2019-12-01 Homogeneity is very boring.
2019-11-30 We keep on giving Bear Grylls the bum's rush.
2019-11-29 These are the last days, where are our prophets.
2019-11-28 Mr Neil, it's your "they" that is racist.
2019-11-27 Thank God that our children are revolting.
2019-11-26 It's November, it's not fucking Christmas.
2019-11-25 Put democrazy back in its playpen
2019-11-24 If only December would bring us love.
2019-11-23 Yes there are some English Republicans.
2019-11-22 The Royals are on their knees (doing what?)
2019-11-21 I spent all today in my pyjamas
2019-11-20 Fat Prince, you're as honourable as your arse.
2019-11-19 Just as the world has entered its dotage.
2019-11-18 It feels like poetry is returning.
2019-11-17 Bowie and jazz, what a crazy idea.
2019-11-16 We are the scum that rises to the top.
2019-11-15 Only the corrupt can boast of power.
2019-11-14 The wise do nit know how to talk to theirs kids.
2019-11-13 The fool sees conspiracies everywhere.
2019-11-12 The ignorant speak with great conviction.
2019-11-11 Federalism or Fascism, your choice.
2019-11-10 Skin is the measure of the state I'm in.
2019-11-09 Just a few tweaks towards Socialism.
2019-11-08 and we are unified in our thank you.
2019-11-07 Gay, you invented secular culture
2019-11-06 Ireland is indeed an island haven.
2019-11-05 If ignorance is bliss, then play truant.
2019-11-04 The weatherwoman said a storm was due.
2019-11-03 The pilot said there might be turbulence.
2019-11-02 I've done my time, I'm hoping for parole.
2019-11-01 Poetry holds no candle to baking.
2019-10-31 Too much stimulation leaves me stone dead.
2019-10-30 Will this battery replace my ego?
2019-10-29 It's the beginning of a new chapter.
2019-10-28 or watching Arsenal lose more ground and grace.
2019-10-27 I've had more pain having a filling done
2019-10-26 We came in with you, but you're leave alone.
2019-10-25 After Brexit can we plant some more trees.
2019-10-24 It is exactly like brain surgery.
2019-10-23 It is a beauty contest and you've lost.
2019-10-22 Why do I dream of gangsters every night?
2019-10-21 Our tech gets smarter as we get dumber.
2019-10-20 Ex R is shooting itself in the foot.
2019-10-19 I hope you have a loyalty card, sir.
2019-10-18 Look inside me, just a pile of ashes.
2019-10-17 I am a spitting pan left on the hob.
2019-10-16 Why has Bojo got that grin on his face?
2019-10-15 a greedy feast separated by years.
2019-10-14 poetic reserves extracted with ease,
2019-10-13 no thought to conserve or ration or spare,
2019-10-12 Mine was a shallow well and I drained it,
2019-10-11 no lucky find I haven't exploited.
2019-10-10 no image that lives I haven't yet placed,
2019-10-09 there's not one word that works I haven't used,
2019-10-08 Burn my notebooks when I have departed,
2019-10-07 You are cruising through somebody's psyche.
2019-10-06 Replace all city dumps, impeach Donald Trump.
2019-10-05 Scrap the Trident bomb, enrich single mums.
2019-10-04 Tax the super rich, help the unskilled kids.
2019-10-03 Outlaw fox hunting, build more high-speed trains.
2019-10-02 Close down private schools, open snooker halls.
2019-10-01 Don't float through the house like a midnight shout.
2019-09-30 Don't boast of the scars they left on your head.
2019-09-29 Don't shine your light when all others are out.
2019-09-28 Don't point to the glaring hole in your chest.
2019-09-27 Don't scare the neighbours, don't rattle your chains.
2019-09-26 You will be a ghost long enough, my friend.
2019-09-25 Cut, gap, hole, prick, never an unveiling.
2019-09-24 Everything must lean towards the punctum.
2019-09-23 The sick bed is no place for confession.
2019-09-22 I have created a pocket of time
2019-09-21 into which I pour my thoughts and feelings,
2019-09-20 strange invaginated bubble of words,
2019-09-19 before and during, neither true nor false,
2019-09-18 intended for days I will never see
2019-09-17 in absentia comments on the world.
2019-09-16 I'm learning to live somewhere near myself.
2019-09-15 The world flows through me, a silent river.
2019-09-14 spitting at misshapen, untimely pups.
2019-09-13 pockmarked by time, bitterly self-loathing
2019-09-12 sour, riddled with cancerous divisions,
2019-09-11 The mother of all parliaments is sick,
2019-09-10 I'm sorry, there's something wrong with my brain.
2019-09-09 We got together and built you a ditch.
2019-09-08 BoJo is a Trickster breeding chaos.
2019-09-07 Time will take everything, so why cling on?
2019-09-06 I have become a nightmare of spillage
2019-09-05 You don't need to use tanks to stage a coup.
2019-09-04 Here I am a litany of error.
2019-09-03 I am too damn exhausted to be me.
2019-09-02 Hong Kong protesters are incredible.
2019-09-01 My head is a poorly serviced jukebox.
2019-08-31 For the sake of Freedom he curtails it.
2019-08-30 In democracy's name he shuts it down.
2019-08-29 I've started a whole new folder on you.
2019-08-28 Fantasies of escape from the pronoun.
2019-08-27 I've fallen down one more step on the stairs.
2019-08-26 This day must surely turn itself around.
2019-08-25 There is no logic to any of this.
2019-08-24 Convict Bolsonaro of genocide.
2019-08-23 Amazon fires will blot out the sun.
2019-08-22 All of this time has been wasted on me.
2019-08-21 I awake to the memory of smell.
2019-08-20 President Chump, keep your paws off Greenland.
2019-08-19 Bojo thinks bluster is a policy.
2019-08-18 It isn't as complicated as that.
2019-08-17 We weep for the children of Peterloo.
2019-08-16 Greta please enlighten America.
2019-08-15 I'm a broken toy under the sofa.
2019-08-14 I'm a rusted saucepan collecting rain.
2019-08-13 Soon we will have both been born in Bristol.
2019-08-12 There is no elsewhere, there is no outside.
2019-08-11 Russian police revel in thuggery.
2019-08-10 Now is the time to push against Putin!
2019-08-09 America weeps, President Chump tweets.
2019-08-08 President Chump you have blood on your hands!
2019-08-07 In Hong Kong justice must wear a gas mask.
2019-08-06 Monkeys fighting over a waterhole.
2019-08-05 We cannot go through the eighties again!
2019-08-04 I am reading Kahn's On Escalation.
2019-08-03 Not with a bang but an Instagram shot.
2019-08-02 Not with a bang but a post on Facebook.
2019-08-01 Not with a bang but a flutter of tweets.
2019-07-31 Dream of Nazis, school friends, and botched escapes.
2019-07-30 All day thinking about John McGeoch
2019-07-29 Freddie and David would know what to do.
2019-07-28 Stanley, on your birthday, wish you were here.
2019-07-27 I'd fair better in an Escher drawing.
2019-07-26 BoJo went to Eton now he is King.
2019-07-25 BoJo sloths off his bed of privilege
2019-07-24 and hastens to the call of big money.
2019-07-23 Reading is crucial because it corrupts.
2019-07-22 This is always more than I am or was.
2019-07-21 I cannot stand over or under this.
2019-07-20 We're all busy reinventing the wheel.
2019-07-19 Would hypnosis cure me of open doors.
2019-07-18 Only the true ones are marked as unread.
2019-07-17 I'd love one day without calculation.
2019-07-16 You must be obsessive about Stanley.
2019-07-15 Much thought of primates and lunar landings.
2019-07-14 The Albert Hall is a friend from my youth.
2019-07-13 You come home, its spring all over again.
2019-07-12 From now on I'll write like Jeremiah.
2019-07-11 Maybe you could learn to sleep standing up.
2019-07-10 Darling you would make a beautiful chair.
2019-07-09 Your problem baby is you don't read books!
2019-07-08 Maybe I was wrong about solitude.
2019-07-07 Captain T, idiot or Steam Punk fan?
2019-07-06 The weather is slowly squeezing my skull.
2019-07-05 Give me a world without doors and corners.
2019-07-04 The root of the problem is at the top.
2019-07-03 Idle chat about the end of the world.
2019-07-02 A new book ready to feed to the void
2019-07-01 Apocalypticism is not helpful.
2019-06-30 Drake's equation is completed by Trump
2019-06-29 We're stuck between two possibilities.
2019-06-28 2050 is just kicking the can.
2019-06-27 The memory of health has stubborn roots.
2019-06-26 Excellent! I have my hole for today.
2019-06-25 Mantras: This will pass. This is my centre.
2019-06-24 We need a Department of the Future.
2019-06-23 The best books refuse to be coherent.
2019-06-22 How can one day be quite so out of joint.
2019-06-21 Please stop showing that idiot jogging.
2019-06-20 2001 may never arrive.
2019-06-19 Stuffed suits squabbling over left overs.
2019-06-18 Coleridge's albatrosses will remain dead.
2019-06-17 Where is the poetics of extinction?
2019-06-16 Support your mother, learn to shoot a gun.
2019-06-15 From annihilation to resonance.
2019-06-14 Gone to the doggy hotel in the sky.
2019-06-13 Rufus, you were the sweetest, kindest friend.
2019-06-12 ... see the way we are never satisfied.
2019-06-11 Nature played a trick on us Morris ....
2019-06-10 Soccer is an Empire purchasing slaves.
2019-06-09 We all sound insane without paragraphs.
2019-06-08 Captain T, a dog that's done its business.
2019-06-07 I don't want to stick around to see it.
2019-06-06 Happiness, a diamond set in concrete.
2019-06-05 From now on all things will be a battle.
2019-06-04 Captain T thinks he's an educator.
2019-06-03 Captain T, coming to a home near you!
2019-06-02 Friday morning, where's that cattle prodder.
2019-06-01 My new book of visions comes into view.
2019-05-31 Communication seems less likely now.
2019-05-30 What a fascistic word, outlier.
2019-05-29 This Demon wants it all, even my mind!
2019-05-28 Nigel Farage is a cancerous lump.
2019-05-27 I've seen too much to sleep through the night.
2019-05-26 Tessi May you're still the Queen of Dismay.
2019-05-25 Now we need a politics of disease.
2019-05-24 If you're too hot take your feckin shirt off!
2019-05-23 Much of our thought is procataleptic.
2019-05-22 If you don't go fishing you won't catch fish.
2019-05-21 If you start howling I'll know it's the end.
2019-05-20 If I start howling I fear I will not stop.
2019-05-19 I have decided to die in public.
2019-05-18 It's not you honey, it's the chemicals.
2019-05-17 Referred pain is a bit of a bollocks.
2019-05-16 The wind is trying to hide from itself.
2019-05-15 Locked in the broom cupboard of your own house.
2019-05-14 My peace is attached to your innocence.
2019-05-13 You came to me here and the sun broke through.
2019-05-12 Self is a nagging, timid voiceover.
2019-05-11 Intolerable condition you must bear.
2019-05-10 Cornwall is a dream that cannot come true.
2019-05-09 The Idiot Questioner must not win.
2019-05-08 Consanguinity does not arise here.
2019-05-07 There is no escape from tickle prison!
2019-05-06 Jacob wrestled the angel, silly schmuck.
2019-05-05 The end of the world is second-hand news.
2019-05-04 Robots, fembots, cobots, and lazybots.
2019-05-03 Oh Dee Dee please come and finish the job!
2019-05-02 Dyskinesia of body and soul.
2019-05-01 That crane is getting mighty personal.
2019-04-30 John Cooper Clarke rocks the church down the road.
2019-04-29 I'm sorry the world's such a broken gift.
2019-04-28 The discourse of T.V. cooks, my, my, my.
2019-04-27 Too many sentences, not enough sense.
2019-04-26 Tell me is your smile worth so many trees.
2019-04-25 I have created but I'm still baffled.
2019-04-24 Much confusion on interglacials.
2019-04-23 The world's more tearful than I understand.
2019-04-22 My feet don't work but my voice is still strong.
2019-04-21 Immortal is more than just not dying.
2019-04-20 I've made this friend who has a memory.
2019-04-19 The true home for Spirit is Consciousness.
2019-04-18 Fire, a mouth consuming space and time.
2019-04-17 What are these legs for, they can't carry me.
2019-04-16 Criminalise stupidity and hate.
2019-04-15 Send yourself a nessage out of the blue.
2019-04-14 The clock is ticking but it's much too fast.
2019-04-13 Mother Nature invented recycling.
2019-04-12 Identity is a trick of the light.
2019-04-11 I trust day thoughts, I do not trust night thoughts.
2019-04-10 I've spent too long staring at the darkness.
2019-04-09 Today is a day that I have all day.
2019-04-08 There’s a slow fire still rising from Cork.
2019-04-07 Brextension, Brextasco, Brextunacy.
2019-04-06 If I had any faith it would kill me.
2019-04-05 Each night now is a long night of the soul.
2019-04-04 You cannot make friends with anxiety.
2019-04-03 Improbable tragedies crowd my mind.
2019-04-02 I demand from myself another form.
2019-04-01 Bogeys are the spiders of the food world.
2019-03-31 If I’m faster than most there’s a reason.
2019-03-30 I have bet my soul on a good outcome.
2019-03-29 Oh sweetheart, do you think it’s you who’s cool?
2019-03-28 I have built a wall around my nightmare.
2019-03-27 Into a space where rhetoric is truth.
2019-03-26 Cloneliness, our connected solitude.
2019-03-25 There is a sharp pain in my government.
2019-03-24 Children, young adults, unite! takeover!
2019-03-23 The ladybirds are coming back to die.
2019-03-22 World leaders look at Jacinda Ardern.
2019-03-21 Son, never opt for martyrdom in love.
2019-03-20 We're all betrayed by standards of beauty.
2019-03-19 Age of Puritanical Correctness.
2019-03-18 If you serve hate, you are the enemy.
2019-03-17 If you speak hate, you do not speak for us.
2019-03-16 Two holes in the head, one hole in the ground.
2019-03-15 This is not a hole, this is an absence.
2019-03-14 Keep saying to yourself, nothing is wrong.
2019-03-13 Some of these lines were uttered by a fool.
2019-03-12 Could Yeats have foretold Dancing With The Stars?
2019-03-11 Seems like I let you down before we met.
2019-03-10 A burnt match forgets the pain of fire.
2019-03-09 If I could smell would I remember more?
2019-03-08 I don’t understand the world they live in.
2019-03-07 A rule, all institutions are corrupt
2019-03-06 but, then, some are more corrupt than others.
2019-03-05 Captain T takes the piss out of science.
2019-03-04 A species ruined by infinity.
2019-03-03 You will have to get your ducks in a row.
2019-03-02 This is my personal theodicy.
2019-03-01 When you die you travel into the stars.
2019-02-28 Your face reminds me to put out the bins.
2019-02-27 Nothing is broken except your body.
2019-02-26 The rich inherit, the poor search the skies.
2019-02-25 These are new, improved proverbs of Bedlam.
2019-02-24 Soul is the outer wrapping of reason.
2019-02-23 History is our constant gift to time.
2019-02-22 Huge ambition housed in a tiny soul.
2019-02-21 A good week is a week I can recite.
2019-02-20 Schoolchildren on strike, suddenly there’s hope.
2019-02-19 My son, this is all of Heaven I need.
2019-02-18 The dragon makers have spent their time well.
2019-02-17 I am the proudest mummy in the crèche.
2019-02-16 Satire is now a form of suicide.
2019-02-15 A lot of this is indicative text.
2019-02-14 Jacob Rees-Mogg is waiting in the wings.
2019-02-13 We cannot win this fight with facts alone.
2019-02-12 Silence, Emperor of Adagios,
2019-02-11 witness to unendurable beauty,
2019-02-10 mysterious priest of forgiving gods,
2019-02-09 hugging the earth in absence of your muse,
2019-02-08 teach me to catch the music of mountains
2019-02-07 crowned with forests as ancient as morning,
2019-02-06 capped with ice fields majestic as the sun.
2019-02-05 Part of me longs to become a cyborg.
2019-02-04 Dragon sensibility, I did this.
2019-02-03 I distrust the historical impulse.
2019-02-02 I feel like I’m ninety-seven years old.
2019-02-01 What kinds of gods are left to imagine?
2019-01-31 A city map made up of golden lines.
2019-01-30 I don't know what will happen tomorrow.
2019-01-29 Come find me in the gaps between the stones.
2019-01-28 The bottom line is the brain feels no pain.
2019-01-27 Nature comes back when you give it a chance.
2019-01-26 We don’t want hope, we want you to panic!
2019-01-25 DAVOS was a fierce waste of oxygen.
2019-01-24 Meaning, the spark we fling into the dark.
2019-01-23 You lurch from the why me to the why not?
2019-01-22 You promised us the ending would be clear ....
2019-01-21 Here where we live, in this terrible time ....
2019-01-20 As ugly as a smug billionaire ....
2019-01-19 Now the damned have no time to shout amen.
2019-01-18 Where’s our shame we’ve left them up to their necks ....
2019-01-17 And we want to believe in the madness ....
2019-01-16 Don’t go back to the place where no one smiles.
2019-01-15 Farewell sweet haven of sun and straight lines.
2019-01-14 This island was constructed in layers.
2019-01-13 I’d rather be a schooner than a yacht.
2019-01-12 Each moment can be the culmination.
2019-01-11 Insomnia is an inner garment.
2019-01-10 David, we need you more than ever now.
2019-01-09 The world is sick, we’ve given it the clap.
2019-01-08 Wind farms, solar farms, this is Africa.
2019-01-07 Tomorrow we shift, we go somewhere else.
2019-01-06 Fear is reason in a darkening place.
2019-01-05 Death is comfort to the diseased body.
2019-01-04 For you I have put on my broken watch.
2019-01-03 Sometimes I feel as if nothing is wrong.
2019-01-02 Do you know the way back into Eden?
2019-01-01 Time past is not contained in time present.
2018-12-31 It is not death, it is pain that I fear.
2018-12-30 I am trying to understand endings.
2018-12-29 And yet the traces of that madness cling.
2018-12-28 This is the real thing not a rehearsal.
2018-12-27 There is no second chance or second death.
2018-12-26 There is no return, re is a fiction.
2018-12-25 This is all me, I don't know about you.
2018-12-24 He slew the dragon of metaphysics.
2018-12-23 He valued logic over loyalty.
2018-12-22 He knew the duration of pure teaching.
2018-12-21 In war he chose reason over revenge.
2018-12-20 In love he chose passion over wisdom.
2018-12-19 I don't want to talk about the weather.
2018-12-18 Love is the nearest thing we know to God.
2018-12-17 Love is prodigious, against all logic.
2018-12-16 Love is a rebel, it never gives in.
2018-12-15 Love is tragic, at odds with the whole world.
2018-12-14 Love is comic, it stirs resolution.
2018-12-13 Love is certain, it knows no half measures.
2018-12-12 Love is blind, it never discriminates.
2018-12-11 I must remember to turn the lights off.
2018-12-10 All of this is yours if you can count it.
2018-12-09 I will invent a Hell to send you to.
2018-12-08 My Yin has lost my Yang's contact number.
2018-12-07 Attenborough mentions we need leaders.
2018-12-06 Nietzsche never seemed so on the money.
2018-12-05 Apocalypse is the new Becoming.
2018-12-04 I cannot watch that Batman film again!
2018-12-03 Jackson Pollock should run for President.
2018-12-02 Stop trying to break into the madhouse.
2018-12-01 Timid editors will never love you.
2018-11-30 OED add. To do a Cameron.
2018-11-29 That helicopter sounds like a bread knife.
2018-11-28 Nature here is a slug on a windscreen.
2018-11-27 Your sorbet stunk so I spit it out here.
2018-11-26 Science speculates, religion forbids.
2018-11-25 Science proposes, religion declares.
2018-11-24 Society is fragile, a veneer.
2018-11-23 Everything of value has now been wiped.
2018-11-22 That hand doesn't feed you, why not bite it.
2018-11-21 Gone is my talent for optimism.
2018-11-20 Take this mass extinction to the law courts.
2018-11-19 Now go on and win the Rugby World Cup.
2018-11-18 Lego Batman, new Mastermind subject.
2018-11-17 Now that they know, they need another vote.
2018-11-16 We're the dinosaurs and the asteroid.
2018-11-15 The best of the worst untenable choice.
2018-11-14 Captain T you should read some poetry.
2018-11-13 I feel bessed that I never saw combat.
2018-11-12 Fake night, fake day, fake route, fake play, fake news.
2018-11-11 Fake right, fake wrong, fake smile, fake song, fake shoes.
2018-11-10 Fake tan, fake hair, fake clothes, fake words, fake views.
2018-11-09 Fake hands, fake teeth, fake lips, fake speech, fake cues.
2018-11-08 The answer is there in W. B.
2018-11-07 There are monsters in the purest of words.
2018-11-06 South America will knock down your wall.
2018-11-05 Brexit is a bird trapped in the chimney.
2018-11-04 Brexit, a hedgehog on a motorway.
2018-11-03 Bestiary for tomorrow's children.
2018-11-02 The worst are full of scoffing ignorance.
2018-11-01 We might need to learn how to eat plastic.
2018-10-31 We've turned this world of ours into a zoo.
2018-10-30 Secondhand car salesmen are not for us.
2018-10-29 Premature rise of tawdry shopkeepers.
2018-10-28 The point is we are proud of Michael D.
2018-10-27 What is blasphemy? A puff of vapor.
2018-10-26 Wheat Girl runs through fields of cold promises.
2018-10-25 I am glad I will not see the result.
2018-10-24 Much of this will gather in its meaning.
2018-10-23 I propose a Nineteen Fifties Toll Booth.
2018-10-22 Gute Nacht, meine Damen. Gute Nacht.
2018-10-21 Parting is such bureaucratic sorrow.
2018-10-20 I’ve an open heart and a broken brain.
2018-10-19 Captain T will not piss off the Suadis.
2018-10-18 Great British Bake Off Patisserie Blues.
2018-10-17 I’m not even sure "shored" is the right word.
2018-10-16 Accident, the best friend I ever had.
2018-10-15 Love is the hostage of futurity.
2018-10-14 Today there was innocence and laughter.
2018-10-13 A wise teacher does not need their students.
2018-10-12 If I’ve not sown mistrust, then I have failed.
2018-10-11 The good student, like the good child, rebels.
2018-10-10 The Unconscious, ocean under the sea.
2018-10-09 Hooray for small presses and big ideas.
2018-10-08 I cant stand up for falling d-o-wn!
2018-10-07 Harry Potter is making a comeback.
2018-10-06 A hole is a cul-de-sac that connects.
2018-10-05 Halo factory has gone belly up.
2018-10-04 True centre of each swirling universe.
2018-10-03 If there was one big enough I'd crawl in.
2018-10-02 Brett and co., you have made your masterpiece.
2018-10-01 That one dead bird contained a universe.
2018-09-30 Fly tipping is a perfect metaphor.
2018-09-29 In my childhood there were only nettles.
2018-09-28 So you agree, this is a life-sentence.
2018-09-27 Dr Strangelove has become accurate.
2018-09-26 A Disneyland without any children.
2018-09-25 Ineluctable visibility.
2018-09-24 This is not a stock survivor's manual.
2018-09-23 This is not the diary of a doomed man.
2018-09-22 Dreamt I couldn't choose whose shoes I should wear.
2018-09-21 Poetic version of miming on stage.
2018-09-20 This machine of holes and gaps kills fascists.
2018-09-19 Falling is a form of thinking too fast.
2018-09-18 There's money to be made from eviction.
2018-09-17 The far right is taking over Europe.
2018-09-16 People of Ireland will not tolerate.
2018-09-15 Dublin City Council buy those houses!
2018-09-14 Balaclava thuggery betrays you.
2018-09-13 I have reached my own singularity.
2018-09-12 Love and Death in the Uncanny Valley.
2018-09-11 If I fall hard enough something will change.
2018-09-10 You need catastrophe before you learn.
2018-09-09 Merriment is not opposed to content.
2018-09-08 Insomnia is a kind of protest.
2018-09-07 We're in danger of losing the future.
2018-09-06 We're in danger of burying the past.
2018-09-05 As peculiar as you wanted it.
2018-09-04 It's hard to deliver every Sunday.
2018-09-03 The Great Acceleration is over.
2018-09-02 There is no country of eternal sun.
2018-09-01 Everybody now say Nope to the Dope.
2018-08-31 First thing I do in the morning is fall.
2018-08-30 I have begun to lose my memory.
2018-08-29 I have begun to lose my memory.
2018-08-28 St. Francis, your Nature has disappeared.
2018-08-27 What do you know about family, eh?
2018-08-26 I study science and the end of things.
2018-08-25 Reason is not cold and is not a choice.
2018-08-24 Nature, the madwoman in the ettic.
2018-08-23 Nature is waiting to assert her rights
2018-08-22 Don't just impeach him, put him in the stocks.
2018-08-21 Sometimes all you want is a day at home.
2018-08-20 My dreams are of murders and taxi rides.
2018-08-19 Elephant and Castle archive fever.
2018-08-18 Summer and Autumn should come to a truce.
2018-08-17 Sometimes all you can do is wave your hands.
2018-08-16 A computer smarter than you? Really?
2018-08-15 I cannot take responsibility.
2018-08-14 Lee Bul's pink monster looks happy to me.
2018-08-13 London has a sky that is constructed.
2018-08-12 It turned out that consciousness is the plague.
2018-08-11 You Sir have the style of a toilet-brush.
2018-08-10 The NRA is a terrorist cell.
2018-08-09 And I too once was a gigantic ear.
2018-08-08 We're beginning to look alot like Mars.
2018-08-07 I could spend all night looking at your face.
2018-08-06 Cut me up and feed me to the fishes.
2018-08-05 Physics is a game of snakes and ladders.
2018-08-04 Sisyphus has lost his holiday rights.
2018-08-03 Future Life Studies is a bright idea.
2018-08-02 My life has become one calculation.
2018-08-01 The Bank of Ireland is lurking in the shadows.
2018-07-31 No super man just military drones.
2018-07-30 English politics, that would be something.
2018-07-29 When Gaza is flattened war will move on.
2018-07-28 When Syria is dead war will move on.
2018-07-27 It must be true, my friend Jimmy said so.
2018-07-26 Optimistic, pessimistic realist.
2018-07-25 I have a talent for hope and despair.
2018-07-24 Let this now be Poetry 2.0.
2018-07-23 Waiting for my own Singularity.
2018-07-22 Attacks on Gaza are no longer news.
2018-07-21 Brexit is a ludicrous soap opera.
2018-07-20 The bees are dying, the spiders are huge.
2018-07-19 would or wouldn't, you're still an idiot.
2018-07-18 Everything's shifted, Mars is to the right.
2018-07-17 Captain Tremendous is Putin's monkey.
2018-07-16 Captain Tremendous can go fuck himself!
2018-07-15 Captain T hates multiculturalism.
2018-07-14 Captain Tremendous arrives with his hair.
2018-07-13 True entropy of infinite data.
2018-07-12 Stomach bug, dehydration, drugs, you choose.
2018-07-11 Money is the idol of the idle.
2018-07-10 Dreaming fourteeners and other freedoms.
2018-07-09 Stuck fast, my head in the grill of this week.
2018-07-08 One day you'll be glad you're not a cartoon.
2018-07-07 Build a model of what you would forget
2018-07-06 The sky looks bluer on television.
2018-07-05 Time is drawing a border round my mind.
2018-07-04 Captain Tremendous examines his butt.
2018-07-03 Dancing like a dervish in the Eccles.
2018-07-02 Whatever life I have I share with you.
2018-07-01 Some wars will never, ever be over.
2018-06-30 I'd dispense with you if I had the time
2018-06-29 War by other means keeps the war brewing.
2018-06-28 Much ado about a fool named Donald.
2018-06-27 Much converse about death and the weather.
2018-06-26 You have a gold leaf breeze-block for a heart.
2018-06-25 Whisper to Donald, people are not blind.
2018-06-24 Filling your dreams with all kinds of monsters.
2018-06-23 The Singularity fills me with fear.
2018-06-22 Teaching manifests the darkest places.
2018-06-21 Invent the devil as explanation.
2018-06-20 You are a drunkerd that clutches corners,
2018-06-19 a shuffling ghost on a listing sea.
2018-06-18 Your echo of the news betrays the sun,
2018-06-17 your hand hangs flapping in all innocence.
2018-06-16 Demons pull you staggered across the floor,
2018-06-15 you were falling the moment you arose,
2018-06-14 and you are all eyes and fingers and glass,
2018-06-13 something to be handled and then set down.
2018-06-12 I fell asleep before the Cosmic Dawn.
2018-06-11 The stars implode into a summer sky.
2018-06-10 In the morning, the man who cleans the sea.
2018-06-09 Donald plans the tremendous tremendous.
2018-06-08 Northern Ireland looks like an outlier.
2018-06-07 I am here to tell you things do not fit.
2018-06-06 There is no glamour in monopoly.
2018-06-05 Bitten to within an inch of my life.
2018-06-04 Deeply emotional and yet good fun.
2018-06-03 I can say an eternal yes to you.
2018-06-02 Double the dosage and buy some more time.
2018-06-01 While we sleep others build the foundations.
2018-05-31 Reason is a small voice in the corner.
2018-05-30 When did you decide that science is bunk?
2018-05-29 Throw down the stars and face towards morning.
2018-05-28 Ireland has woken from a long, long sleep.
2018-05-27 If you love and trust your daughters, vote yes.
2018-05-26 If human rights is more than words, vote yes.
2018-05-25 If female autonomy counts, vote yes.
2018-05-24 If opposed to U.S. Right Wing, vote yes.
2018-05-23 If sick of Catholic dictact, vote yes.
2018-05-22 If women are equal with men, vote yes.
2018-05-21 If you want a secular state, vote yes.
2018-05-20 If world overpopulation, vote yes.
2018-05-19 If women are more than mothers, vote yes.
2018-05-18 If women own their own bodies, vote yes.
2018-05-17 It's not our fault, they made us murder them!
2018-05-16 Go to Shannon and watch the U.S. troops.
2018-05-15 Arsene, we will always remember you.
2018-05-14 At night this house becomes a goldfish bowl.
2018-05-13 Let's lie on the ground and think of the stars.
2018-05-12 Don't talk about it doesn't really work.
2018-05-11 I am the sole of a very old shoe.
2018-05-10 He sits on top of the rubble and weeps.
2018-05-09 Once a year this taste of purgatory.
2018-05-08 I write without hope of remembering.
2018-05-07 Where have all the striking images gone?
2018-05-06 Like water dripping from the house's nose.
2018-05-05 Or silence ruined by garrulous birds.
2018-05-04 I am plagiarising myself again.
2018-05-03 Insomnia is the rich man's cocaine.
2018-05-02 Normal service is a cheap illusion.
2018-05-01 Poets are often silent at dinner.
2018-04-30 The past would disown us, now, if it could.
2018-04-29 We have become agents of extinction.
2018-04-28 Sustainability is a nonsense.
2018-04-27 Abject oriented ontology.
2018-04-26 That's not a hole you should shine a light down.
2018-04-25 We are the plague, we are the contagion.
2018-04-24 My dreams are all about people I lost.
2018-04-23 Line of night trees, old men waiting to die.
2018-04-22 Arsene there will be many many tears.
2018-04-21 I am teaching myself to be fuzzy.
2018-04-20 Not being able to walk slows you down.
2018-04-19 I shake myself into something like sense.
2018-04-18 You are a fly in the house that you built.
2018-04-17 Escalation is a scream in the dark.
2018-04-16 Post-Lockean fight for autonomy.
2018-04-15 Escalation runs like loosely bound thread.
2018-04-14 The No campaign is getting the jitters.
2018-04-13 Escalation is a horrified child.
2018-04-12 Of course some of these will miss their targets.
2018-04-11 I've trying to find where I put myself.
2018-04-10 Under the sofa is what you forgot.
2018-04-09 Fascist bully's cult of the embryo.
2018-04-08 Love is an unmistakable affect.
2018-04-07 You identify with those you other.
2018-04-06 Turn the telly off and scream at the birds.
2018-04-05 Everybody wants to be a Viking.
2018-04-04 Alan Turing designed the Turing Test.
2018-04-03 A mountain is an island on the land.
2018-04-02 I've started to say goodbye to the world.
2018-04-01 Bob you were a very cruel Christian.
2018-03-31 Darwin already knew that it was late.
2018-03-30 I am still waiting to dance with Kate Bush.
2018-03-29 Woke up this morning, the world was still here.
2018-03-28 Maggie you should be living at this hour!
2018-03-27 We are the species that breaks relation.
2018-03-26 Vicious little ape without any friends.
2018-03-25 Give him a tin hat and send him to me.
2018-03-24 The inhumanity of the human.
2018-03-23 The shattered links of the world's broken chain.
2018-03-22 Origins of a murderous species.
2018-03-21 The sky is full of shuddering colours,
2018-03-20 Heaven is born in the death of a star.
2018-03-19 You are an eye in a shoreless ocean,
2018-03-18 a force beyond pain and identity.
2018-03-17 Anonymous now, free from all rumour
2018-03-16 free from all theory, all doubt and all fear,
2018-03-15 free from the prison of useless desires,
2018-03-14 in awe of the form of everything.
2018-03-13 Each defeat brings the Promised Land closer.
2018-03-12 Each victory is a stab in the heart.
2018-03-11 Modern warfare and its adaptations.
2018-03-10 Turns out I was ready for Vietnam.
2018-03-09 Tell that dying child you're protecting it.
2018-03-08 Blake must revise his Songs of Innocence.
2018-03-07 Eastern Ghouta is a Russian blood stain.
2018-03-06 A little too much information thanks.
2018-03-05 Robin Redbreast bitterly pecking snow.
2018-03-04 If the leckie goes then we'll burn some books.
2018-03-03 A tablecloth of infinite design.
2018-03-02 Putin, your Banquo is an infant's scream.
2018-03-01 War is the shadow of everyone's smile.
2018-02-28 Put Chomsky on our school's curriculum.
2018-02-27 Gardening, an alien invasion.
2018-02-26 Damascus is the mouth of Gehenna.
2018-02-25 Those we mourn we have left undefended.
2018-02-24 A child of six is not a terrorist.
2018-02-23 Stop the slaughter or disband the U.N.
2018-02-22 Syria, a holocaust of children.
2018-02-21 The only home is the one that you make.
2018-02-20 One might possibly call it a blind spot.
2018-02-19 And what's even worse he was a poet.
2018-02-18 It is important to thank everyone.
2018-02-17 They trundle down vast corridors of time.
2018-02-16 America massacres innocence.
2018-02-15 I want to use somebody else's voice.
2018-02-14 I am almost ready to begin now.
2018-02-13 Skeleton jumpers do not keep you warm.
2018-02-12 Are you taking notes? There will be a test.
2018-02-11 Snow makes me glad that I'm not a penguin.
2018-02-10 You dream of money and cavernous eyes.
2018-02-09 I dream of lakes and dissolute fishes.
2018-02-08 We are holding you here for your own good.
2018-02-07 And then one day there was heat in the world.
2018-02-06 Nuclear Posture Abomination.
2018-02-05 Drop kick me into a sphere of pure bliss.
2018-02-04 The wisest fool that London ever made.
2018-02-03 Expect ongoing soccer star whoredom.
2018-02-02 Everybody's favourite autodidact.
2018-02-01 Be more tolerant you stupid bastard!
2018-01-31 Everyone's favourite neighbourhood prophet.
2018-01-30 I no longer have two legs to stand on.
2018-01-29 Banality ala Hannah Arendt.
2018-01-28 Draw only from the wells that make you strong.
2018-01-27 They laughed when you said that you used to sing.
2018-01-26 William Blake is a hit once again.
2018-01-25 People have fun, are too cool for joy.
2018-01-24 The moon hunting down the last of the stars.
2018-01-23 Expect masculine bluster on Repeal.
2018-01-22 Expect strange sounds from the biscuit barrel.
2018-01-21 Expect new epochs of millinery.
2018-01-20 Expect unsolvable IT crises.
2018-01-19 Expect perennial Arsene Wenger.
2018-01-18 Expect artificial intelligence.
2018-01-17 Expect political maleficences.
2018-01-16 Expect aesthetics of repetition.
2018-01-15 Expect tremendous symbolic burden.
2018-01-14 Expect new shoots where nothing grew before.
2018-01-13 Expect sub-Armegeddon rhetoric.
2018-01-12 Expect suits and monkeys but no women.
2018-01-11 Expect nuclear incompetencies.
2018-01-10 Expect attention deficient culture.
2018-01-09 Expect sudden, inexplicable joy.
2018-01-08 Expect aggitation on homelessness.
2018-01-07 Expect revolts within revolutions.
2018-01-06 Expect meteorological meltdowns.
2018-01-05 Expect hollow victories and defeats.
2018-01-04 Expect the decline of Western Values.
2018-01-03 Expect philosophical evasions.
2018-01-02 Open the vaults and let the ghosts float free.
2018-01-01 I'm going to spell things out a bit more.
2017-12-31 For now all art is Survivalism.
2017-12-30 Piggie boy has gone and done it again.
2017-12-29 In the sense of nature and not ideas.
2017-12-28 This is poetry of non-description.
2017-12-27 The centrepiece is a little angel.
2017-12-26 You fill only a fraction of silence.
2017-12-25 The ride has got a little bumpier.
2017-12-24 If I were a temple I'd be condemned.
2017-12-23 There's a voice at the bottom of the well.
2017-12-22 Who wouldn't want to stop this in its tracks.
2017-12-21 The desert is another kind of hole.
2017-12-20 I have nothing, I am completely dry.
2017-12-19 Play nice, you are the last kids in Eden.
2017-12-18 Joy Division still tearing me apart.
2017-12-17 In my lifetime they slowly unravelled.
2017-12-16 Question is Mr. Joyce, what kind of war?
2017-12-15 I have not been consistent on Europe.
2017-12-14 Take your word cloud and stuff it somewhere warm.
2017-12-13 The West transforms into a Martian sky.
2017-12-12 The wind has a body that screams when stretched.
2017-12-11 Everybody has become George Orwell.
2017-12-10 He thinks he's as big as Jerusalem.
2017-12-09 Of all that crowd and more I miss you most.
2017-12-08 Aim for the stars and you might reach the moon.
2017-12-07 The DUP nursing their precious "no".
2017-12-06 This is the journal of a lucky man.
2017-12-05 The city has not woken up today.
2017-12-04 It's like slowly being buried alive.
2017-12-03 Sounds of diggers and heavy masonry.
2017-12-02 Nietzsche's morning song played by a robot.
2017-12-01 I'm writing these down as they come to me.
2017-11-30 All dreams of heroic escape are gone.
2017-11-29 You can't write poetry to save your life.
2017-11-28 Let's all think about the unthinkable.
2017-11-27 Life is too itchy to come close to art.
2017-11-26 Somebody needs to plug in my charger.
2017-11-25 Snooker is a game only one can win.
2017-11-24 Stanley Kubrick is buried in this place.
2017-11-23 I am thrown on the kindness of strangers.
2017-11-22 London Town is a muscle memory.
2017-11-21 Robert Mugabe, nobody loves you.
2017-11-20 And I have looked down on the highest clouds.
2017-11-19 The devout do not like mythology.
2017-11-18 Pollution is an anti-charity.
2017-11-17 Ireland smoking like there's no tomorrow.
2017-11-16 Plastic has reached the centre of the earth.
2017-11-15 A crow proudly sporting a yogurt pot.
2017-11-14 Self-satisfied bucket-wearing harpy.
2017-11-13 Knee-jerk prayers as the world catches fire.
2017-11-12 Today there is no space for eloquence.
2017-11-11 Epoch of the miniature figurine.
2017-11-10 This is darker than I had thought to see.
2017-11-09 Ideologues are carving up the world.
2017-11-08 I need a flood barrier for my head.
2017-11-07 The builders of walls are coming to Cork.
2017-11-06 Richard Nixon with a bizarre hair-do.
2017-11-05 You're wearing the wrong trousers for that hat.
2017-11-04 A few days pass, the dead are forgotten.
2017-11-03 Some of these people do not know the way.
2017-11-02 Coriolanus on a wooden box.
2017-11-01 I dream a permanent bank holiday.
2017-10-31 Nowadays we have historical storms.
2017-10-30 Spain is having a stroke whilst giving birth.
2017-10-29 Proxima B is closer than justice.
2017-10-28 I teach reason, I am a remainer!
2017-10-27 Stupidity is the new rhetoric.
2017-10-26 This day is replacing another day.
2017-10-25 Bureaucracy will never keep you warm.
2017-10-24 You got up, so do a lap of honour.
2017-10-23 It’s poetry, but not as we know it!
2017-10-22 We are evolving beyond umbrellas.
2017-10-21 It looks like it’s me and e. e. cummings.
2017-10-20 Wild west wind, breath of our foul pollution.
2017-10-19 My body has lost its divinity.
2017-10-18 I write about what frightens me the most.
2017-10-17 Ophelia plans to mess up Monday.
2017-10-16 Winter vomiting bug, early Autumn.
2017-10-15 They leave what can only be called a hole.
2017-10-14 People I know are beginning to die.
2017-10-13 Spain is not unused to uncivil wars.
2017-10-12 Books cannot show that dimple on the chin.
2017-10-11 Films do not show the inside of dying.
2017-10-10 P.M. post should not be a punishment.
2017-10-09 You don’t have to live like a refugee.
2017-10-08 American junkie, rifle syringe.
2017-10-07 Tessi Mae is becoming a cartoon.
2017-10-06 Did Jesus carry an automatic?
2017-10-05 Rohingya exodus leaves me speachless.
2017-10-04 Batons and boots won’t make them love you more.
2017-10-03 Silence is only listening harder.
2017-10-02 The moon is true law disguised as a thief.
2017-10-01 The dark exists to help us love the sun.
2017-09-30 Save me from all these know-it-all machines.
2017-09-29 I love you to all these and back again.
2017-09-28 The last leaf at the true end of winter.
2017-09-27 The last chip shop at the end of the street.
2017-09-26 The last lap at the end of the road race.
2017-09-25 The last hat at the end of the wedding.
2017-09-24 The last ice cream at the end of the beach.
2017-09-23 The last horse at the end of the circus.
2017-09-22 The last window at the end of the stars.
2017-09-21 Donald, you don’t speak for humanity.
2017-09-20 The trick is, mate, not to mind that it hurts.
2017-09-19 Things are bad when not losing is so good!
2017-09-18 Cassini becomes part of what it sees.
2017-09-17 Climate change? that thing outside your window.
2017-09-16 Our symbol, a losing lotto ticket.
2017-09-15 You done and gone wrecked it with your brexit.
2017-09-14 Lucretius, a very curvy man.
2017-09-13 Promised, no promise, promises broken.
2017-09-12 I am a duck, you are a loaf of bread.
2017-09-11 I am a pass, you are the off-side rule.
2017-09-10 I am a carcass with a full-time job.
2017-09-09 The Drake Equation should visit Barking.
2017-09-08 Hurricane Irma, absurd denial.
2017-09-07 Four hundred years ago they’d have burnt me.
2017-09-06 One line is not enough, John Ashbery.
2017-09-05 Dear Karl, the point is, now, to preserve it.
2017-09-04 They think they are the inventors of fear.
2017-09-03 They think they are the inventors of law.
2017-09-02 A useful fool and a dangerous fool.
2017-09-01 Aung San Suu Kyi has betrayed her life’s work.
2017-08-31 Nationhood ended at Los Alamos.
2017-08-30 Stansted is a wilderness of shopping.
2017-08-29 That bump might just be the start of the sea.
2017-08-28 There are moments I could stop doing this.
2017-08-27 There is as much mayhem as we can make.
2017-08-26 This is the way to kill allegory.
2017-08-25 I don’t do stories, I did but I stopped.
2017-08-24 You have cried in this place before my son.
2017-08-23 Talking to you won’t make you disappear.
2017-08-22 Well, we got through another week there folks!
2017-08-21 Donald is a boot stamping on your face.
2017-08-20 What we need is a low-tech peace movement.
2017-08-19 Spartacus would have ye all for breakfast.
2017-08-18 Fascism is not a choice, it’s a crime.
2017-08-17 Nazis are the ones waving swastikas.
2017-08-16 Your reluctant materiality.
2017-08-15 Fire from the earth, fire from the sky.
2017-08-14 Look at the map, it’s like an inferno.
2017-08-13 Europe is burning, the soft rains have gone.
2017-08-12 So much saw dust that my nose is bleeding.
2017-08-11 Whimper, whimper, just a fucking whimper.
2017-08-10 Kim and Donald are extras from Strangelove.
2017-08-09 Donald is going to get his hair mussed.
2017-08-08 Cinematography for the fallen.
2017-08-07 You kill everything you don’t understand.
2017-08-06 There is no four fold, there is just a jug.
2017-08-05 Sit in the sunshine and stir the dream pot.
2017-08-04 You should look elsewhere for compensation.
2017-08-03 We are definitely on holiday.
2017-08-02 When you are older you’ll know this of me.
2017-08-01 Is this diet suitable for robots?
2017-07-31 Kells had a garden instead of a book.
2017-07-30 If I feel anxious I look at the bees.
2017-07-29 Donald is rewriting the funny books.
2017-07-28 Impotent in the face of flummery.
2017-07-27 Find yourself in a world of bitter things.
2017-07-26 Time put a hole through the centre of you.
2017-07-25 Something about woodworm and high finance.
2017-07-24 My left hand is not up to the Bible.
2017-07-23 Input my "character" then pull the plug.
2017-07-22 This is my own sandwalk ala Darwin.
2017-07-21 Pixelated landscape of a lifetime.
2017-07-20 Thom Yorke has gone and got himself a beard.
2017-07-19 Lay the week out in a hundred flash cards.
2017-07-18 Liu Xiaobo, the future will honour you.
2017-07-17 The curve of a straight line seen from distance.
2017-07-16 Free air again as the motorcade leaves.
2017-07-15 The Old Alliance comes out of Paris.
2017-07-14 You cannot tread water in a desert.
2017-07-13 If he was any more sleazy he’d slide.
2017-07-12 British politics, heimlich manoeuvre.
2017-07-11 If you weren’t taken you’d be a barn dance.
2017-07-10 Donald has gone home to play with his toys.
2017-07-09 Enough of your symbolical bollocks!
2017-07-08 Donald meets big boys on his holidays.
2017-07-07 The Court of Appeal is on a piss up.
2017-07-06 “Military Intelligence”, nice one!
2017-07-05 The truth is a snail crossing a main road.
2017-07-04 Half are temperamentally fascist.
2017-07-03 Half a year’s release from the asylum.
2017-07-02 What on earth is a "social abortion"?
2017-07-01 The DUP have stolen your hand bag.
2017-06-30 Bantry Bay has become a building site.
2017-06-29 Machines don’t have any trouble sleeping.
2017-06-28 Diary of callous assimilations.
2017-06-27 Today’s hole has already been written.
2017-06-26 Sorry we fucked up, you can’t have a home.
2017-06-25 Strong and stable sent to do the dishes.
2017-06-24 Judiciousness is today’s protest march.
2017-06-23 Sobriety is the new charisma.
2017-06-22 Nabakov was a wicked old tike.
2017-06-21 The baby is on the writing table.
2017-06-20 Grenfell Tower, face of austerity.
2017-06-19 Take the homes you need, kick out the landlords.
2017-06-18 Londoners rise like a giant Phoenix.
2017-06-17 Tessie May can’t look people in the eyes.
2017-06-16 [sorrow]
2017-06-15 The DUP are coming to get you.
2017-06-14 The promise of form always keeps you poor.
2017-06-13 You do know there are very long poems!
2017-06-12 Another crack opens and hope shines through.
2017-06-11 Tessi Mae. Tessi Mae. What have you done!
2017-06-10 Donald unites everyone in disgust.
2017-06-09 Donald’s daughter is weeping for Paris.
2017-06-08 Donald is not in need of Medicare.
2017-06-07 Donald swoops with Zephers in the ether.
2017-06-06 Donald is ushering in the last days.
2017-06-05 Donald’s an ape with a fist full of shit.
2017-06-04 Donald’s in the corner sucking his thumb.
2017-06-03 Donald’s old, so doesn’t need the future.
2017-06-02 Donald’s got a ten, but still gropes pussy.
2017-06-01 Donald’s rich, so doesn’t need your applause.
2017-05-31 Donald’s famous, so doesn’t need the truth.
2017-05-30 There’s no mystery, you’re the one for me.
2017-05-29 Come on Arsenal win the cup again!
2017-05-28 Seaweed wraps are no substitute for chips.
2017-05-27 Will somebody please photograph Donald!
2017-05-26 No words, just love. No words, just love. Just love.
2017-05-25 Heroes and martyrs do not kill children.
2017-05-24 The hidden things on dancing feet are socks.
2017-05-23 We are drowning the oceans with plastics.
2017-05-22 I am learning to enjoy rejection.
2017-05-21 What was once eccentric is now the norm.
2017-05-20 Must mention Roland Barthes sometime today.
2017-05-19 Let’s study rather than worship the stars.
2017-05-18 So much good will I blew into pieces.
2017-05-17 I have become a Young Hegelian.
2017-05-16 You can’t have that dream, it’s not been paid for.
2017-05-15 The books pile up like hands never shaken.
2017-05-14 I’d die my hair but I’m no natural.
2017-05-13 And when you’re a star they let you do it.
2017-05-12 Locker room safe zone, a rapist’s logic.
2017-05-11 I don’t sing any more, I just listen.
2017-05-10 Marking is a chop stick in the forehead.
2017-05-09 Single Party Britain freezes in Spring.
2017-05-08 A hole is a fold that does not travel.
2017-05-07 Thomas the Tank Engine is depressing.
2017-05-06 Penguins can’t fly but they can rock and roll!
2017-05-05 If you don’t keep up you’ll fall behind.
2017-05-04 How do you propose to slip past this one?
2017-05-03 We must make our peace with contorted veg.
2017-05-02 Intelligent life would leave us alone.
2017-05-01 Cartoon people shouting party slogans.
2017-04-30 Our love is like never ending hiccups.
2017-04-29 If I look at you too long you’ll wear out.
2017-04-28 Insignificance is the best platform.
2017-04-27 Science will take us to the edge of God.
2017-04-26 I have become my own backing singer.
2017-04-25 My eyes are the holes I’ve been searching for.
2017-04-24 I love my shake, it proves that I exist.
2017-04-23 Tessi May thinks debate is for losers.
2017-04-22 Aren’t we all a bit under the weather?
2017-04-21 Hydrogen, Helium, brute force and chance.
2017-04-20 I will go back to being an island.
2017-04-19 I have left too many holes in my bed.
2017-04-18 Bits of children hanging from bombed out trees.
2017-04-17 This is a world that includes you and me.
2017-04-16 Bertram Russell and a game of "chicken".
2017-04-15 When will this peacetime stop killing us all.
2017-04-14 Arsenal F.C. you need a boot sale.
2017-04-13 Being sick turns you into a blank cheque.
2017-04-12 The dust from our shoes is what will remain.
2017-04-11 Rivers of silence are flowing through me.
2017-04-10 There is an alien in my stomach.
2017-04-09 Third World Accident and Emergency.
2017-04-08 Trump thinks he's a good guy who zaps bad guys.
2017-04-07 In the end I will no doubt miss teaching.
2017-04-06 Bombs and gas are both equally evil.
2017-04-05 My back is a field of exploded mines.
2017-04-04 I am learning the art of doing zilch.
2017-04-03 Consider this a tiny photo booth.
2017-04-02 I’d grow a beard if I believed in sin.
2017-04-01 All the suits are snoring while Europe burns.
2017-03-31 Tuck your shirt in boy, the wind’s picking up.
2017-03-30 Bye bye England, hope you’re not too lonely.
2017-03-29 Don’t sweat it’s not so far on the way back.
2017-03-28 It’s simple, telling fibs gets you more hits.
2017-03-27 A flat stomach and a floppy hair cut.
2017-03-26 And all that beating heart is lying still.
2017-03-25 The dark side of celebrity culture.
2017-03-24 Statesmen exchanged for thick entrepreneurs.
2017-03-23 Where on this earth are those people marching.
2017-03-22 A little bit more hope has been snuffed out.
2017-03-21 Golgonooza is looking pretty sad.
2017-03-20 I’m a veteran of disappointment.
2017-03-19 Why have a character if you won’t dance?
2017-03-18 Children play their games in the jaws of time.
2017-03-17 I have swept my desk clean of all regret.
2017-03-16 Knowledge is a bleary eyed street orphan.
2017-03-15 Let’s just say, he didn’t die wondering.
2017-03-14 Biblical times demand a new bible.
2017-03-13 Africa is more serious than words.
2017-03-12 I am trying to hand the baton on.
2017-03-11 The righteous are not on television.
2017-03-10 Let’s look first to the fascists among us.
2017-03-09 Greedy hateful eyes squint at our children.
2017-03-08 Let’s all call it what it is, a death cult.
2017-03-07 Anarchic penguins take over the house.
2017-03-06 Tuam is a genocide on our doorstep.
2017-03-05 Do you know the way to Jerusalem?
2017-03-04 The Union Jack is a tattered rag
2017-03-03 The democratic infrastructure rocks!
2017-03-02 Fake news starts with a call to common sense.
2017-03-01 Crisis is despotism’s oxygen.
2017-02-28 I am paying for not writing in bed.
2017-02-27 We don't say garbage here we say rubbish.
2017-02-26 Without dopamine I am a screamer.
2017-02-25 I am allergic to dust and fascists.
2017-02-24 Seven new planets on which to project.
2017-02-23 The bus moves fastest whenever it breaks.
2017-02-22 I was your Jesus, but you betrayed me.
2017-02-21 Why doesn’t the media shut him down?
2017-02-20 Time has abandoned me and I’m thankful.
2017-02-19 Keep thinking about the 1930s.
2017-02-18 This is a monument of our despair.
2017-02-17 All that is required is your forbearance.
2017-02-16 The best thing in my life has been your love.
2017-02-15 If you were the moon I’d build a rocket.
2017-02-14 We are suffering from phantom limb voice.
2017-02-13 This evening I was quicker than the moon.
2017-02-12 The next prick to mention Brexit gets it!
2017-02-11 If you are reading this then I am gone.
2017-02-10 Someone has stolen our epiphanies.
2017-02-09 I would do everything differently.
2017-02-08 6 a.m., still waiting for Morpheus.
2017-02-07 High Court Judges are now freedom fighters.
2017-02-06 Emma Lazarus writes another sonnet.
2017-02-05 The land of the free is now a prison.
2017-02-04 A flutter of wings from your broken book.
2017-02-03 Gun toting toddlers rule the Southern States.
2017-02-02 All day imprisoned by fascist knitwear.
2017-02-01 They have started loading the carriages.
2017-01-31 What to do with your hands in a workshop.
2017-01-30 He is the undergarment of the Law.
2017-01-29 That Book is the Devil disguised as Word.
2017-01-28 The planet heats up with indignation.
2017-01-27 That was the December of our ruin.
2017-01-26 This is the January of our shame.
2017-01-25 This is the winter of our discontent.
2017-01-24 Fog across Cork, the whole world is sweating.
2017-01-23 Now he has grabbed the pussy of the world.
2017-01-22 Trump sees his main competitor as God.
2017-01-21 The loneliest seals shed the biggest tears.
2017-01-20 The widest bears steal the sweetest honey.
2017-01-19 The tallest snakes are the friendliest pets.
2017-01-18 New term, and do you know anything new?
2017-01-17 Serial killer brains, stock exchange suits.
2017-01-16 Gulliver’s Travels now makes perfect sense.
2017-01-15 Repetition is the glue that binds us.
2017-01-14 Snow is the year making its first statement.
2017-01-13 Send them out Graham, let them fly away.
2017-01-12 Something happened on the day that he died.
2017-01-11 The thrill of discovery has left us.
2017-01-10 Happy birthday David, we all miss you.
2017-01-09 Blippi is the spawn of Beelzebub.
2017-01-08 Bloated public sector bed shortages.
2017-01-07 William Blake and the theme of lost sons.
2017-01-06 The only Light in the world is Reason.
2017-01-05 You can’t appropriate Judaism.
2017-01-04 You cannot protect yourself from regret.
2017-01-03 That was a decade in my reckoning.
2017-01-02 Write about gossip, read Frank O’Hara.
2017-01-01 New Year’s resolution, be less vatic.
2016-12-31 President Trump treats objects like women.
2016-12-30 What is a bed for if you cannot sleep.
2016-12-29 You are a book with some pages missing.
2016-12-28 Vera Rubin you have made us richer.
2016-12-27 Without the between there is no knowledge.
2016-12-26 Lawrence M. Krauss does not love poetry.
2016-12-25 Thank you for reading, we're still on the ride.
2016-12-24 Intelligent people have fewer friends.
2016-12-23 Leonard Cohen has woken from his sleep.
2016-12-22 Nature knows nothing of ex nihilo.
2016-12-21 Sort out your politics then speak to me.
2016-12-20 I am only now beginning to speak.
2016-12-19 Maybe none the wiser but happier.
2016-12-18 This time next week I will be ten years old.
2016-12-17 You are the editor of my conscience.
2016-12-16 Stansted airport, shopper’s purgatory.
2016-12-15 Bob, where are the pricks that shouted Judas?
2016-12-14 Hitler said, make Germany great again.
2016-12-13 We sell death to Saudi Arabia.
2016-12-12 I refuse to live in a post fact world.
2016-12-11 On no account send out a search party.
2016-12-10 Saveable lines from unsaveable texts.
2016-12-09 We learned to get drunk on our own stories.
2016-12-08 A minor talent, much praised, little loved.
2016-12-07 Let me explain, text is not evidence.
2016-12-06 They gave me poison when I was a child.
2016-12-05 Husky poet talks about not dying.
2016-12-04 Waving from a bus I know will be late.
2016-12-03 Women and children reduced to rubble.
2016-12-02 Written in mourning for those that don’t fit.
2016-12-01 Listen, chocolate is not fattening!
2016-11-30 Donald, I’m glad I lost my sense of smell.
2016-11-29 Fidel your enemy has lost its mind.
2016-11-28 Fidel have you left us in disbelief.
2016-11-27 Fraternity is a troubled device.
2016-11-26 Thanksgiving was always a compromise.
2016-11-25 Assad bombs his people into freedom.
2016-11-24 Aleppo’s children have darkened the sky.
2016-11-23 I always refuse the five word challenge.
2016-11-22 I will modernise the shaking palsy.
2016-11-21 Science humbles but religion inflates.
2016-11-20 Radio makes my whole body tremble.
2016-11-19 Trump’s finger paused over the red button.
2016-11-18 Civilisation is measured in nukes.
2016-11-17 United States of Alienation.
2016-11-16 Imaginary country with real bombs.
2016-11-15 Think about it lads! where do leaks come from?
2016-11-14 If we moved to the left we could protest.
2016-11-13 If we were braver we'd not be losing.
2016-11-12 Russian people under Putin say snap.
2016-11-11 And good friends said goodbye to each other.
2016-11-10 For me there’s no special relationship.
2016-11-09 Some days I wish that I was a plumber.
2016-11-08 All thought reduces to a few straight lines.
2016-11-07 You are only ever in the middle.
2016-11-06 Brexit shot down by three toffs wearing wigs.
2016-11-05 I take my cues from anything at all.
2016-11-04 If he wins will they bring back Trumpington?
2016-11-03 Why not put Peppa Pig on prescription?
2016-11-02 Send Hillary an email, cheer her up.
2016-11-01 Are you into jazz? No, I’m sober now
2016-10-31 Got those I can’t get no dopamine blues.
2016-10-30 Find a teacher and give them a big hug.
2016-10-29 What Ireland needs is a General Strike.
2016-10-28 Repeal the 8th. Repeal the 8th. Repeal!
2016-10-27 This is the year when the fools take control.
2016-10-26 Brexit? A snail that’s lost the will to live.
2016-10-25 We are learning the joy of kicking leaves
2016-10-24 I’m so forgetful I forgot myself.
2016-10-23 I checked to see if I was still at home.
2016-10-22 Venus, Saturn and Mars, lined up like beads.
2016-10-21 Turn off the telly and look at the stars.
2016-10-20 Donald is an answer in a pub quiz.
2016-10-19 Donald is a monster beyond fiction.
2016-10-18 Space is a fold, a hole, and a pocket.
2016-10-17 Eternity is beyond becoming.
2016-10-16 Bobby got a prize for being himself.
2016-10-15 Nothing that is human is on its own.
2016-10-14 Tessie is going to do it her way.
2016-10-13 Think about it, what does the monster want?
2016-10-12 The windows of the shop are being shut.
2016-10-11 My stomach is now past its sell by date
2016-10-10 How do you promote a rotten borough?
2016-10-09 Holding hands shouldn’t be this difficult.
2016-10-08 Your career is an outdated idea.
2016-10-07 Ireland has more money, but not for us.
2016-10-06 Donald Trump has executed Santa.
2016-10-05 This is a very comfortable prison.
2016-10-04 There's magnets under the Kerry mountains.
2016-10-03 This Repeal boy admires Repeal girls.
2016-10-02 What Ireland needs is a General Strike.
2016-10-01 I am on the apron of your conscience.
2016-09-30 Syria is burning, football is news.
2016-09-29 The roof, the doors, the wheels, all fallen off.
2016-09-28 Moderately severely hard of what? ....
2016-09-27 There’s a spectre that’s haunting Westminster.
2016-09-26 The universe has a corner in you.
2016-09-25 ... you want experience not commitment ...
2016-09-24 Speak up! Speak out! Be bold! Be very bold!
2016-09-23 Secrets are like dry rot, they wreck the house.
2016-09-22 I turn brown if I think about the sun.
2016-09-21 I’m being eaten by tiny monsters
2016-09-20 And this is what we will have to defeat
2016-09-19 Too many poets not enough mikes.
2016-09-18 Now I know what it means to be fifty.
2016-09-17 Proxima B is too close to its sun.
2016-09-16 There’s a gap in the middle of my week.
2016-09-15 I woke one day and found I had readers.
2016-09-14 The music in my film has also changed.
2016-09-13 Open eyes stare mutely at the abyss.
2016-09-12 Blind eyes never witnessed a miracle.
2016-09-11 Is that umbrella big enough for you.
2016-09-10 Urania returns on an iPhone.
2016-09-09 I do not trust those who live without stars.
2016-09-08 The bus you’re searching for doesn’t exist.
2016-09-07 I cannot save any of my data.
2016-09-06 We must swerve from the violence of speech
2016-09-05 Irish health runs on oxygen and tears.
2016-09-04 Ireland is addicted to its own pain.
2016-09-03 Do we never get a holiday here.
2016-09-02 Thank God this has no backing vocalists.
2016-09-01 Time is a plastic you cannot command.
2016-08-31 We’re back again in the days of the bus.
2016-08-30 Some days refuse to give up their secrets.
2016-08-29 How many snaps of David do you need?
2016-08-28 One day we will make a world of our talk.
2016-08-27 Henceforth our subject will be the future.
2016-08-26 Someday shaking will be my signature.
2016-08-25 We calculated this one wouldn’t count.
2016-08-24 Galway is a place with many corners.
2016-08-23 A stone placed on a slab is not a hole.
2016-08-22 The man who fell to earth has hurt his wings.
2016-08-21 Sleep has left me like a dying planet.
2016-08-20 Romantic descendant of bardic spite.
2016-08-19 Stand against the mythology of once.
2016-08-18 On hyperventilation avenue.
2016-08-17 Household monsters cleaning up the shadows.
2016-08-16 You are my Olympic swimming pool heat.
2016-08-15 Pull me up into the loop of your dreams.
2016-08-14 Fast forward is a mockery of life
2016-08-13 Oceans of blue and black flapping plastic.
2016-08-12 The courage that exists in the jungle
2016-08-11 The ocean swallows the powder mountains.
2016-08-10 My mind is as empty as a sink hole.
2016-08-09 Go down to the quarry and look at trucks
2016-08-08 Europe is either refuge or prison.
2016-08-07 If you weren’t broken you would be something.
2016-08-06 How I wrote the song "How I Lost My Voice".
2016-08-05 Tell me something about what you’ve not seen.
2016-08-04 You are hardly the man who fell to Earth.
2016-08-03 They used to sing songs about the future.
2016-08-02 Come over to Cork, there will be more light.
2016-08-01 The image is a SteadyCam cosmos.
2016-07-31 He said one day all the visions will end.
2016-07-30 If there’s a heaven they’ll leave me alone.
2016-07-29 Herman Kahn came to me in a vision.
2016-07-28 I am no longer holding up the world.
2016-07-27 Rhetorical irrationalism.
2016-07-26 The road winds round and the mountains retreat.
2016-07-25 Blue Whales do not fit inside your pocket.
2016-07-24 Barack updates nuclear stocks for Trump.
2016-07-23 Ever heard about fallout Tessie Mae?
2016-07-22 Theresa May’s face is a mushroom cloud.
2016-07-21 Hit a city and add another nought.
2016-07-20 100,000 dead and you’d still sleep?
2016-07-19 Why not use your brain, it’s smarter than you.
2016-07-18 Terror has grown a terrible aura.
2016-07-17 Give me a straw hat and call me Denzil.
2016-07-16 We want to own all the stones in the world.
2016-07-15 White man’s America is collapsing.
2016-07-14 Your planner says tomorrow is cancelled.
2016-07-13 You have no events scheduled for today.
2016-07-12 Imitation, impersonation, truth.
2016-07-11 I am almost in love with my disease.
2016-07-10 Tory women rob the poor with a smile.
2016-07-09 Let's all hope for alien invasion.
2016-07-08 My message to the world is RUN AWAY,
2016-07-07 If I googled yesterday did I gig?
2016-07-06 The bastard imagines himself St George.
2016-07-05 Cut out the Blairite malignant cancer.
2016-07-04 Geoffrey you have mourned us all already.
2016-07-03 Occasional pool of fetid water.
2016-07-02 Abandoned ghost ship of mournful shadows.
2016-07-01 Self-loathing hump of hot indignation.
2016-06-30 Bewildered island of non-entity.
2016-06-29 Nigel actually thinks he’s Oswald.
2016-06-28 In summer the sun goes on holiday.
2016-06-27 This shall be the day of voter remorse.
2016-06-26 I am sick of that hairy scarecrow schmuck.
2016-06-25 If you vote with your gut your brain gets hurt.
2016-06-24 Plato is looking down and chuckling.
2016-06-23 In my cartoon life I am not at work.
2016-06-22 The State does not learn from referenda.
2016-06-21 Imagine those thugs and the gates all shut!
2016-06-20 We’re impressionable, that’s our problem.
2016-06-19 Because she was exceptional she died.
2016-06-18 He was a man for congratulations.
2016-06-17 Nuclear tipped America can’t preach.
2016-06-16 The enforcement of liberty enslaves.
2016-06-15 The man with the sad eyes renovates death.
2016-06-14 I am the fossil of my childhood dreams.
2016-06-13 Racist football thugs are so pathetic.
2016-06-12 I will hang you out to dry you fucker!
2016-06-11 Exit is a metaphor you moron.
2016-06-10 Hell is your uninterrupted chatter.
2016-06-09 I love codas .... is that a sin? .... or not?
2016-06-08 To imagine is not irrational.
2016-06-07 I don’t know what to say about the man.
2016-06-06 So many people blinded by their phones.
2016-06-05 My health left me when happiness arrived.
2016-06-04 There is nothing splendid in solitude.
2016-06-03 This is a story that fills me with tears.
2016-06-02 Nuclear weapons are not smart, dumb arse!
2016-06-01 All rocks are metonymies of the Earth.
2016-05-31 Jerusalem and Athens are nothing.
2016-05-30 Religion murders communication.
2016-05-29 How much will you spend on the bomb, you prick?
2016-05-28 Little islanders locking their front doors.
2016-05-27 Listen, you are allowed to be yourself.
2016-05-26 Clouds breathe the borrowed splendour of the sun.
2016-05-25 The irony of your comfy pillows.
2016-05-24 Last night I promised Mars we were coming.
2016-05-23 There is nothing so cute as a new smile.
2016-05-22 Ideal family unit t.v. fest.
2016-05-21 My summer marking melancholia.
2016-05-20 I would love to be replaced by robots.
2016-05-19 Drooling politicians ate our money.
2016-05-18 The moon is coming to a hand near you.
2016-05-17 It’s not my party, I couldn’t care less.
2016-05-16 Life is a spirit and an engineer.
2016-05-15 You’re either wearing a mask or you’re mad.
2016-05-14 There is a certain loneliness in here.
2016-05-13 Something less than a scream, something formal.
2016-05-12 The black border proves your mortality.
2016-05-11 Every moment is a cut across time.
2016-05-10 Isolated Scandinavian socks.
2016-05-09 We are merging with the machines we hate.
2016-05-08 It rains inside my heart from time to time.
2016-05-07 Internet password hot paranoia.
2016-05-06 Poetry is not a talent contest.
2016-05-05 Media campaign drives truth out of town.
2016-05-04 Peter George is a brand new obsession
2016-05-03 Orwellian media sack the truth.
2016-05-02 Labour, last joke of an unhappy clown.
2016-05-01 Fire is not the promise of tomorrow.
2016-04-30 Bob Hoskins causes me some disquiet.
2016-04-29 We declare our right to be pacified.
2016-04-28 Hillsborough is England’s lasting disgrace.
2016-04-27 We declare our right to elect morons.
2016-04-26 Don’t like is not unlike it’s positive.
2016-04-25 Shakespeare would satirise your ugly mug.
2016-04-24 Ireland is a vase ready to be made.
2016-04-23 Ireland is a reed blasted by the wind.
2016-04-22 Ireland is a plane on autopilot.
2016-04-21 Ireland is a train without a driver.
2016-04-20 You’re like Dr Strangelove in reverse.
2016-04-19 Europe is open or else it’s a lie.
2016-04-18 You get less than fifteen years for arson.
2016-04-17 Myrtleville where we sat amongst the rocks.
2016-04-16 That’s the first applause I’ve had in eight years.
2016-04-15 Scariest ghosts are the ones you don’t know.
2016-04-14 Starlings inhabit the interstices.
2016-04-13 The sky turns its face away from the night.
2016-04-12 A quarter of a year since you left us.
2016-04-11 Dinosaur plastic ziggurat toast crumbs.
2016-04-10 Our leaders are sulking in the cake shop.
2016-04-09 Mr Cameron, he did a bad thing!
2016-04-08 We don’t like what you want you’ll have to change.
2016-04-07 Politician spotted doing their job!
2016-04-06 Soft touch economy and government.
2016-04-05 Europe squats within its own blind prison.
2016-04-04 Poetry stems from its own self-loathing.
2016-04-03 My heart lies somewhere in the splintered Left.
2016-04-02 You have been elected to serve the State.
2016-04-01 All this is true and none of this matters.
2016-03-31 I love you I hate you I do not care.
2016-03-30 Heathcliff oscillation, marginal doubt.
2016-03-29 We remember revolutionaries.
2016-03-28 Bourgeois Ireland questions rebellion.
2016-03-27 Within zero is everything you need.
2016-03-26 Just go to the back of the house and scream.
2016-03-25 Killing people for a nursery rhyme.
2016-03-24 Your God doesn’t exist! He’s a fiction!
2016-03-23 Shot out of a hole which was not a hole.
2016-03-22 Reason is a primed and ready rat trap.
2016-03-21 Metaphor is a defibrillator.
2016-03-20 Poetry is a lifebelt in a storm.
2016-03-19 Anger is an obliterated face.
2016-03-18 Sobriety is an empty pint glass.
2016-03-17 Beauty is an accidental angle.
2016-03-16 Civilisation is a thin veneer.
2016-03-15 Evolution will have us born with words.
2016-03-14 Every evening we’re looking for the moon.
2016-03-13 Socialism needs a national platform.
2016-03-12 We can be effective, just for one day.
2016-03-11 George Martin, gone to produce the angels.
2016-03-10 Liberty is in the bite of your teeth.
2016-03-09 Freedom is on the outside of your smile.
2016-03-08 "Exit" is a distorting metaphor.
2016-03-07 If the States were elsewhere they’d intervene.
2016-03-06 Idiot chancer, idiotic Prof.
2016-03-05 While they dither and preen and pose and bluff
2016-03-04 I call for a suspension of taxes.
2016-03-03 Two identical parties slug it out.
2016-03-02 Trump gives moronic people a bad name.
2016-03-01 How we lost ourselves, but learnt to survive.
2016-02-29 We get the Healy-Raes and Fianna Fail.
2016-02-28 We need inspirational politics.
2016-02-27 We need social-minded politicians.
2016-02-26 We need visionary politicians.
2016-02-25 We need intellectual politics.
2016-02-24 We need intelligent politicians.
2016-02-23 It is late and sadly we must depart.
2016-02-22 Cameron as conductor of Bedlam.
2016-02-21 In my world I have been quite visible.
2016-02-20 I have a personal interest in Hell.
2016-02-19 Here come the new idiot Puritans.
2016-02-18 We’re going to have to retrace our steps.
2016-02-17 Looks like we’ve made an almighty blunder.
2016-02-16 An Ireland for all .... except the masses.
2016-02-15 Fianna Fail is last night’s curry repeat.
2016-02-14 Irish politics, that’s a good idea.
2016-02-13 Vote austerity, prove democracy.
2016-02-12 An Ireland for all .... except the homeless.
2016-02-11 Get away from my front door you fucker!
2016-02-10 An Ireland for all .... including gangsters.
2016-02-09 If I keep this up I might write a line.
2016-02-08 Leicester City are this year’s miracle.
2016-02-07 In Jordan they’re queuing to stay alive.
2016-02-06 Black comedy is tragedy with jokes.
2016-02-05 The Labour Party’s been policing debt.
2016-02-04 Syria is now our epoch’s Auschwitz.
2016-02-03 I will become a futurologist.
2016-02-02 Ireland doesn’t need your fascist groove thang.
2016-02-01 I imagine movement beyond space-time.
2016-01-31 English fuck-wit racist speaks of ‘treason’.
2016-01-30 A structure is the idea of return.
2016-01-29 Who has the right to write an elegy?
2016-01-28 Vacancy for an intellectual star.
2016-01-27 A tiny universe points at the door.
2016-01-26 One day, no doubt, they will come for us all.
2016-01-25 John Keats is a man who paid his tax bills.
2016-01-24 One week without eating anything sweet.
2016-01-23 You are my target. This is a rifle.
2016-01-22 Burn through the inconvenience of time.
2016-01-21 Everyone wept and put stones in their mouths.
2016-01-20 The man with the clipboard said he was dead.
2016-01-19 He is you and me but much more than both.
2016-01-18 He sings a song overheard by angels.
2016-01-17 He wears his suit like a mannequin would.
2016-01-16 He smokes his fag like an ivory pen.
2016-01-15 His eyes look at you from another world.
2016-01-14 His lips recoil from the taste of the real.
2016-01-13 You can’t go David, we will not let you.
2016-01-12 The first circle of purgatory, marking.
2016-01-11 A cloud is squatting in the bowl of Cork.
2016-01-10 Happy returns David. Your halo grows.
2016-01-09 Intelligent beard with a face beneath.
2016-01-08 A wise old man in a Nike tracksuit.
2016-01-07 Dr Strangelove is your next door neighbour.
2016-01-06 All this just comes down to staying afloat.
2016-01-05 I dreamt of a place that was largely dry.
2016-01-04 Brutal, childish, savage executions.
2016-01-03 Time slumps us over another hurdle.
2016-01-02 The world belongs to those who live on hills.
2016-01-01 At what point do we start making an ark?
2015-12-31 Your silence almost eradicates me.
2015-12-30 Wordsworth struggles to redeem the present.
2015-12-29 A word is a piece of grit in your eye.
2015-12-28 Sometimes I’m not me, sometimes I'm awake.
2015-12-27 A sentence is a cut turned on itself.
2015-12-26 Someone gift me eight pints of better blood.
2015-12-25 There is a terror that sounds like a drip.
2015-12-24 Put stones in my mouth and then close my eyes.
2015-12-23 What are the consequences of Paris?
2015-12-22 If I was cute I would start selling snow!
2015-12-21 Shock News: Oxbridge filters out working class.
2015-12-20 Donald Trump is our collective nightmare.
2015-12-19 The weather man is wearing a spacesuit.
2015-12-18 I’m tired of grinning at shameless fakers.
2015-12-17 I have no message, I have no comfort.
2015-12-16 I keep slipping behind the week I’m in.
2015-12-15 Unfriend me if you think that bombing works.
2015-12-14 Humanity has its first ever thought.
2015-12-13 Unfriend me if you’re a bourgeois nihilist.
2015-12-12 We are running towards the bullet’s tip.
2015-12-11 I have faith that my faith is not enough.
2015-12-10 This is a flood without hope of promise.
2015-12-09 Honoured to know you, new minted Doctor.
2015-12-08 Tomorrow is an inmate on Death Row.
2015-12-07 Slash me with the honey-pit of your face.
2015-12-06 Moron bombing allies friendship fuck wit.
2015-12-05 This is a protracted land grab for oil.
2015-12-04 Westminster politicians vote for death.
2015-12-03 Come friendly bombs and drop on religion.
2015-12-02 Covet is not the only covenant.
2015-12-01 Build a robot, I’m off on vacation.
2015-11-30 Send a photograph of your greatest thought.
2015-11-29 This is the continuation of self.
2015-11-28 Enough of this pretending you’re awake.
2015-11-27 If you prick us do we not wear a bomb?
2015-11-26 I am familiar with writer’s block.
2015-11-25 I understand the metaphor of sleep.
2015-11-24 Burma is a hope, a flickering light.
2015-11-23 What kind of eyes are you looking through now?
2015-11-22 The centre of hurt is not a target.
2015-11-21 They keep your screams in a wooden shoebox.
2015-11-20 Life is precious, I don’t understand you.
2015-11-19 Tories in power, shall we use air strikes?
2015-11-18 Aung San Suu Kyi is my Mother as well.
2015-11-17 Wailing for the faith his own words inspired.
2015-11-16 Do you really, honestly think we’re scared?
2015-11-15 This day is about our boy, nothing else.
2015-11-14 Religion is the dirt beneath my shoes.
2015-11-13 Keep on pointing towards the stars my son!
2015-11-12 Bank of Ireland, thief with a questionnaire.
2015-11-11 He turned round, I had thought he was a house.
2015-11-10 This is poetry, this is an eclipse.
2015-11-09 I have put my face in front of the sun.
2015-11-08 What we call "the so-called United States".
2015-11-07 In the new book, humans beg for mercy.
2015-11-06 In the old book, God apologises.
2015-11-05 Maybe I’m a neo-Romanticist.
2015-11-04 If you were a book I’d finish you off.
2015-11-03 We won’t mention god till you can say no.
2015-11-02 The worst comes to so many, but not us.
2015-11-01 When I was young launches were into space.
2015-10-31 How often must I go to work naked?
2015-10-30 Hungry swamp alligators eat my friends.
2015-10-29 The mind is still cleaning out the Nazis.
2015-10-28 This era of medicated nightmare.
2015-10-27 Mr Blair, he a little bit sorry.
2015-10-26 Reselection is simply pest control.
2015-10-25 Counting the falling leaves, one, two, three, four ....
2015-10-24 Head phones, lost in the imaginary.
2015-10-23 Structuralism is a sausage machine.
2015-10-22 This is something we used to call freedom.
2015-10-21 You will remember nothing of all this.
2015-10-20 Democracy, someone else is dying.
2015-10-19 Children of Gaza are deprived of hope.
2015-10-18 We're in trouble, we will need a plumber.
2015-10-17 Saudi Arabia is a secret.
2015-10-16 That's the end of the eighteenth century.
2015-10-15 I haven’t seen a single thing like you.
2015-10-14 Cut the commercial world out of your eye.
2015-10-13 Take your hate book and throw it on the fire.
2015-10-12 I am a Professor of Solitude.
2015-10-11 There are many forgotten covenants.
2015-10-10 Beyond the shadow of Mount Moriah.
2015-10-09 The world can only resist for so long.
2015-10-08 What’s outside this window, that’s my subject.
2015-10-07 You are so corrupt you should grow a beard!
2015-10-06 Super Moon has been eaten by the Sun.
2015-10-05 Autumn Journal for a displaced culture.
2015-10-04 Everything teeters on the edge of brown.
2015-10-03 Soviet Cosmonauts stole my packed lunch.
2015-10-02 Language slows us down to a narrative.
2015-10-01 That book has dads who give away their sons.
2015-09-30 Ok, that settles it! We’re off to Mars!
2015-09-29 We need a much better algorithm.
2015-09-28 The only devil that exists is us.
2015-09-27 An eight takes you out and then reels you in.
2015-09-26 Cars are tampered with, so are elections.
2015-09-25 Swellfoot the Tyrant. The joke is on us!
2015-09-24 What should a land of empty houses do?
2015-09-23 Billy Bragg and me are going steady.
2015-09-22 The rain has learnt to sing a stronger song.
2015-09-21 We left Syria to be torn by dogs.
2015-09-20 Why not try something we could call a plot.
2015-09-19 Without teleology you’re drifting.
2015-09-18 Where is that Ireland of social contract?
2015-09-17 You must write beyond the successful line.
2015-09-16 I will move down to the smallest of things.
2015-09-15 You will be as numerous as the stars.
2015-09-14 Jeremy Corbyn! it’s a T.K.O!
2015-09-13 The Covenant is broken in pieces.
2015-09-12 The world has become too small for exile.
2015-09-11 Time spreads through the house as I watch you play.
2015-09-10 Tie a lasso around their broken hearts.
2015-09-09 Reflect the place was not worth stopping for.
2015-09-08 Look out your window, see the Exodus.
2015-09-07 They walk from Hungary to Germany.
2015-09-06 Aylan and Ghalib Kurdi are now dead.
2015-09-05 Those photographs are the end of our dream
2015-09-04 Open the gates! Open the fucking gates!
2015-09-03 Your phone is certainly smarter than you.
2015-09-02 Migrant is a word we use for murder.
2015-09-01 I’m waiting for the day that I get stuck.
2015-08-31 When I was young they came to our door too.
2015-08-30 The rain is a joke I’ve heard too often.
2015-08-29 There are laws for the movement of cattle!
2015-08-28 In memory of Ruby, noble friend.
2015-08-27 Influence is something you might well dread.
2015-08-26 These are my minutes, this is your lifetime.
2015-08-25 Radio voices get under my skin.
2015-08-24 I have no elders and no juniors.
2015-08-23 I am anything but single-minded.
2015-08-22 Truth is a word that we put on reserve.
2015-08-21 Open all the doors, let air circulate.
2015-08-20 Let’s pretend we don't understand Corbyn.
2015-08-19 At the end of this there will be a test.
2015-08-18 Some people are trapped in poverty, Joan!
2015-08-17 An accurate mirror needs construction.
2015-08-16 Corbyn is a plea for real politics.
2015-08-15 There will be no stars for you this evening.
2015-08-14 The beach is littered with tiny headstones.
2015-08-13 Let’s say it, the goat should not be up there.
2015-08-12 Your rebellion is against yourself
2015-08-11 Denis O’Brien does not own this site.
2015-08-10 Reality keeps pounding at the door.
2015-08-09 Cookery, as the rest of the world starves.
2015-08-08 If only that tunnel led somewhere else.
2015-08-07 Beauty emerges from a silent core.
2015-08-06 This is the start of our dystopia.
2015-08-05 The Flood, other people who want a home.
2015-08-04 Donald Trump is a new kind of nightmare.
2015-08-03 Kerry clouds envelope my mind in sleep.
2015-08-02 Looks like it’s me and Billy Connolly.
2015-08-01 One comma in my brain has lost its tail.
2015-07-31 There is a ghost in this house and it’s me.
2015-07-30 Freedom allows you to be a bigot.
2015-07-29 Metrosexual boys fill their skin with gunk.
2015-07-28 The only hole you need is in the head.
2015-07-27 Anti-Sisyphean labour of love.
2015-07-26 Each stone is a metonymy for hope.
2015-07-25 The sun set, the roads of the world grew dark.
2015-07-24 Even the sinking ships won’t let you board.
2015-07-23 That boy looks like a disappointed snail.
2015-07-22 I will not take an exam to belong!
2015-07-21 Our love is a padlocked football turnstile.
2015-07-20 Karma has unfriended you on Facebook.
2015-07-19 You’ll not find freedom through fiscal revenge.
2015-07-18 The Holy Water has never returned.
2015-07-17 My left hand has made me e. e. cummings.
2015-07-16 The end is the origin in reverse.
2015-07-15 Europe Promised Land Africa Moses.
2015-07-14 The darkest night is the one yet to come.
2015-07-13 Europe has memory loss without Greece.
2015-07-12 Europe is not an optional status.
2015-07-11 Fiji is a long way to go for stamps.
2015-07-10 Dublin has killed all its pedestrians.
2015-07-09 No one runs out of ice in Iceland.
2015-07-08 I think I’d rather go and live in Greece.
2015-07-07 What will you do when the Fascists return?
2015-07-06 He wakes and smiles and I am born again.
2015-07-05 I have been replaced by an avatar.
2015-07-04 There are very good reasons to prune trees.
2015-07-03 The window in my head is closed for lunch.
2015-07-02 I have burnt you in a heap of cinders.
2015-07-01 Memory is the antidote to greed.
2015-06-30 Home is an idea that you invented.
2015-06-29 Hyperbolic morons ate my slippers!
2015-06-28 You have to go really fast, to go slow.
2015-06-27 Migrants hide inside your metaphysics.
2015-06-26 The scariest thing is to have no home.
2015-06-25 We are boys with scarves and we’re holding hands.
2015-06-24 Weather girl kills summer with her left hand.
2015-06-23 Crocodile tears of the faintly racist.
2015-06-22 Mr Obama you squandered your chance.
2015-06-21 Americans love guns more than themselves.
2015-06-20 I can only say no to your evil.
2015-06-19 If you want to go, then go behind Dev.
2015-06-18 Tip me into the hot summer sunshine.
2015-06-17 The end of the year spills over the desk.
2015-06-16 There’s no equality of genius.
2015-06-15 Firewall against the mindless vacuum.
2015-06-14 Influence saga sends me to the couch.
2015-06-13 Daemonization of inheritance.
2015-06-12 Swerve out from the swerve that swerved from a swerve.
2015-06-11 Kabbalah inspired death defying fibs.
2015-06-10 Prison notebook esoteric game plan.
2015-06-09 Children grow weary of wild eyed wonder.
2015-06-08 T.D.s grow weary of hypocrisy.
2015-06-07 Teachers grow weary of narcissism.
2015-06-06 Preachers grow weary of mass damnation.
2015-06-05 Astronomers grow weary of the stars.
2015-06-04 Poets keep quiet and plan their escape.
2015-06-03 Believe me, somewhere up there is the sun.
2015-06-02 Sunday has gone walkabout, we are free.
2015-06-01 Joy in the middle of a perfect pitch.
2015-05-31 Gender stereotype fixing machine.
2015-05-30 Where’s your papa gone, where’s your papa gone?
2015-05-29 They say you have to choose what path to walk.
2015-05-28 A rainbow stretching over a dunghill.
2015-05-27 Reality consists of lost euros.
2015-05-26 This is a new start. This is a platform.
2015-05-25 Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!
2015-05-24 Of all days, this is a day for rainbows.
2015-05-23 Ireland shakes off its old dirty hair-shirt.
2015-05-22 Push all the clerics into the ocean.
2015-05-21 Kafka, Beckett, Revenue.ie
2015-05-20 Wake up, we are in the Goldilocks zone!
2015-05-19 The BBC has had a massive stroke.
2015-05-18 This in its way is a lie against time.
2015-05-17 All babies start out as Ziggy Stardust.
2015-05-16 Looks like it’s me and Muhammed Ali.
2015-05-15 For me the moon does not have a dark side.
2015-05-14 The point is the Tories are bad winners.
2015-05-13 Since I was born I’ve never been reborn.
2015-05-12 The meek are patiently waiting their turn.
2015-05-11 Europe is a jelly that will not set.
2015-05-10 Whip us hard, whip us good, show no mercy.
2015-05-09 Part-time pseudo-fascists turn out to vote.
2015-05-08 Yes is for humans, No is for the gods.
2015-05-07 Hysterical pre-evaluation.
2015-05-06 Some poets run with a smile on their face.
2015-05-05 Religion should preach love and not hatred.
2015-05-04 Vote for equality not spiteful cant.
2015-05-03 Children need real care, not revenge tactics.
2015-05-02 Children need a future, not the Bible.
2015-05-01 Children need love and enlightenment.
2015-04-30 Children need an Ireland without fear.
2015-04-29 Religion has no access to nature.
2015-04-28 Half past seven is the new half past ten.
2015-04-27 The roads are littered by funded bigots.
2015-04-26 Single sex marriage is simple justice.
2015-04-25 The moon is a lie that keeps on working.
2015-04-24 What on earth do you understand by ‘growth’?
2015-04-22 The sun is your friend and your worst nightmare.
2015-04-21 The sun is confused and thinks it’s summer.
2015-04-20 The original sin was its concept.
2015-04-19 Igglepiggle wiggle waggle woggle.
2015-04-18 This could be worse, this could be terminal.
2015-04-17 And you, backwards reading historians.
2015-04-16 I hail thee, future anthropologists.
2015-04-15 This is the diary of a submerged man.
2015-04-14 Obama waves wand and Cuba exists.
2015-04-13 Let’s buy more weapons that we'll never use.
2015-04-12 Irish adults should be taxed and not heard.
2015-04-11 Don’t shoot me, I am not convertible.
2015-04-10 This is the day you began to eat food.
2015-04-09 This is the epoch of cart before horse.
2015-04-08 This is the regime of Church, Bank and Bling.
2015-04-07 Your smile makes a mockery of the fall.
2015-04-06 Half a billion years in your pocket.
2015-04-05 Every day you open the door to love.
2015-04-04 Derrida in a fifty minute sprint.
2015-04-03 Iran is the Golem you cannot kill.
2015-04-02 My brain has gone on strike and I must run.
2015-04-01 Time is a hire firm, you’re out of credit.
2015-03-31 The Burren is a mirror to the moon.
2015-03-30 The Cliffs of Moher have been washed away.
2015-03-29 She says, this is pointing to Nirvana.
2015-03-28 The doctor says, life might be entropic.
2015-03-27 Boredom is the enemy of all thought.
2015-03-26 If God is anywhere He’s in your smile.
2015-03-25 The biggest problem, other people’s tongues.
2015-03-24 I have already won the greatest prize.
2015-03-23 For an hour I could bend my thumb again.
2015-03-22 All that fuss about a wee little prick.
2015-03-21 Israel is so frightened it cannot breathe.
2015-03-20 Greek fiscal policy, Germany’s balls.
2015-03-19 The sound of jack boots and bureaucracy.
2015-03-18 Children remind us we make our own world.
2015-03-17 Pull down the moon and give me back my face.
2015-03-16 We live by putting the earth in the sky.
2015-03-15 We’re living on concrete and borrowed time.
2015-03-14 Life is held in an other-worldly grin.
2015-03-13 Angelic, mid-morning incarnation.
2015-03-12 You are a unit. You are a moon-base.
2015-03-11 Homicidal electioneering face.
2015-03-10 Netanyahu is a Yahoo that’s Who!
2015-03-09 You must prepare yourself to receive truth.
2015-03-08 Time is a train with a pissed up driver.
2015-03-07 IS is a disaster produced by US.
2015-03-06 Ignorant, idiot iconoclasts.
2015-03-05 Your broken thumb threatens to disturb Blake.
2015-03-04 You are in a cave at the end of things.
2015-03-03 Narcissi are blooming, it’s a big pun.
2015-03-02 President Putin wipes his nose and coughs.
2015-03-01 Kubrick versus Burgess, fate versus sin.
2015-02-28 I think this toothbrush belongs to Lordan.
2015-02-27 You will have to find a better balance.
2015-02-26 After all your bluster you ran and hid.
2015-02-25 Cork in the winter is a goldfish bowl.
2015-02-24 Mythology breeds the purest hatred.
2015-02-23 There’s an inexorable march forward.
2015-02-22 No pain no gain. No pain no rich bankers.
2015-02-21 Germany finds homes for austerity.
2015-02-20 Tell me another story I’ve not heard.
2015-02-19 I came back from a place of no return.
2015-02-18 Simple question, is poetry selfish?
2015-02-17 Uncommunicative Twitter account.
2015-02-16 Irish laments written by English hands.
2015-02-15 Charity explained to thirty young souls.
2015-02-14 I will cough myself out of all patience.
2015-02-13 You are so broken you’re beyond all fix.
2015-02-12 Why turn up if when you do you’re not there?
2015-02-11 Trying to fit the world into your mouth.
2015-02-10 Stop pouting and open your fucking mind!
2015-02-09 Something was broken from the beginning.
2015-02-08 What we need are corrective sunglasses.
2015-02-07 Weird weather on the telly, rain outside.
2015-02-06 If you were many you would be putti.
2015-02-05 Completely lost, the sun is occluded.
2015-02-04 That’s the loveliest sound I've ever heard.
2015-02-03 Irish politics? What a good idea!
2015-02-02 Do not open the door onto the day.
2015-02-01 Daniel Defoe should get his story straight.
2015-01-31 We have no idea what literature is.
2015-01-30 Don’t say too much and don’t say too little.
2015-01-29 The nearest you ever got to freezing.
2015-01-28 We have moved out of the poetry room.
2015-01-27 We have moved into the poetry room.
2015-01-26 How can you live without an aesthetic.
2015-01-25 You always look like you’ve scored the winner.
2015-01-24 Criticism is not propaganda.
2015-01-23 There will be no peace until your socks fit.
2015-01-22 You are going to teach until you burst.
2015-01-21 Your Abu Hamza finger is a hit.
2015-01-20 Charlie’s problem is he thinks he exists.
2015-01-19 There’s fluff in the corners of this baby.
2015-01-18 Always remember to look behind you.
2015-01-17 Don’t let them know you never found your way.
2015-01-16 Equality is someone else’s dream.
2015-01-15 Don’t let them see that your hand is shaking.
2015-01-14 It’s Fraternity that’s the real bugger!
2015-01-13 Freedom of speech is a film you don’t watch.
2015-01-12 Freedom of speech is nonsense to poets.
2015-01-11 Freedom of speech is a gun at the head.
2015-01-10 Freedom of speech is God on vacation.
2015-01-09 Freedom of speech is water on the brain.
2015-01-08 Freedom of speech is somebody’s silence.
2015-01-07 Freedom of speech is a smack in the mouth.
2015-01-06 cancel your subscription to The Party.
2015-01-05 cancel all poverty and all warfare,
2015-01-04 New Year’s resolutions: abolish fear,
2015-01-03 This year we’re going to need sub-titles.
2015-01-02 Michael D.. His name is writ in water.
2015-01-01 Fort of the Fianna, Hill of the Breast.
2014-12-31 Carrauntoohil as the sun dies away.
2014-12-30 The house in Italy should be burnt down.
2014-12-29 My idealism is skeptical.
2014-12-28 Steam coming off the mountains at Rossbeigh.
2014-12-27 Wake me up when they’ve thrown away the ring.
2014-12-26 My loneliness is quite sociable.
2014-12-25 Add this to the list but don’t look at it.
2014-12-24 My materialism is abstract.
2014-12-23 The spread of silence across the window.
2014-12-22 I am a critic, is there a problem?
2014-12-21 Hatred is not an ideology.
2014-12-20 Terrorism is not a religion.
2014-12-19 This side of Hell the most evil of you.
2014-12-18 Power is controlling your attention.
2014-12-17 Outside of Heaven the happiest me.
2014-12-16 He fell into a domestic idyll.
2014-12-15 Old friends who know you subvert the present.
2014-12-14 Time goes by like ice outside the window.
2014-12-13 The silence of a crowded train carriage.
2014-12-12 Peter Gabriel dances like a child.
2014-12-11 Marking scripts is your idea of penance.
2014-12-10 I will not facilitate your boredom.
2014-12-09 The sun sets off the music of this house.
2014-12-08 Nine years and they gave me a fountain pen.
2014-12-07 Just do not ask me where I got this line.
2014-12-06 I do not shop therefore I don’t exist.
2014-12-05 Heaven is for children, hell for adults.
2014-12-04 This is what people call reality.
2014-12-03 We live in the middle of somewhere else.
2014-12-02 The sun is shining, our boy is asleep.
2014-12-01 Dinosaur Train as sung by Iggy Pop.
2014-11-30 Suddenly the shape of time is transformed.
2014-11-29 I would give you a world free of bank loans.
2014-11-28 Look up at the stars, that’s where the truth lies.
2014-11-27 Sufficiently heroic, without drugs.
2014-11-26 I would give you a world free of fascists.
2014-11-25 Today my world is filled with plastic stars.
2014-11-24 Ireland reactivates its vocal chords.
2014-11-23 Watergate, Waterfall, cold Waterslide.
2014-11-22 I no longer excel in the madhouse.
2014-11-21 I am a cuttlefish, you are my ink.
2014-11-20 This is the beginning of a new hope.
2014-11-19 This is the beginning of a new fear.
2014-11-18 Stretch out and then go back to angel dreams.
2014-11-17 Nazi in a dress says you can’t marry.
2014-11-16 That was the happiest day of my life.
2014-11-15 You open your eyes and the world begins.
2014-11-14 Without you I would walk into the dark.
2014-11-13 He thinks what he knows is all he should know.
2014-11-12 He’s just a low grade working-class fascist.
2014-11-11 Kick over the statues! Smash every loom!
2014-11-10 Purity of essence, now double taxed.
2014-11-09 Government levies an oxygen charge.
2014-11-08 Tomorrow inches over its bunker.
2014-11-07 Governments bill the ruin they create.
2014-11-06 My love is fire but your hatred is wood.
2014-11-05 Madness is the absence of nothingness.
2014-11-04 This is not the end of allegory.
2014-11-03 This is no Dr Strangelove mineshaft gap.
2014-11-02 This is not an end of war trionfi.
2014-11-01 This is not an optimistic journal.
2014-10-31 This is no bank man wanking over debt.
2014-10-30 This is not the monster behind your eyes.
2014-10-29 This is not a long narrative poem.
2014-10-28 This is not a cry in the wilderness.
2014-10-27 This is not a witness protection blog.
2014-10-26 This is not poetry of expression.
2014-10-25 This is not a mainstream aesthetic act.
2014-10-24 This is not a series of confessions.
2014-10-23 This is not a platform for prejudice.
2014-10-22 This is not a bank bailout jamboree.
2014-10-21 You cannot sleep, you would need a new God.
2014-10-20 You cannot cry, you would need a new heart.
2014-10-19 Slant and a little buckled in space-time.
2014-10-18 Blink and the Holocene epoch is gone.
2014-10-17 You cannot dream, you would need brand new eyes.
2014-10-16 Inappropriate puns ruin your life.
2014-10-15 The whole world is wrong, it is all your fault.
2014-10-14 Africa is the world's swollen belly.
2014-10-13 I am painting the pain out of this house.
2014-10-12 Wall-flower poet of non-existence.
2014-10-11 Nature dances, God sits in the corner.
2014-10-10 Ebola has broken its river banks.
2014-10-09 This hole is so small that the light pours slant.
2014-10-08 Silence of a lonely Sunday morning.
2014-10-07 Poets are human Aeolian Harps.
2014-10-06 This day has been missed. This day is empty.
2014-10-05 Go home. Lock the door. Shut the madness out.
2014-10-04 Shock! Nepotism still reigns in Ireland!
2014-10-03 You cannot see me if you do not blink.
2014-10-02 You are my Yuri Gagarin moment.
2014-10-01 Jonah was swallowed by a big, big fish.
2014-09-30 You are the Steadicam of my desire.
2014-09-29 I have put you in the place of shadows.
2014-09-28 Swallow me whole and then vomit me up.
2014-09-27 Ethics is all about good digestion.
2014-09-26 This is an ironic emoticon.
2014-09-25 Scotland once was a top three news item.
2014-09-24 I’m a Bonobo not a Chimpanzee.
2014-09-23 Democracy wins if you lie enough.
2014-09-22 Cameron says he was only joking.
2014-09-21 Scotland, it appears, is still arriving.
2014-09-20 Scotland is an unexpected letter
2014-09-19 Scotland is the sound of one hand clapping.
2014-09-18 Scotland is the smoke from a sulphur mine.
2014-09-17 Scotland is a bee trapped in a beer can.
2014-09-16 Scotland slithers on a small petri dish.
2014-09-15 Scotland you are an excellent idea.
2014-09-14 Now he knows whether there’s a god or no.
2014-09-13 Scotland is the cracker in my man bag.
2014-09-12 Scotland is the monkey in my porridge.
2014-09-11 Scotland is tearing down my tall grass hat.
2014-09-10 Scotland is eating up my soft slippers.
2014-09-09 I wish I had teeth that wanted to stay.
2014-09-08 Breaking stones is no punishment for me.
2014-09-07 I have graduated to Polish beer.
2014-09-06 You need some body to make you hungry.
2014-09-05 You can’t be anonymous on your own.
2014-09-04 Master puppeteers, master bullshitters.
2014-09-03 Who I had thought had been a pile of books.
2014-09-02 Tony Soprano is out of my life.
2014-09-01 Fucking invasive foreign ladybirds!
2014-08-31 Obama is at the end of himself.
2014-08-30 There’s nowhere to buy books in this uni.
2014-08-29 Morrissey singing in an abattoir.
2014-08-28 Got those ‘I can't keep dry Patrick Street blues’.
2014-08-27 Walk in a straight line, don’t walk in a curve.
2014-08-26 Suddenly The Rose of Tralee matters.
2014-08-25 Kate Bush makes me cry and makes me human.
2014-08-24 Do not give lifebelts to any TDs.
2014-08-23 Your country needs political fracking.
2014-08-22 Get your rosaries off her ovaries.
2014-08-21 You dent our side streets, we kill your children.
2014-08-20 I can't seem to finish ‘The Odyssey’.
2014-08-19 Like something out of Edgar Alan Poe.
2014-08-18 We buried him head down in the rubble.
2014-08-17 Back to DIY and The Sopranos.
2014-08-16 Black volcanic rock leaves faith in shatters.
2014-08-15 Rain for today, tomorrow and always.
2014-08-14 You can’t write poetry in a hurry.
2014-08-13 Kerry is a place of silence and sky.
2014-08-12 Some days you have to get up in stages.
2014-08-11 This is a place where old tornadoes die.
2014-08-10 Don’t despair, the British are on their way!
2014-08-09 You will not make a monkey out of me.
2014-08-08 The Bank of Ireland is above the law.
2014-08-07 I just want to take a selfie of you.
2014-08-06 The tadpole lifts itself out of the pond.
2014-08-05 Terrorists in the kitchen, the garden,
2014-08-04 the playground, the hospital ward, the street,
2014-08-03 the relative’s bedroom, the neighbour's shed,
2014-08-02 terrorists underneath their own carpets,
2014-08-01 their crowded courtyards, their own broken flats,
2014-07-30 until Gaza is the world’s deepest grave.
2014-07-29 The best have to leave, the worst stay at home.
2014-07-28 Israeli gaolers are mowing the lawn.
2014-07-27 Ireland is an abandoned, burnt-out car.
2014-07-26 Ireland’s not sure that bombing schools is wrong.
2014-07-25 Israel, see your shame from the ISS!
2014-07-24 Your book is strange and you smell of aphids.
2014-07-23 Hydrangeas, hebes, a touch of colour.
2014-07-22 Collective punishment is an outrage.
2014-07-21 I cannot imagine how cruel you are.
2014-07-20 I have to admit it, you are evil.
2014-07-19 Tiger, tiger, who once was burning bright.
2014-07-18 In the deforestation of the night.
2014-07-17 Who dare ruin your fearful symmetry.
2014-07-16 Everything changes except your own fears.
2014-07-15 Stay, die, or leave, be exterminated.
2014-07-14 Do not exist or our bombs will find you.
2014-07-13 Israel is a desecrated idea.
2014-07-12 They die since Israel cannot be bordered.
2014-07-11 Their walls are made of broken promises.
2014-07-10 Your walls are made of concrete and bomb proof.
2014-07-09 All enlightenment. All end. Allenut.
2014-07-08 All enter stage right. All Enola Gay.
2014-07-07 All endometriosis. All endocrine.
2014-07-06 All entrepreneurial. All entrapped.
2014-07-05 All english. All engaged. All entitled.
2014-07-04 All engine. All endorsement. All enthused.
2014-07-03 All end-of-the-world. All entertainment.
2014-07-02 All endorphined. All encyclopaedic.
2014-07-01 All endnote. All entropy. All enclosed.
2014-06-30 Pack up the books about Shelley and death.
2014-06-29 Kubrick, Dr Faustus, the Iraq War.
2014-06-28 Napoleon, Egyptian artefacts.
2014-06-27 Landing at home after years of rumour.
2014-06-26 Sections of skin are trying to escape.
2014-06-25 Patriotism is the last refuge.
2014-06-24 We left Syria to soak up zealots.
2014-06-23 We shook Iraq so hard it fell apart.
2014-06-22 Thomas Piketty, you’re a genius!
2014-06-21 If I was a fly I wouldn’t stay here.
2014-06-20 Even the seagulls think I should read more.
2014-06-19 The torn leaf of a small book out of date.
2014-06-18 Disorganised, slovenly imposter.
2014-06-17 This is the day that makes me think again.
2014-06-16 England is another badly told joke.
2014-06-15 Nightclub full of frumpy, dumpy swingers.
2014-06-14 Heroes, villains, and the doable done.
2014-06-13 England empties the pub before you sing.
2014-06-12 Oxford is a wasp’s nest of bicycles.
2014-06-11 The long, cold build-up to non-existence.
2014-06-10 Skull-pan of a head, riverbed of ghosts.
2014-06-09 Golgotha, ossuary, hillside of bones.
2014-06-08 Who is to call them illegitimate?
2014-06-07 Your Catholicism is a death cult.
2014-06-06 Children under the skirts of old Ireland.
2014-06-05 I have torn up my promissory note.
2014-06-04 Honest politician does good day’s work.
2014-06-03 The sunshine blinds me as I try to sleep.
2014-06-02 Your ideas collapse like trees in a cull.
2014-06-01 Winter architects dream of the summer.
2014-05-31 Seaford Head and the end of a novel.
2014-05-30 A child throws a ball, the earthquake arrives.
2014-05-29 Like moths in the wake of a jumbo jet.
2014-05-28 Swerve away from non-linear bases.
2014-05-27 Clinamen between your tongue and your teeth.
2014-05-26 Anti-Modernist Lucretian blunder.
2014-05-25 Morrissey and me on one beer a day.
2014-05-24 Voting is a way of spoiling your vote.
2014-05-23 Sussex is coming. You are reading this.
2014-05-22 Newquay headland memorial sunset.
2014-05-21 Nanpean Cemetery is full of us.
2014-05-20 Our future is tunnelling towards us.
2014-05-19 Cornwall is not full of ethnic miners.
2014-05-18 This is a play Alan Bennett might write.
2014-05-17 The Duchy is thin and full of luggage.
2014-05-16 If life is snooker you are the black ball.
2014-05-15 What you need is a mirror and a soul.
2014-05-14 What I need is a personal trainer.
2014-05-13 We must bend down and pick up all our dreams.
2014-05-12 Technocratic politicians spill us.
2014-05-11 Europe is progressive. That is the point.
2014-05-10 Europe emerged from a cloud of ashes.
2014-05-09 Love is the insufficiency of self.
2014-05-08 Hope is not being completely helpless.
2014-05-07 Violence is madness. That’s all it is.
2014-05-06 There is an ideology of love.
2014-05-05 The Age of Celebrity makes me sick.
2014-05-04 Nigerian school abduction. WORLD NEWS!
2014-05-03 As you wash your face you see your father.
2014-05-02 I saw your heartbeat through a mobile phone.
2014-05-01 One that does not scatter, jump and skitter.
2014-04-30 You might read me with a posher accent.
2014-04-29 UKip is a monstrous irony.
2014-04-28 Politicians and other parasites.
2014-04-27 Miliband, millipedes, centimetres.
2014-04-26 Cameron, Clegg and other excuses.
2014-04-25 Vacuity, lacuna, puncture, scoop.
2014-04-24 Perforation, foramen, fissure, cleft.
2014-04-23 Cavity, aperture, orifice, vent.
2014-04-22 Freckle, blind-spot, story you cannot tell.
2014-04-21 Monaco is an impossible dream.
2014-04-20 One year on and we find ourselves in France.
2014-04-19 Sunspot, pimple, pupil, small exit wound.
2014-04-18 It grows dark later, the shadows lessen.
2014-04-17 Despair is this year’s negativity.
2014-04-16 The boiler is dead, the grass is growing.
2014-04-15 Depression exists you ignorant loon!
2014-04-14 The dream that cash concerns itself with you.
2014-04-13 The dream that money will grow a conscience.
2014-04-12 Capitalism, the Law of Digits.
2014-04-11 Capitalism or democracy.
2014-04-10 New Zealand is not a Georgian enclave.
2014-04-09 Your dreams have to do with locality.
2014-04-08 Bedroom tax what’s unspoken in my head.
2014-04-07 Anthropomorphism is poetry!
2014-04-06 The Nile is a mop chasing spiders’ webs.
2014-04-05 Bristol like Cork has different kinds of rain.
2014-04-04 Nigerian school abduction. WORLD NEWS!
2014-04-03 The wind kicks a can around the car park.
2014-04-02 Disgust is no excuse for lethargy.
2014-04-01 Shelley wrote letters like others plant bombs.
2014-03-31 If you keep reading this it will make sense.
2014-03-30 Opposites attract, opposites repel.
2014-03-29 Fridge magnetic poetry has saved my life.
2014-03-28 Trudge to your raw sleep like a sea goddess.
2014-03-27 My British Library anonymity.
2014-03-26 Take your religion away from my face.
2014-03-25 Cambridge is a place of sweet memory.
2014-03-24 So that I even forgot what I saw.
2014-03-23 London is a small back garden bonfire.
2014-03-22 Back down from the mountain I had nothing.
2014-03-21 Tearful poets of the entropic age.
2014-03-20 There’s a stain on the inside of your heart.
2014-03-19 Shelley was a rocket his father launched.
2014-03-18 One rule for you and another for us.
2014-03-17 The Bristol sun, our milky visitor.
2014-03-16 Tony Benn is dead, politics elsewhere.
2014-03-15 Frankenstein in a Junior Disco.
2014-03-14 Very good news from another planet.
2014-03-13 Spring came upon us unexpectedly.
2014-03-12 Tell me we got rid of all of the nukes.
2014-03-11 Book depository full of children.
2014-03-10 No one has yet mentioned the Spanish Flu.
2014-03-09 Somewhere in the background Syria fades.
2014-03-08 Question Time, Barking, the same divisions.
2014-03-07 The enemy has a face just like yours.
2014-03-06 The West is outraged by imitation.
2014-03-05 So that I could never feel that I knew.
2014-03-04 Always, only and ever beginning.
2014-03-03 Here we go again, half a league onwards!
2014-03-02 If I had the chance I would live my life.
2014-03-01 Not enough water will drown you in air.
2014-02-28 Each time I read that story Shelley dies.
2014-02-27 When I draw the blinds for you it is art.
2014-02-26 Look at our works ye weaklings and despair.
2014-02-25 So where do all the seagulls go to die?
2014-02-24 The revolution is learning new tricks.
2014-02-23 First World War memorial bonanza.
2014-02-22 She’s not dead, she’s just gone to play snooker.
2014-02-21 Oligarchs, bankers, politicians, scum.
2014-02-20 Ukrainian President stand down now.
2014-02-19 Bee stings in a garden without flowers.
2014-02-18 Put up your umbrella and dance away.
2014-02-17 Fishing metaphors are unromantic.
2014-02-16 Kiss me on both sides and then walk away.
2014-02-15 Now I really don’t know what I’m doing.
2014-02-14 Tuesday was Sunday and Sunday was gone.
2014-02-13 I think we got a little confused there.
2014-02-12 Airport bar. When did we get used to this?
2014-02-11 When Arsenal crash they explode in pieces.
2014-02-10 You should add up the age of your fossils.
2014-02-09 Electronic cigarettes are stupid!
2014-02-08 Everyone on the T.V. is insane.
2014-02-07 Bristol rain is similar to Cork rain.
2014-02-06 There is nothing in my pocket but hope.
2014-02-05 Everything I have said says you can kill.
2014-02-04 Mind the gap! Mind the gap! The gap is all!
2014-02-03 Australian bar. Rugby, football, love.
2014-02-02 I am the Sovereign of every fast car.
2014-02-01 I am the man who comes to the rescue.
2014-01-31 Ink blot, ink stain, smudge, pencil sketch, doodle.
2014-01-30 We are the people who live on a hill.
2014-01-29 Another weather warning for your head.
2014-01-28 Too much coastal erosion in my mouth.
2014-01-27 Rain-soaked fallen Empire of umbrellas.
2014-01-26 Great Western, reading Fagles’ translation.
2014-01-25 Canterbury and the subtly of war.
2014-01-24 Detoxing has started very slowly.
2014-01-23 Stratford Theatre Bar, two old winded lags.
2014-01-22 Canary Wharf. Do not look up you fool!
2014-01-21 I am one who will see the end coming.
2014-01-20 We cannot bear too much reality.
2014-01-19 Evil rampant and they haunt for a child.
2014-01-18 How do you return from meaningless war?
2014-01-17 Bedminster haven, Bristol hideaway.
2014-01-16 I’ve discovered I am a war poet.
2014-01-15 Happy among whispering essayists.
2014-01-14 How did you get so old so suddenly.
2014-01-13 Keep your temper, breathe deeply, one, two, three...
2014-01-12 Standing outside of Eason’s writing Holes.
2014-01-11 Nobody trusts the police any more.
2014-01-10 Monstrous regimen of politicians.
2014-01-09 Solicitors, pensions, Mammon’s vista.
2014-01-08 Time past and time present, huge deficit.
2014-01-07 It’s as if you were someone somewhere else.
2014-01-06 I will stamp on my glasses and be blind.
2014-01-05 I am an ancient turtle sick of leaves.
2014-01-04 Even the mountains seem edgy tonight.
2014-01-03 Australian bar, rugby, football, love.
2014-01-02 The sea wants to invade what defines it.
2014-01-01 The wind is the friend of very old trees.
2013-12-31 We have no more resolutions to make.
2013-12-30 We’re beginning to begin to believe.
2013-12-29 Next year I will make better enemies.
2013-12-28 Protect the little light of your own life.
2013-12-27 Walk far enough away and the stench fades.
2013-12-26 Silence, good grace, dignity, a broad smile.
2013-12-25 Snow-capped Kerry hills and a blue background.
2013-12-24 I’m inoculated against madness.
2013-12-23 Smoke rising beyond The Elysian.
2013-12-22 Destroy the evidence, shred everything!
2013-12-21 Exquisite equipment of general death.
2013-12-20 You shall not whisper love to your android.
2013-12-19 You must not say the word ephemeral.
2013-12-18 You cannot wear blue jumpers any more.
2013-12-17 WMDs was the Trojan Horse.
2013-12-16 Learning to love in the middle of hate.
2013-12-15 The sheep think that only the goats will die.
2013-12-14 Mandela was Shelley’s Prometheus.
2013-12-13 People die in the middle of their lives.
2013-12-12 Grey smokey city trying to wake up.
2013-12-11 I cannot write about your cruelty.
2013-12-10 All the trees have entered a winter sleep.
2013-12-09 The Gathering is happening else where.
2013-12-08 The giant sycamore has one last leaf.
2013-12-07 You should have your own triumphal column.
2013-12-06 Warrior, lover, poet and statesman.
2013-12-05 Read you melancholy, hopeless poems.
2013-12-04 Trying to teach them monsters and events.
2013-12-03 The echo, ghostly music of the dead.
2013-12-02 You gave us the lake and I learnt to write.
2013-12-01 I was all tears, now I’m a little less.
2013-11-30 I wrote you poems you will never read.
2013-11-29 Every time I left you I said goodbye.
2013-11-28 Uninvolved, uninspired classroom of frowns.
2013-11-27 Implausible, clownish ‘full’ Professor.
2013-11-26 Inscrutable pointy-jawed scientist.
2013-11-25 Inflatable rubber politician.
2013-11-24 Pity you cannot eat all of these leaves.
2013-11-23 Imagination is catastrophe.
2013-11-22 Fifty years on and we still speak of ‘them’.
2013-11-21 Dog marvels at man who marvels at stars.
2013-11-20 We are all recklessly optimistic.
2013-11-19 George Bush reading the Gettysburg Address.
2013-11-18 I will not miss your collective silence.
2013-11-17 Tout autre est tout autre, that’s for sure!
2013-11-16 Shall I let you see through the hole today?
2013-11-15 The dream is over, and what can we say.
2013-11-14 So that now is never and always now.
2013-11-13 You are reading this now, but this is now.
2013-11-12 Autobiography remains alone.
2013-11-11 One life cannot stand for another life.
2013-11-10 Quality-approved, calibrated shit.
2013-11-09 Indexed-linked, hyper-inflated moron.
2013-11-08 My ears were made for Elvis Costello.
2013-11-07 With this amount of flies there is a corpse.
2013-11-06 Large societies, dead institutions.
2013-11-05 I made a vow, it was not about you.
2013-11-04 Three cans of Raid should kill off the bastards.
2013-11-03 Wearing tiny clothes and spilling their beer.
2013-11-02 My crabmeat lost in a pool of sorrow.
2013-11-01 Bristol estuary as the sun goes down.
2013-10-31 This is our symbolic geo-gateway.
2013-10-30 Chemical weapons free-zone, genocide.
2013-10-29 Our love is a controlled experiment.
2013-10-28 I learnt about chance before the first smack.
2013-10-27 Nothing except this day to day to day.
2013-10-26 No allegory, no cold metaphorics.
2013-10-25 Nothing to see in here, avert your eyes.
2013-10-24 No shout from the walls, no whisper, no sigh.
2013-10-23 No out of bounds, no here’s the way to go.
2013-10-22 No plan, no blueprint, no road map, nothing.
2013-10-21 Energy zapping through the smiles and tears.
2013-10-20 The gods dispense dreams and chuckle away.
2013-10-19 Close the door and then imitate a ghost.
2013-10-18 If it rains any more my head will sink.
2013-10-17 This time I might get to the end of Freud.
2013-10-16 Schoolgirls for charity on the front line.
2013-10-15 Sinister piggy-eyed bloated monster.
2013-10-14 The black gothic horror of a budget.
2013-10-13 Trying to write about nothing at all.
2013-10-12 Freed from the circus he sleeps on till noon.
2013-10-11 The silence of this house is deafening.
2013-10-10 Das unheimlich goes down a treat again.
2013-10-09 Grass, feathers, dung, intricate weave of twigs.
2013-10-08 Don’t imagine there will be a reward.
2013-10-07 The past is not a value in itself.
2013-10-06 Serialism of the everyday.
2013-10-05 Will they make us go back and vote again.
2013-10-04 I don’t think I will need an exorcist.
2013-10-03 Stones in your pockets, revenge in your heart.
2013-10-02 I live in a fog of disappointment.
2013-10-01 Republicans shut down America.
2013-09-30 Some of us still have an ego to hurt.
2013-09-29 Don’t go to school only in your undies.
2013-09-28 Don’t you see that it’s the sentence that sings.
2013-09-27 Birds could walk if they gave up the high life.
2013-09-26 Brutal realism of the senses.
2013-09-25 Heroic flexibility, ha ha!
2013-09-24 Dust mite scatters as I open the book.
2013-09-23 I descend from space and teach them nothing.
2013-09-22 Listening to Neil Young sing as you pack.
2013-09-21 Angela Mertel grew up in the East.
2013-09-20 Sometimes it’s simple, you love and marry.
2013-09-19 Don’t play dead just because you think I'm sad.
2013-09-18 If you have an itch then you should scratch it.
2013-09-17 Do you think I am playing the long game?
2013-09-16 With your finger look how fast my life goes
2013-09-15 Syrian exodus, shame on us all.
2013-09-14 There is a hole in me that cannot heal.
2013-09-13 Ireland does not want its democracy.
2013-09-12 Voyager breaks through, and so it begins.
2013-09-11 Working for the banks and big families.
2013-09-10 Answerable to no one once inside.
2013-09-09 One house, full of corrupt politicians
2013-09-08 Another big win for the G.A.A.
2013-09-07 Diastole but without systole.
2013-09-06 Limerick, a little piece of the States.
2013-09-05 Big bearded patriarchs yank themselves off.
2013-09-04 Deconstruction of Christianity.
2013-09-03 Youtube me into your nightmarish dreams.
2013-09-02 Naked squirrels invade transfer window.
2013-09-01 Muppet politicians, Syrian hell.
2013-08-31 Jean-Luc Nancy, body after body.
2013-08-30 Seamus Heaney has gone where poets go.
2013-08-29 I am a protester, you are the law.
2013-08-28 We went to Pisa before it falls down.
2013-08-27 Goodbye Lago, your gifts are on their way.
2013-08-26 Rainbow over Polvese after rain.
2013-08-25 An Italian monsoon is no fun.
2013-08-24 When it’s dull you can see for miles and miles.
2013-08-23 London was never the Union jack.
2013-08-22 Skin of water, skin of fire, skin of air.
2013-08-21 Saint Francis must have had a heavy head.
2013-08-20 My annual vacation from anarchy.
2013-08-19 The sun has got his hat and his sunshades on.
2013-08-18 We’re in the moneyless world of Cockaigne.
2013-08-17 No news. The world might have well grown up.
2013-08-16 After Ferragosto on a tin roof.
2013-08-15 Bottled message from the man in the moon.
2013-08-14 The lago has had a long winter drink.
2013-08-13 Hide me in the shelter of your cold smile.
2013-08-12 Rock face is anti-anthropomorphic.
2013-08-11 Stuck in a box with a Queen tribute band.
2013-08-10 On my way to a meeting with the goat.
2013-08-09 Everyone’s out kicking cans down the road.
2013-08-08 You are eternal and less than today.
2013-08-07 Why does the Lotto not listen to me.
2013-08-06 I hold my sense of conscience before cash.
2013-08-05 Money lenders still inside the Temple.
2013-08-04 In the Bible banker is a curse word.
2013-08-03 Murderer’s landslide vote of confidence.
2013-08-02 Come to Moscow but throw your mouth away.
2013-08-01 Antipodean toxins cancel Blur.
2013-07-31 Cries in the night from god only knows where.
2013-07-30 The echo that rattles inside your head.
2013-07-29 Poetry is the scum that floats on top.
2013-07-28 Edie Falco as the toll booth arrives.
2013-07-27 Even the sea is mortgaged to the hilt.
2013-07-26 The air we breathe belongs to the bankers.
2013-07-25 Yawning mouth of inherited anger.
2013-07-24 The Irish Revenue can fuck itself.
2013-07-23 One more greedy rich mouth enters the world.
2013-07-22 Tiny black weevils in the wheatabix.
2013-07-21 May thousands of flies invade your nostrils.
2013-07-20 May the wind attack your surgical socks.
2013-07-19 May the road rise up and bite your backside.
2013-07-18 Anxiety-riddled haptic spider.
2013-07-17 Quizzical insects climbing up my legs.
2013-07-16 Silver nitrate stabs like a thousand knives.
2013-07-15 A little bit of suet in your shoes.
2013-07-14 Dancing with old masters and Old Masters.
2013-07-13 Shitty little fucker stealing the wine.
2013-07-12 Bantry Bay and a man who knows what’s what.
2013-07-11 The sun has found us out and we are stuck.
2013-07-10 I’ll not live as if there’s no tomorrow.
2013-07-09 And the smile on my face is not for sale.
2013-07-08 The future is churning inside Egypt.
2013-07-07 I’m old enough to collect enemies.
2013-07-06 Woodstain splatters my body like war paint.
2013-07-05 We will not be driven out of our home.
2013-07-04 When did you become a monstrous cliché?
2013-07-03 We don’t march because we’re sad. It’s your fault!
2013-07-02 I am learning how to sleep in a bed.
2013-07-01 Take my eyes and use them you crazy fool.
2013-06-30 Egypt is having another party.
2013-06-29 Ireland has been weeping whilst I was gone.
2013-06-28 The end of the American Empire.
2013-06-27 You are an antidote to many fools.
2013-06-26 You are my surviving friend from the cult.
2013-06-25 Got my haircut by a man with no teeth.
2013-06-24 David Bowie is ... outside of my head.
2013-06-23 We’ll have to build the cathedral ourselves.
2013-06-22 Corruption cannot cross over water.
2013-06-21 What you have been reading is an ear hole.
2013-06-20 Ruined tabernacle of promises.
2013-06-19 World leaders give cheesy grins and riddles.
2013-06-18 The hole in my arse weeps itself to sleep.
2013-06-17 Look at your shoes as bigmouth strikes once more.
2013-06-16 Elephantine ego talking cows’ shit.
2013-06-15 Percy Bysshe is coming back down the road.
2013-06-14 Hydroelectric tear generator.
2013-06-13 Daily facial flood warning area.
2013-06-12 This is a small stone on top of my day.
2013-06-11 Pour the beans into a bottomless jar.
2013-06-10 Turn your kids into national averages.
2013-06-09 Hide behind them and call them your defence.
2013-06-08 The Bank of Ireland’s transparent numbers.
2013-06-07 Co-authored book of hamster mysteries.
2013-06-06 Been away, now I’m back, get used to it!
2013-06-05 My laptop is full of frightened faces.
2013-06-04 I have more iron in my head than you.
2013-06-03 Hello Canada, how are ye doing?
2013-06-02 The Bank of Ireland and subsistence rates.
2013-06-01 My poetry is Levinasian.
2013-05-31 I spat you out, you flung yourself back in.
2013-05-30 She said she had green digits and I came.
2013-05-29 Briars cut my eyes, thorns pierce my fingers.
2013-05-28 Maybe without it the whole thing would fall.
2013-05-27 Ivy has taken over the garden.
2013-05-26 My eyes have been opened, I can see you.
2013-05-25 European Nero, Syrian flames.
2013-05-24 What allowed me to get so far behind?
2013-05-23 King Louis XVII hamster plot.
2013-05-22 I forgot how long we have been at war.
2013-05-21 Time’s first bite leads to ideas of heaven.
2013-05-20 Is there a subterranean canal?
2013-05-19 How many times did you die Captain Kirk?
2013-05-18 Is there a pair of eyes in the forest?
2013-05-17 I have the skin of an emo. rhino.
2013-05-16 Account for every penny time again.
2013-05-15 I am drawn to the subject of madness.
2013-05-14 If you want your rights get on an airplane.
2013-05-13 The warm rain has come and the grass is high.
2013-05-12 An exercise in forced lobotomy.
2013-05-11 We are suffering from too many spoons.
2013-05-10 So now you know what I’m capable of.
2013-05-09 No one is ever going to love you.
2013-05-08 Sir Alex walks off into the sunset.
2013-05-07 I’m like wot r u like? n she’s like, wot?
2013-05-06 Your salty silence is less than classy.
2013-05-05 Five years since I sent smoke to the outside.
2013-05-04 Absurdly tall girls don’t dance with their feet
2013-05-03 In terms of the race, insects are faster.
2013-05-02 Losers are those who get close to winning.
2013-05-01 Eurozone after party crap-fed loons.
2013-04-30 The drip you can’t fix is ruling the Dail.
2013-04-29 The drip you can’t fix is staining your house.
2013-04-28 Self-sabotage as a style of soccer.
2013-04-27 Back to that place of camera-friendly stones.
2013-04-26 Let’s run away over Kerry mountains.
2013-04-25 There’s someone new in the world that I like.
2013-04-24 If you’ve read all your books you’re not trying.
2013-04-23 Why do you insist on getting older?
2013-04-22 It’s either mutual or a form of war.
2013-04-21 Do not forget you’re flying to Gatwick.
2013-04-20 If we kill you it’s a ‘systems failure.’
2013-04-19 We are sorry, it’s a Catholic thing.
2013-04-18 America keeps its guns to kill kids.
2013-04-17 And in the end it came for you. Gotcha!
2013-04-16 Croke Park 2 is a shabby joke for fools.
2013-04-15 I saw the hole I had fallen into.
2013-04-14 It’s too windy for you to be leaving.
2013-04-13 Modernism can be about the moon.
2013-04-12 Got the casadasatraphobia blues.
2013-04-11 Colonised by a colonoscopy.
2013-04-10 There is such a thing as society.
2013-04-09 A mighty evil is silent tonight.
2013-04-08 I don’t want to snuff it in hospital.
2013-04-07 Bring me the heat of the world in a cup.
2013-04-06 Nightmare dream about endless paper work.
2013-04-05 A head full of daggers and smooth round stones.
2013-04-04 Ian Duncan Smith on fifty three pounds!
2013-04-03 innit! innit! innit! innit! innit!
2013-04-02 There’s a Cockney poetry problem here.
2013-04-01 There is no sisterhood in poetry.
2013-03-31 Are you really going to keep this up?
2013-03-30 Wild garlic is eating up the garden.
2013-03-29 There is no brotherhood in poetry.
2013-03-28 The hole for today has just been cancelled.
2013-03-27 Apparently this is a life sentence.
2013-03-26 Connectivity is not increasing.
2013-03-25 Sulky boy at the back of the classroom.
2013-03-24 Armpit tragedy begins to abate.
2013-03-23 Global warming started in the sixties.
2013-03-22 Apparently this is a life poem.
2013-03-21 Take away “ruin”, just say I’m thrifty.
2013-03-20 I don’t believe you do this every day.
2013-03-19 I am angry because you are stupid!
2013-03-18 Political “Syria-speak” bullshit!
2013-03-17 Second amendment shit-for-brains moron.
2013-03-16 When she met them again they had clothes on.
2013-03-15 Have your x-ray eyes seen through everything?
2013-03-14 Teaching badly less than teaching nothing.
2013-03-13 Losing with style less than losing at all.
2013-03-12 Being spotted more than being ignored.
2013-03-11 Morrissey less than David’s new cd.
2013-03-10 Rubberized legs more than rubberized vans.
2013-03-09 Wandering out in an idiot dream.
2013-03-08 If I am a troll then I should eat you!
2013-03-07 Aren’t you a big boy with your ready Greek!
2013-03-06 Where is the hair on the back of your neck?
2013-03-05 Where is that corridor of vast surprise?
2013-03-04 Where is that island of sea and slippers?
2013-03-03 The government wonders why no one votes.
2013-03-02 The government watches from a distance.
2013-03-01 The government owns your children’s children.
2013-02-28 The government executes non-shoppers.
2013-02-27 The government accumulates despair.
2013-02-26 The government says health through suicide.
2013-02-25 Hermeneutic gap, thin ozone layer.
2013-02-24 The hole in my heart is getting bigger.
2013-02-23 The U.N. is a cholera outbreak.
2013-02-22 If the world wants, it can come and get me.
2013-02-21 The hole in my arse is getting smaller.
2013-02-20 Sometimes you are more than articulate.
2013-02-19 My first ever one euro Polo Mints.
2013-02-18 Healing from the inside is not easy.
2013-02-17 I can see the logic in giving birth.
2013-02-16 Syria is normalised genocide.
2013-02-15 Talk about wound dressing, talk about holes.
2013-02-14 Fistula like Derrida and Auden.
2013-02-13 Poetry is an unplugged one inch hole.
2013-02-12 Poetry is as difficult as death.
2013-02-11 Poetry is as easy as breathing.
2013-02-10 Euro secret society budget.
2013-02-09 Call me old fashioned, pain makes me cranky.
2013-02-08 Kick me in the stomach and call me Bob!
2013-02-07 The filthy rich shall inherit the earth.
2013-02-06 Hospital and its hospitality.
2013-02-05 Do not look for me tomorrow or next.
2013-02-04 Malala seems to me our angel face.
2013-02-03 I have a backside full of puss and pain.
2013-02-02 Write about the moon and of nothing else.
2013-02-01 Hilary’s giant carbon footstep stops.
2013-01-31 Rain crashing down on ghost of green machine.
2013-01-30 Do I sound viciously resentful? Moi?
2013-01-29 Look up, smile, you are not in Syria.
2013-01-28 You cannot blame these eurozone flunkies.
2013-01-27 You cannot blame the Salvation Army.
2013-01-26 You cannot blame the iPad’s lost ID.
2013-01-25 You cannot blame that white bowl full of stones.
2013-01-24 You cannot blame the sound of windy trees.
2013-01-23 You cannot blame the cat that comes to stay.
2013-01-22 You cannot blame a refrigerator.
2013-01-21 That box of eggs was a real box of frogs.
2013-01-20 New Year’s resolution, give up grammar.
2013-01-19 Post-traumatic pathological art.
2013-01-18 You always were a little belated.
2013-01-17 The best time to start this would have been spring.
2013-01-16 Arthur C. Clarke makes Jupiter a star.
2013-01-15 I do hope I’ve taken a wrong turn.
2013-01-14 Irresponsibility is healthy!
2013-01-13 Football songs about fiscal challenges.
2013-01-12 Seabass conversation and arrivals.
2013-01-11 My friends are busy making the future.
2013-01-10 Walking to work with you gives me courage.
2013-01-09 The dragon is slain, breakfast has been served.
2013-01-08 Pass me the giant tissue of your love.
2013-01-07 Disappointing troop dance abnegation.
2013-01-06 Let’s start this year as we mean to go on.
2013-01-05 They cut his throat, then cut off his penis.
2013-01-04 Bankers are snug in rabbit-style onsies.
2013-01-03 Please do not mind if I cheat a little.
2013-01-02 Back to the Kingdom and Polybius.
2013-01-01 Idiots do not do well in my house.
2012-12-31 That is not a reindeer! That is King Puck!
2012-12-30 Without you no reason to come back home.
2012-12-29 You woke up St. Francis of Assisi.
2012-12-28 They sacrifice children to the gun god.
2012-12-27 The Christmas poem tradition revived.
2012-12-26 Arsenal cannot play, the world looks elsewhere.
2012-12-25 Cliff Richard nightmare Christmas single dream.
2012-12-24 Parcel me out the soap-opera menu.
2012-12-23 Six years on an unpredictable ride.
2012-12-22 My god daughter singing like a diva.
2012-12-21 Hiccups are dangerous, they can kill you!
2012-12-20 Alfred Hitchcock helps me to sleep at night.
2012-12-19 It rained again today, so I gave up.
2012-12-18 I woke up wishing I had gone to sleep.
2012-12-17 No one in this town wants to cut my hair.
2012-12-16 America will never give up guns.
2012-12-15 Sandy Hook School must be a watershed.
2012-12-14 We are not free if our children are shot.
2012-12-13 Absurd poets take over the campus.
2012-12-12 Echo at the back of my head like time.
2012-12-11 The BBC is a scandalous sham.
2012-12-10 Grins like the cheeky bastard that he is.
2012-12-09 Illegal civilian drone attack.
2012-12-08 This is being penned by an avatar.
2012-12-07 Yesterday’s line was about you today.
2012-12-06 You are now the you replacing the you.
2012-12-05 Egypt wants another revolution.
2012-12-04 This will be another speck in the glass.
2012-12-03 My stomach should sign a record label.
2012-12-02 Israel buries its fist in the sand.
2012-12-01 Egypt wakes up with a bad hangover.
2012-11-30 Chocolate snowball poltergeist cue-tips.
2012-11-29 The BBC looks like the Catholic Church.
2012-11-28 Update the software package in your brain.
2012-11-27 The dog reflects as it stares at the sun.
2012-11-26 Eurozone is an insatiable mouth.
2012-11-25 Getting old happens to other people.
2012-11-24 Surgical strike Assad out of living.
2012-11-23 Looking for your fringe in the airport lounge.
2012-11-22 One more day and I’ll be alive again.
2012-11-21 Hell is a library full of whisperers.
2012-11-20 Tiptoeing through other people’s garbage.
2012-11-19 Did I tell you things are a little tight?
2012-11-18 I cannot afford tomorrow’s workload.
2012-11-17 I cannot afford to walk in the rain.
2012-11-16 I cannot afford the kiss on your lips.
2012-11-15 I cannot afford the front grass to grow.
2012-11-14 I cannot afford to listen to you.
2012-11-13 I cannot afford to write poetry.
2012-11-12 I cannot afford to step out the door.
2012-11-11 The upper sky is dark and full of ghosts.
2012-11-10 Kubrick’s The Shining with half an hour more.
2012-11-09 Such a shame we didn’t meet Piggy boy.
2012-11-08 Waking up next to you is my reward.
2012-11-07 Sometimes fear is less powerful than hope.
2012-11-06 We are too tired to witness history.
2012-11-05 Listening to Dante in the B. L.
2012-11-04 Crumble is not impressive or Bond-like.
2012-11-03 London is not drowning. London is fine.
2012-11-02 There’s more than one President in our lives.
2012-11-01 I have forgotten to look at my toes.
2012-10-31 Water, water, everywhere, in our time.
2012-10-30 I would be tempted to stay in my house.
2012-10-29 Romney’s hair is attempting to escape.
2012-10-28 I have a piano I cannot play.
2012-10-27 Jimmy Saville always made me nervous.
2012-10-26 Wheels go round, wings flap, stomachs sag, mouths gape.
2012-10-25 You do not get monsters out of toy shops.
2012-10-24 President Obama is going grey.
2012-10-23 Much talk about chance and necessity.
2012-10-22 A little bird has shat on my window.
2012-10-21 I am alone. This is a haunted house.
2012-10-20 Much talk about monkeys and computers.
2012-10-19 Every morning I sniff myself awake.
2012-10-18 She had a little mole on her forehead.
2012-10-17 Nobody works in the Bank any more.
2012-10-16 You can stick your Dublin 4 up your arse!
2012-10-15 Deconstruction is never teachable.
2012-10-14 FN comes down from the mountain and chokes.
2012-10-13 Statistical analysis my arse.
2012-10-12 Every time I eat I am a sick dog.
2012-10-11 They’ve given ‘medieval’ a bad name.
2012-10-10 I’ve made a list of everything we’ve lost.
2012-10-09 You made me want to close my eyes in prayer.
2012-10-08 If I do not raise my voice now, then when?
2012-10-07 Malala you are everyone’s hero.
2012-10-06 The curtains of this house are eyelids.
2012-10-05 You do not know that I have written this.
2012-10-04 You wake up and yesterday’s news is old.
2012-10-03 Is it pronounced Arsenal or Arsenal?
2012-10-02 Tear your way through to see his nakedness.
2012-10-01 Will those who vote you in howl with big tears.
2012-09-30 Will the money you spend be worth spending.
2012-09-29 Will your shoes shine with the sparkle of truth.
2012-09-28 Will your suits be dry cleaned and powerful.
2012-09-27 Will your feet walk a straight and narrow path.
2012-09-26 Will your fingers point through to the future.
2012-09-25 Will the tip of your tongue catch a fire.
2012-09-24 Will you put money in Liberty’s hand?
2012-09-23 When the election’s won will you help them?
2012-09-22 Mitt is certainly not with it! Get it?
2012-09-21 Mitt Romney is an hilarious joke.
2012-09-20 "Appearance is a not-showing-itself."
2012-09-19 This is due to an art of admission.
2012-09-18 I only had eyes for Al Pacino.
2012-09-17 "I don’t hate them, I just want them to lose!"
2012-09-16 One day when computers have learnt to breed.
2012-09-15 One day they will call this the Dark Ages.
2012-09-14 On the other side I have drawn the moon.
2012-09-13 96 souls we will never forget.
2012-09-12 All the door panels have small liver spots.
2012-09-11 I will not be going to Geneva.
2012-09-10 By eleven the tracksuits reappear.
2012-09-09 Mr Frankie don’t live here any more.
2012-09-08 I am hovering my way to freedom.
2012-09-07 Over a week and not one News Update.
2012-09-06 Apocalypse Now for the leggy ones.
2012-09-05 My furry friend makes me sneeze like a dog.
2012-09-04 Money frightens you as much as I do.
2012-09-03 Welcome to the land of the hidden sun.
2012-09-02 Tomorrow I’ll have all the pens I need.
2012-09-01 Don’t believe in bankers on expenses.
2012-08-31 I don’t believe the markets are a brain.
2012-08-30 Don’t believe in schools, hospitals and war.
2012-08-29 Don’t believe in neoliberalism.
2012-08-28 Don’t believe in Enlightened Capital.
2012-08-27 You are my standard candle in the dark.
2012-08-26 Give him a wink, he is still stepping down.
2012-08-25 Look at the moon. Look at that big stone ball.
2012-08-24 We have come back to pray to the rain gods.
2012-08-23 Stick your hands in the air and open wide.
2012-08-22 I cannot write poetry any more.
2012-08-21 Jane Austen gives all her secrets away.
2012-08-20 Do you think people will not remember?
2012-08-19 Syria is a scandal for all of us.
2012-08-18 Yahweh has forgotten his Covenant.
2012-08-17 The Thinker now is on a mobile phone.
2012-08-16 I’ll get a flame-thrower to the fuckers!
2012-08-15 Fatal day of drunken repetition.
2012-08-14 Cork is drowning, Italy a sauna.
2012-08-13 The cheap seats are the ones that give the views.
2012-08-12 I’ve had a nose-bleed for twenty-two months.
2012-08-11 The ones that don’t kill you are a nuisance.
2012-08-10 Back to the lago of suicide flies.
2012-08-09 Back to my wish I was at the lago.
2012-08-08 Back to the lago of soft memories.
2012-08-07 Each year I struggle to find William.
2012-08-06 Rome is a cauldron of cheap souvenirs.
2012-08-05 Stone women cower under their own plinths.
2012-08-04 Switzerland’s storms are driving me potty.
2012-08-03 The devil invented I.S.B.N.
2012-08-02 That’s enough fireworks for me, thank you.
2012-08-01 Dreaming of you, didn’t want to get up.
2012-07-31 Fix all these nouns within the eye of God.
2012-07-30 Switzerland refills a hole it just dug.
2012-07-29 Is anxiety an Olympic sport?
2012-07-28 If you feed me I will tell you stories.
2012-07-27 Heidegger looks out at that great green mass.
2012-07-26 Harold Bloom is an unweeded garden.
2012-07-25 Scalp me again with your wonderful verse.
2012-07-24 Three acts of Hamlet and we’re pushing on.
2012-07-23 Respect is what I expect from my friends.
2012-07-22 St. Gallen is full of religious books.
2012-07-21 I have no net, no telly and no news.
2012-07-20 Who is Socrates and who is Plato?
2012-07-19 Hamlet is a poem about dust mites.
2012-07-18 Bloom, Bloom, Bloom, Bloom, Bloom, let a thousand Blooms.
2012-07-17 Twenty-five years of our lives in a box.
2012-07-16 I live it forwards, you read it backwards.
2012-07-15 I write this in advance of Switzerland.
2012-07-14 It feels like dying to leave your front door.
2012-07-13 Getting my haircut on the Roman Road.
2012-07-12 You will always be my Wild Irish Girl.
2012-07-11 All summer long they never saw the sun.
2012-07-10 They squeeze me dry before they let me go.
2012-07-09 I’m not even sure I’d like to meet him.
2012-07-08 Andy Murray will not win Wimbledon.
2012-07-07 Thank god I own only books and cds!
2012-07-06 Moving back to what I call the big house.
2012-07-05 Bomb disposal experts disturb their sleep.
2012-07-04 Did you find yourself where you thought you’d be?
2012-07-03 Going to work is like going to war.
2012-07-02 I get drunk at thirty-five thousand feet.
2012-07-01 Assad is now attacking rebel ghosts.
2012-06-30 In truth I don’t know the guy from Adam.
2012-06-29 Data mining less dangerous than coal.
2012-06-28 London is a bitch with a pair of lungs.
2012-06-27 Militant centrism fucks up the world.
2012-06-26 Julian Assange is a friend of mine.
2012-06-25 I am with you and my body’s on fire.
2012-06-24 We should send guns to Syrian rebels.
2012-06-23 Gloopy worms crawling out of his eyeballs.
2012-06-22 Deconstructive, anti-community.
2012-06-21 Thinking out loud is very difficult.
2012-06-20 Norwich cathedral, khôra, whiskey breath.
2012-06-19 Found myself in a tupperware party.
2012-06-18 Justice looking for a place of safety.
2012-06-17 From today I have no ties with this place.
2012-06-16 Aung San Suu Kyi catches up with herself.
2012-06-15 Arsenal girl in devotion of Theo.
2012-06-14 Fatter, uglier, and a bit wiser.
2012-06-13 World revolution or table tennis.
2012-06-12 Hitchcock’s Vertigo, all metalepsis.
2012-06-11 All those tiny triangles annoyed me.
2012-06-10 The wandering planets had to learn their tasks.
2012-06-09 Far older than the very name of god.
2012-06-08 so I never ever speak of myself.
2012-06-07 I only ever speak here of myself
2012-06-06 Sneak out of that inner pocket of sin.
2012-06-05 What’s wrong with the university, yeah!
2012-06-04 My philosophy books have attacked me.
2012-06-03 Terrorism: an adaptable word.
2012-06-02 I did not think I would meet you again.
2012-06-01 Dublin hotel, seaside panorama.
2012-05-31 I wish no living thing to suffer pain.
2012-05-30 Completely visible under your nose.
2012-05-29 The lump that you can’t see is just a lump.
2012-05-28 Let wild anxiety wash through her mind.
2012-05-27 I am a library book, you are a fine.
2012-05-26 If I could I would tell only of me.
2012-05-25 Sucked up in the great Hoover of your love.
2012-05-24 Maintenance, hand job, J. Hillis Miller.
2012-05-23 Destinerrancy, words sizzle and pop.
2012-05-22 I am off to Limerick Prison, so.
2012-05-21 Another twist of the prison motif.
2012-05-20 South west London, you are a whore on heat!
2012-05-19 I am a frying pan, you are two eggs.
2012-05-18 Invisible sweaty eyes on your neck.
2012-05-17 I am a bottle, you are a big ship.
2012-05-16 The grass seed lies there like so much bird food.
2012-05-15 She sits there smiling, like butter wouldn’t …
2012-05-14 There is a Mafia runs this country!
2012-05-13 Millennialism without his nibs.
2012-05-12 For all I know, the Second Coming’s Come.
2012-05-11 Hannibal says he will never leave me.
2012-05-10 Just let me go home and write my novel.
2012-05-09 Historical institute of denial.
2012-05-08 Trinity College in a sudden shower.
2012-05-07 You are sinking and I cannot help you.
2012-05-06 Let’s try a novel approach, let’s be fair.
2012-05-05 A rainbow devoid of any colour.
2012-05-04 I’ve forgotten where I wrote today down.
2012-05-03 Why not live in an Ivory Tower?
2012-05-02 We’ve stolen all the price-tags and burnt them.
2012-05-01 Where’s the line between sentiment and soap?
2012-04-30 Let damnation fall down upon her eyes.
2012-04-29 Back to the emigration airport scene.
2012-04-28 The scale of the problem is alarming.
2012-04-27 Sometimes you have to drink to get better.
2012-04-26 The best man and the worst man was a hit.
2012-04-25 I think she thinks I’m bitter and twisted.
2012-04-24 I never thought I would cheer for Chelsea.
2012-04-23 I am drowning in an ocean of books.
2012-04-22 One day I will die because I can’t spell!
2012-04-21 Why should weddings have Victorian verse?
2012-04-20 I fear I have exceeded my word length.
2012-04-19 I am Norman Stanley Fecking Fletcher!
2012-04-18 I wanted to say, you are an actor.
2012-04-17 Edgar Allan Poe’s dead chick chic poems.
2012-04-16 This is the diary of a constant war.
2012-04-15 Afghanistan is about to explode.
2012-04-14 They made a film out of Maggie Thatcher.
2012-04-13 Real people, real girls, real politics. Lies!
2012-04-12 He cut out her eyes and left her to mourn.
2012-04-11 Kings will always kill the kakangelist.
2012-04-10 Kubrick gives a new slant on angel face.
2012-04-09 An aesthetic of simple persistence.
2012-04-08 This I find is creative non-fiction.
2012-04-07 Unacceptable, a U.N. cliché.
2012-04-06 Twenty-eight years doesn’t seem to matter.
2012-04-05 Haruki Murakami on the train.
2012-04-04 So you think you’re going to find a job.
2012-04-03 Stanley Kubrick in The British Library.
2012-04-02 You have now seen the Angel of the North.
2012-04-01 Titian’s Three Ages has an exit route.
2012-03-31 Arthur’s Seat has become multicultural.
2012-03-30 Those Fokker 50 days are back again.
2012-03-29 By the time he blinked you had him in sight.
2012-03-28 Richard Branson doesn’t have this problem.
2012-03-27 Three hundred more years and we will be free.
2012-03-26 If you look at him you will have to pay.
2012-03-25 Hide all the numbers lower than twenty.
2012-03-24 The boxes of chocolates are not for you.
2012-03-23 We cannot eat meat until we’re solvent.
2012-03-22 The bank is rationing our oxygen.
2012-03-21 The sunshine is too expensive for us.
2012-03-20 We can’t afford to live at the moment.
2012-03-19 Assad! You are running out of people!
2012-03-18 Folds of light up and down her folded legs.
2012-03-17 Bank of Ireland is an oxymoron.
2012-03-16 Darkness pools, the light exerts dominion.
2012-03-15 Syria now to the criminal court!
2012-03-14 Bank of Ireland’s computer hates my guts.
2012-03-13 Bank of Ireland wants to get rid of me.
2012-03-12 Naughty little stinking little bugger!
2012-03-11 Bank of Ireland is sponsoring the end.
2012-03-10 Pleasure is not a word I often use.
2012-03-09 This is the land of men and their small dogs.
2012-03-08 Send off your peepholes to John once again.
2012-03-07 The open window of her face was wrong.
2012-03-06 The moon is as large as it can manage.
2012-03-05 Start writing poetry during meetings.
2012-03-04 It appears I don’t write books any more.
2012-03-03 Genocide…genocide…genocide…war…
2012-03-02 This house is a floodlit Kubrick movie.
2012-03-01 The brown boy said hello to me today.
2012-02-29 The grandson, the delicate one has gone.
2012-02-28 Fear to be alive inside of your house.
2012-02-27 Syria is happening as we speak.
2012-02-26 They won’t get the double up White Hart Lane!
2012-02-25 Nice to behave as if we existed.
2012-02-24 I am learning to say the phrase "No thanks."
2012-02-23 I’m so sorry I went and shat on you!
2012-02-22 Helen Mirren adjusting her stockings.
2012-02-21 Dante is a very good meeting point.
2012-02-20 The lumpen masses are finding their voice.
2012-02-19 Why do I have to leave where my nest is?
2012-02-18 Portion me out the Nachlass of Nietzsche.
2012-02-17 Look out there at the Erotic Gherkin!
2012-02-16 Would you like to come for coffee? No thanks
2012-02-15 Michael Heseltine whipping up his fringe.
2012-02-14 The ones who don’t say sorry hate your guts.
2012-02-13 She had the most astonishing pupils.
2012-02-12 I would never grow such a fuzzy beard.
2012-02-11 No torture used, just very hard questions.
2012-02-10 Iarnrod Eireann all shiny and new.
2012-02-09 Denis Healey, Norman Lamont, eyebrows!
2012-02-08 You know who you are! Don’t pretend you don’t!
2012-02-07 Ha bloody ha! Tell me another one!
2012-02-06 All the jokes about eggs and phalluses.
2012-02-05 I got screwed. You got screwed. We all got screwed.
2012-02-04 Somewhere in the rushes we all got screwed.
2012-02-03 The Royal Mail has forgotten my name.
2012-02-02 Tony Benn with another cup of tea.
2012-02-01 Michael Foot with his shabby dufflecoat.
2012-01-31 Jim Callaghan with his trousers undone.
2012-01-30 Margaret Thatcher gifting bottles of milk.
2012-01-29 Harold Wilson with a pipe in his mouth.
2012-01-28 Neo-liberals party into the night.
2012-01-27 Downgrade my triple A-rated conscience.
2012-01-26 If you want me then you really want me.
2012-01-25 Germany doesn’t really feel the need
2012-01-24 I’ve told that joke now for seventeen years.
2012-01-23 History men are loud and aggressive.
2012-01-22 Playing laptop solitaire as Rome burns.
2012-01-21 Croatia has not been watching the news.
2012-01-20 Gallery Press is a very tight press.
2012-01-19 There was a time when I used to buy books.
2012-01-18 Limerick gaol is not salubrious.
2012-01-17 Chinese Joyce scholar gave me a brown box.
2012-01-16 Old friends packed like sardines in a book launch.
2012-01-15 Would not want to be in that Captain’s shoes.
2012-01-14 History’s a shark, your leg in its mouth.
2012-01-13 A trail of rain soaked blood leading nowhere.
2012-01-12 We hit the button and the world has eyes.
2012-01-11 I can’t see the end game in Syria.
2012-01-10 My students don’t know if I’m serious.
2012-01-09 Be brave! Be a bit more unpopular!
2012-01-08 So that what is impenetrable counts.
2012-01-07 Get close enough to the wall and you’ll see.
2012-01-06 I have invented a new form of art.
2012-01-05 Must be non-smoking and bereft of hope.
2012-01-04 The worst of the stormy weather has gone.
2012-01-03 I remember he said, just forget it!
2012-01-02 Ex-dictator seeks subdued populace.
2012-01-01 I’m so glad you have a girlfriend again!
2011-12-31 Give your best face to those who are leaving.
2011-12-30 That was your home place for another year.
2011-12-29 Local Nazi Loyalist scum handshake.
2011-12-28 Syria will turn the spring to winter.
2011-12-27 She has no words left, she is waiting now.
2011-12-26 I know nothing save that the worst might come.
2011-12-25 The Queen lives in a palace with her dogs.
2011-12-24 The Birth of Tragedy needs rereading.
2011-12-23 Five years have gone, five years! Would you coco?
2011-12-22 Canterbury, muddy feet and friendship.
2011-12-21 I’ve finished one unfinishable book.
2011-12-20 I am on the verge of a big fuck up!
2011-12-19 Self-immolating anniversary.
2011-12-18 Vaclav Havel has gone up to the lights.
2011-12-17 I wouldn’t have your life for the whole world.
2011-12-16 Some revolutions don’t work on tv.
2011-12-15 They came, they patrolled, they left a ruin.
2011-12-14 For some people trauma is waking up.
2011-12-13 Turbulence is no problem when you’re drunk.
2011-12-12 Moonface is shaded in a sea of piss.
2011-12-11 This day has been cancelled from the record.
2011-12-10 Am I anything more than my desire?
2011-12-09 Cameron threw the toys out of the cot.
2011-12-08 If you prick me do I not do more work.
2011-12-07 Stout is nothing if atheistical.
2011-12-06 Did ye all just see what I did just there?
2011-12-05 A pipe band playing within the barracks.
2011-12-04 The biggest secret is between your legs.
2011-12-03 They might at one point kick down the front door.
2011-12-02 My backside is like an ancient ruin.
2011-12-01 She’s a mix of angel and freakishness.
2011-11-30 Frozen homes, chattering teeth, woolly tights.
2011-11-29 No one would notice if I slipped away.
2011-11-28 I have enough money till pay day comes.
2011-11-27 Never thought I’d cry over Gary Speed.
2011-11-26 Depersonalisation of my life.
2011-11-25 People should not underestimate me!
2011-11-24 Someone is going to get their arse slapped.
2011-11-23 Somebody said I was out of my depth.
2011-11-22 Carry on like that and you’ll be famous!
2011-11-21 Enjoyable day of viral absence.
2011-11-20 Berlusconi, Italy’s greatest shame.
2011-11-19 Why are you not wearing your Arsenal shirts?
2011-11-18 Libya was news, Syria isn’t.
2011-11-17 The eurozone is thunderous nonsense.
2011-11-16 The spiders know when to get ambitious.
2011-11-15 There’s something going on here, I don’t know.
2011-11-14 I won’t turn Syria into scansion.
2011-11-13 The eurozone is perverted clergy.
2011-11-12 The eurozone is a mosquito bite.
2011-11-11 The eurozone is a new strain of flu.
2011-11-10 The eurozone is an empty mirror.
2011-11-09 The eurozone is a slap in the face.
2011-11-08 The eurozone can’t look me in the eye.
2011-11-07 Military Hill is a strong failed poem.
2011-11-06 The eurozone is a bucket of puke.
2011-11-05 Should have asked the neighbours before you went.
2011-11-04 I did not know there would be so much grey!
2011-11-03 I woke up to a Richter monoprint.
2011-11-02 The eurozone is cheating at cricket.
2011-11-01 I would do something but I’m so darn tired!
2011-10-31 Occupy St Pauls! Occupy your brain!
2011-10-30 The eurozone is a stillborn baby.
2011-10-29 The eurozone is a bout of the clap.
2011-10-28 The eurozone is the seventh circle.
2011-10-27 The eurozone is furs and no knickers.
2011-10-26 I have escaped from the rain for a day.
2011-10-25 The eurozone is driving while you’re pissed.
2011-10-24 The eurozone is birdshit on the road.
2011-10-23 The eurozone is an unfunny joke.
2011-10-22 Everything happens for a reason, yeah!
2011-10-21 Politicians in a charity shop.
2011-10-20 Joy in Ecclefecan and environs.
2011-10-19 You can be charismatic and fascist.
2011-10-18 She is still drowning in wet resentment.
2011-10-17 We long for cessation of recession.
2011-10-16 My ambition would be to read a book.
2011-10-15 The single mums take over the catwalk.
2011-10-14 It is caused by stress and too much whiskey.
2011-10-13 It’s like when you burn toast, it leaves a trace.
2011-10-12 But he’s hopelessly lost in the present.
2011-10-11 How long ago since we wrote a poem?
2011-10-10 Gay Mitchell knows the future and the past.
2011-10-09 We are all haunted by the great elsewhere.
2011-10-08 Lonely gold trumpet on top of your church.
2011-10-07 Most of my friends think I’m dead and buried.
2011-10-06 Write poems in bed, shag in the open.
2011-10-05 Ruled by an invisible government.
2011-10-04 Mortgage advisor threatens my children.
2011-10-03 Too late, but I understand it all now.
2011-10-02 I am exhausted, I have no new words.
2011-10-01 Turn off the tv, watch the radio.
2011-09-30 Life is enjoyable ruination.
2011-09-29 Gaddafi’s son must be a great kisser!
2011-09-28 Open the window, let the smog come in.
2011-09-27 Frowns all round when I mentioned world war three.
2011-09-26 De rerum natura slipped from my hand.
2011-09-25 My lesson plan is to talk in their ears.
2011-09-24 Spine of a whale hanging from the ceiling.
2011-09-23 Spent my research day curled up in a ball.
2011-09-22 The side kick looked at me with pleading eyes.
2011-09-21 Let’s get in the classroom and kick some shit!
2011-09-20 Did I tell you Friedrich Nietzsche was dead?
2011-09-19 Tiny little fishes nibbling her feet.
2011-09-18 Arrogance all round, biting their bottoms.
2011-09-17 The whole of Ireland jumping up and down.
2011-09-16 For all I know it has started to rain.
2011-09-15 An unbearable absence of soundtrack.
2011-09-14 Rudolf Mössbauer reduced to atoms.
2011-09-13 A spider as big as a boxer’s fist.
2011-09-12 So you went for the non-acknowledgement.
2011-09-11 Can’t fly, won’t fly, nobody’s business now.
2011-09-10 Can we make the boat as we sail away?
2011-09-09 Who’s going to feed them and keep them warm?
2011-09-08 Seven billion people and no hope.
2011-09-07 Water seeps in through the tiniest cracks.
2011-09-06 I support you because you are displaced.
2011-09-05 Please understand, I don’t do anything!
2011-09-04 Chinese Jane Austen lives in a vacuum.
2011-09-03 Narcissistic gravitational pull.
2011-09-02 It’s all over now, you can clap your hands.
2011-09-01 Have you written the sentence for today?
2011-08-31 This has been a one poem holiday.
2011-08-30 Lose the bananas and you’d be fruit free.
2011-08-29 That’s not a sentence I could ever say.
2011-08-28 Kiss me on the head and call me Charlie.
2011-08-27 These London clouds are far too dramatic.
2011-08-26 Woke this morning with a hole in my head.
2011-08-25 Island behind the weatherman’s shoulder.
2011-08-24 Gaddafi isn’t dead, he’s just defunct!
2011-08-23 Motorola revolutionaries.
2011-08-22 Socio-historical networking.
2011-08-21 Tripoli is a noisy place tonight.
2011-08-20 I lost another perfect song today.
2011-08-19 Put all the books you have read on the shelf.
2011-08-18 I ♥ the East End. I ♥ paid labour.
2011-08-17 Pull out, dust down, the domino effect.
2011-08-16 Lock them all up and throw away the keys.
2011-08-15 The Shard displaces erotic gherkin.
2011-08-14 Perugia airport is full of Brits.
2011-08-13 Every evening a bloody spectacle.
2011-08-12 Cicadas, cicalas, greccos, crickets.
2011-08-11 No one cares about Hannibal but me.
2011-08-10 Put all the unread books into boxes.
2011-08-09 Stand up there Boris! Now’s your time to shine!
2011-08-08 London is burning and no one knows why.
2011-08-07 Walt Whitman is a relative of mine.
2011-08-06 This notebook has been washed in the lago.
2011-08-05 The best insurance against our dotage.
2011-08-04 We lost the battle and we lost the war.
2011-08-03 I have not done justice to the lizards.
2011-08-02 I have found my quiet nook of still time.
2011-08-01 The sun-flowers grew large and lost the sun.
2011-07-31 Carrietta White is a good monster.
2011-07-30 Passignano again with my daughter.
2011-07-29 I said things a gentleman should not say.
2011-07-28 He wore headphones all the way through dinner.
2011-07-27 Discontinuous, disingenuous.
2011-07-26 They found each other on a library shelf.
2011-07-25 I am shocked at the idiot in me.
2011-07-24 Shoeshine soft porn soda water shuffle.
2011-07-23 Amy Winehouse and eighty-five children.
2011-07-22 What are we gonna get for her indoors?
2011-07-21 I am a curator of modern art!
2011-07-20 The tree hides the moon, I am primitive.
2011-07-19 We have giggled our way into friendship.
2011-07-18 My father is beginning to shuffle.
2011-07-17 I threw the Sunday Business Post at him.
2011-07-16 I have my hands stuck in front of my eyes.
2011-07-15 What have I told my children to believe?
2011-07-14 Sand upon sand soaks up seasons of blood.
2011-07-13 With my sense of smell solitude’s a risk.
2011-07-12 I cannot get reconnected again.
2011-07-11 Did I do wrong in calling them horses?
2011-07-10 There are no more asteroids in my head.
2011-07-09 With hindsight I know I’ve made some mistakes.
2011-07-08 Books leave me open to greed and desire.
2011-07-07 Wasps creep out of little holes in my head.
2011-07-06 There was only ever one mothership.
2011-07-05 Here comes Johnny! is peering through the slit.
2011-07-04 I would take myself down to the Clancy's.
2011-07-03 Forgive me if I don’t drink to your health.
2011-07-02 Vespa! The whole fucking place is swarming!
2011-07-01 I am sleeping my way through a sand storm.
2011-06-30 One day a week without advertising.
2011-06-29 S. K. must have been reading Mandeville.
2011-06-28 The marmalade just keeps on arriving.
2011-06-27 Little yellow snail admires my labour.
2011-06-26 Kiss my arse and call me a Protestant.
2011-06-25 A full head of hair and a big cigar.
2011-06-24 Neocon art hating Catholic sluts.
2011-06-23 I’m thinking about becoming Irish.
2011-06-22 Clean the toilet and then do a runner.
2011-06-21 Like a teenage boy with a bic razor.
2011-06-20 Grandmother and child with plastic bag hats.
2011-06-19 There was nowhere for me to put my hands.
2011-06-18 In his underpants he seemed vulnerable.
2011-06-17 We are gay men in a Brighton Hotel.
2011-06-16 Also find a tongue for this time of year.
2011-06-15 The stuff about Mallarmé left him cold.
2011-06-14 There aren’t many laughs in the Holocaust.
2011-06-13 Indistinguishability of guilt.
2011-06-12 Aeroplanes fly too high for my liking.
2011-06-11 Don’t give up on me just because I’m mad.
2011-06-10 Freddie Mercury isn’t coming back.
2011-06-09 The British Library is full of old books.
2011-06-08 Syria is caught in a long echo.
2011-06-07 This year cardigans have a lip of flame.
2011-06-06 Desire breeds so many nonchalant looks.
2011-06-05 So much unrecorded heroism.
2011-06-04 I’ll knit you a solar crossword puzzle.
2011-06-03 My mother used to do it on her lap.
2011-06-02 Absence of said solar face, on absence.
2011-06-01 Hip! Headgear of solar face, adorning.
2011-05-31 Civilization and its Malcontents!
2011-05-30 Tout pour moi devient allégorie.
2011-05-29 Photo after photo Ils ont aimé.
2011-05-28 Why not lie down and why not roll over?
2011-05-27 Turn the world into a wooly jumper.
2011-05-26 The cookery book says two spoons of grass.
2011-05-25 Cross-stitch references to the present.
2011-05-24 Every third woman knits like a madman!
2011-05-23 My garden is trying to kill itself.
2011-05-22 How did they not know what was happening?
2011-05-21 Who let all those lonely people drive cars?
2011-05-20 In the future they will wonder at us.
2011-05-19 And in the end yer wan will see ye true!
2011-05-18 The television is unreadable.
2011-05-17 I am tired of the fight with gravity.
2011-05-16 The slender Muse is taking diet pills.
2011-05-15 O Lizzie Windsor won’t you stay at home!
2011-05-14 The poet looks and sees a universe.
2011-05-13 I know she takes me home with her at night.
2011-05-12 Each day of your life is a single frame.
2011-05-11 The rushing man looks and sees a brick wall.
2011-05-10 Came home and read Paddy Galvin all night.
2011-05-09 No one sneezes their way to victory.
2011-05-08 This is a film in which everyone dies.
2011-05-07 YU55 is wrecking my head.
2011-05-06 She came toward me as if she wanted …
2011-05-05 She always shows me her innocent legs.
2011-05-04 Three years without a single cigarette.
2011-05-03 History makes all my fingers shiny.
2011-05-02 An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
2011-05-01 Arsenal Football Club is having a laugh.
2011-04-30 The moon, after all, is one that got caught.
2011-04-29 Daraa al-Balad is now being starved.
2011-04-28 A kiss like the creation of desire.
2011-04-27 Syria explodes like a fire-cracker.
2011-04-26 Your back spasms and philosophy too.
2011-04-25 Kiss, catastrophe, apocalypse then.
2011-04-24 Arsenal Football Club has broken my heart.
2011-04-23 My dad is not getting any younger.
2011-04-22 Bahrain, Benghazi, Sohar, Amman, fire.
2011-04-21 Lonely little grubber, out there in space.
2011-04-20 Do you think it anticipates the kiss?
2011-04-19 The personal is not political.
2011-04-18 With all mathematical certainty.
2011-04-17 Arsenal Football Club has ruined my life.
2011-04-16 The rock is smoothly gliding towards us.
2011-04-15 Tokyo Electric PC will pay.
2011-04-14 The vine-like plant I have no name for spreads.
2011-04-13 Work like a dog and then come home to bed.
2011-04-12 Arabian Spring. Fire in the desert.
2011-04-11 And your monthly event has its effect.
2011-04-10 I have nothing to say about today.
2011-04-09 I stubbed my toe and I lost the plotline.
2011-04-08 Yemen has had nothing to drink for years.
2011-04-07 The toothache makes me quite illogical.
2011-04-06 No revolution without casinos.
2011-04-05 Libya is burning itself in two.
2011-04-04 No one thinks straight when they’re in pain my dear.
2011-04-03 With a waist that small you can’t eat pizza!
2011-04-02 Promethean fire springs out of the earth.
2011-04-01 I am as confused as America.
2011-03-31 I cannot keep up with all this fury!
2011-03-30 To me she has been the perfect partner.
2011-03-29 For eternal damnation, press seven.
2011-03-28 Violence inside me, like a snare drum’s chain.
2011-03-27 David Cameron is happy at war.
2011-03-26 No one to love, no one to complain to.
2011-03-25 Don Paterson went away too quickly.
2011-03-24 Japan exposes the nuclear lie.
2011-03-23 Angel-face are you looking at that face?
2011-03-22 Super bloated inflated sky-strung moon.
2011-03-21 I just want to see it with my own eyes.
2011-03-20 The comedian with a letter D.
2011-03-19 Gaddafi is this year’s comedian.
2011-03-18 History is a broken reactor.
2011-03-17 The horse has bolted and bucked its rider.
2011-03-16 Talking Heads. I’m catching up with myself!
2011-03-15 There’s too much of this and too much of that.
2011-03-14 Japan has vivid and terrible dreams.
2011-03-13 There’s nothing to celebrate here but death.
2011-03-12 Reactors are popping like champagne corks.
2011-03-11 Water is the hardest thing in the world.
2011-03-10 She was flat out like a lizard drinking.
2011-03-09 Gaddaffi is dead they’re just pretending.
2011-03-08 Football is dead! The referee killed it.
2011-03-07 Piggy boy has been roasted and eaten!
2011-03-06 Kenny Dalglish suffers from déjà vu.
2011-03-05 Corrupt taximen go the longest route.
2011-03-04 When am I going to win the Lotto?
2011-03-03 This is pre-political poetry.
2011-03-02 But I didn’t get very far did I?
2011-03-01 Young girl cursing her mother as I shop.
2011-02-28 Gaddafi is one of the four horsemen.
2011-02-27 We stick pins in our voodoo dolly.
2011-02-26 If I shot my brains out I’d record it!
2011-02-25 The basis and structure is what happens.
2011-02-24 And don't come back again you hag of ----!
2011-02-23 In all justice, should we shoot Gaddaffi?
2011-02-22 You should read Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy!
2011-02-21 Without freedom nobody is alive.
2011-02-20 Suddenly this is very, very hard.
2011-02-19 The Heroes of the day twitter and tweet.
2011-02-18 Sing the first post-codex revolution!
2011-02-17 Courage of the insulted and the damned.
2011-02-16 Her eyes were fierce unforgiving fingers.
2011-02-15 Visible, alien catastrophe.
2011-02-14 Did I mention her face was angry fish?
2011-02-13 The Middle East is the cradle and grave.
2011-02-12 They’ve started to talk about dominos.
2011-02-11 Angel-face transfigured into action.
2011-02-10 Nowhere. Nobodaddy. Demogorgon.
2011-02-09 The monolingual certainty of fate.
2011-02-08 Toppled masonry outside my front door.
2011-02-07 The Shahs and Dictators on their prayer mats.
2011-02-06 Lacanian gaze of the desired man.
2011-02-05 The noise that came out of her lungs was cruel.
2011-02-04 She encourages me to climb and jump.
2011-02-03 I hear her far off within my moon-dream.
2011-02-02 She broke my spine and then asked me to tea.
2011-02-01 I’m living a life I do not wish to!
2011-01-31 She had a voice that could shatter stonework.
2011-01-30 I woke up today and I could not see.
2011-01-29 I noticed her in the Coffee Station.
2011-01-28 She had a voice like an evil sea-bird.
2011-01-27 The road makes the motorist a fascist.
2011-01-26 When will salvation reach into my soul?
2011-01-25 The fish we ate was neither boned nor cured.
2011-01-24 When the dishwasher stops there is silence.
2011-01-23 The Greens will have to choose another shade.
2011-01-22 Biffo has fucked off and left us empty.
2011-01-21 Cut their heads off and feed them to the wolves!
2011-01-20 Tunis is pushing at a ruined wall.
2011-01-19 We’re splintered into shards of broken glass.
2011-01-18 Someone’s dog has had a very bad day!
2011-01-17 We’ll make this the year of the broken horse.
2011-01-16 Dry your eyes, straighten your trousers, and sing!
2011-01-15 Gulls on Patrick Street eating broken glass.
2011-01-14 But there’s nothing more sure than the return.
2011-01-13 We’ll make this the year of piggie go home!
2011-01-12 There are holes in the very best of days.
2011-01-11 The rain carved open a hole in my shoe.
2011-01-10 I’m trying to resist repetition.
2011-01-09 We’ll make this the year of new arrivals.
2011-01-08 We’ll make this the year of do not call us.
2011-01-07 We’ll make this year the year we dry our eyes.
2011-01-06 We’ll make this year the year of the scapegoat.
2011-01-05 We will make this the year of penitence.
2011-01-04 We will make this the year of long goodbyes.
2011-01-03 We’ll make this the year of get them all out!
2011-01-02 We’ll make this the year of revolving doors.
2011-01-01 Logo-theo-phallogocentricism date!
2010-12-31 On my own the world becomes very large.
2010-12-30 Thanks for the history lesson, taxi man!
2010-12-29 The ashes are safe and sound in our hands.
2010-12-28 Running on the spot is a fine excuse.
2010-12-27 My eyes sunk beneath multifocal glass.
2010-12-26 I’ve not read the books I wanted to read.
2010-12-25 Firearms, when used, often cause injuries.
2010-12-24 The soft bed of dreams slowly gathers you.
2010-12-23 Jumping in front of trains is dangerous.
2010-12-22 Who could have anticipated all this?
2010-12-21 Somebody somewhere has shaken the globe.
2010-12-20 This is a public safety announcement.
2010-12-19 The sun is refusing to melt the snow.
2010-12-18 I am so full of tears compared to them.
2010-12-17 Tolle lege, tolle lege, docteur!
2010-12-16 My mother and my father watch tv.
2010-12-15 People in Stratford are covered in dust.
2010-12-14 A bed in Lambeth, a Bedlam lamb bed.
2010-12-13 Idiot Tories have unleashed the beast.
2010-12-12 The Holocaust is in a museum.
2010-12-11 A Royal can’t clap about civil rights.
2010-12-10 Liu Xiaobo’s empty chair is a disgrace.
2010-12-09 Oh the sweet irony, off with their heads!
2010-12-08 Mr Lenihan, where are your credits?
2010-12-07 Everyone thinks I’m an apparition.
2010-12-06 The house is old with rumour and complaint.
2010-12-05 It’s a disaster! My pipes have all burst!
2010-12-04 The edge of the carpet has tripped me up.
2010-12-03 A golden spray of suicidal piss.
2010-12-02 Settled snow on London streets, a postcard.
2010-12-01 The ‘mainland’ has become dysfunctional.
2010-11-30 When we get to heaven what will we do?
2010-11-29 For fifty pounds more get a child-free plane.
2010-11-28 Vesuvius just waiting to wake up.
2010-11-27 I fumbled all my lines in Napoli.
2010-11-26 Service Class with the Scotsman, decadence!
2010-11-25 Like children tell lies, and fat men drink beer.
2010-11-24 Government addicts, post-obit bonds. Ruin!
2010-11-23 For soverignty they want to keep us poor.
2010-11-22 Remark on the lack of metaphysics.
2010-11-21 Biffo, Ireland’s truest metonymy.
2010-11-20 Morbidly obese, Biffo dreams of pie.
2010-11-19 Biffo is shameless, but not without pride.
2010-11-18 The one thing Biffo needs is not on sale.
2010-11-17 Biffo hasn’t felt comfortable for years.
2010-11-16 Biffo is lying through his chavvy teeth.
2010-11-15 Biffo says we have money till Thursday.
2010-11-14 Aung San Suu Kyi steps into the dreamhouse.
2010-11-13 Buy your son a coat and feed him whiskey.
2010-11-12 That’s it! I’ve got it now! Mal bully Bush!
2010-11-11 When the Judgement comes teach your heart to fib.
2010-11-10 The Euston Flyer is not in Euston.
2010-11-09 The British Library is awash with flame.
2010-11-08 To blow someone up get the right address.
2010-11-07 Localisation of the wet excuse.
2010-11-06 Somebody sell him some tissue paper.
2010-11-05 Nationalisation of the hairy tongue.
2010-11-04 Obama’s got himself a bloody nose.
2010-11-03 Globalisation of the plastic frog.
2010-11-02 A species that likes to blow itself up.
2010-11-01 Billions are this year’s twenty pound notes.
2010-10-31 The best thing that I did was to love you.
2010-10-30 I’m as young as I am going to be.
2010-10-29 Swing it what way you like, you’re a liar!
2010-10-28 I am the resurrection and the shite.
2010-10-27 Termites will nibble me into the grave.
2010-10-26 I am going to fall out of a plane.
2010-10-25 Lightning will discover me in the end.
2010-10-24 I’m going to be run down by a car.
2010-10-23 How many books did you speed read today?
2010-10-22 Shove them in the dirt, they will learn to swim.
2010-10-21 As evil as me but with no backbone.
2010-10-20 Shoot them between the eyes then forgive them.
2010-10-19 Airports are the new famine terminals.
2010-10-18 My belly has become my enemy.
2010-10-17 If your phone’s not ringing you’re a vampire.
2010-10-16 This is not the time to become stupid!
2010-10-15 Books on the bookshelf having a bundle.
2010-10-14 Nothing that is not there and the nothing…
2010-10-13 John, I always forget to email you.
2010-10-12 The clamour of resentment is ugly.
2010-10-11 The green pleasant land of anxiety.
2010-10-10 A floored drunkard, waiting for the next kick.
2010-10-09 All letters are the production of love.
2010-10-08 Calendar girls struggle over Putin.
2010-10-07 Outside the bank, soldiers with machine guns.
2010-10-06 They have brought me back my lost love letters.
2010-10-05 I’m listening to rain and ghost gossip.
2010-10-04 anything more than an accurate watch.
2010-10-03 Desire is no basis on which to build
2010-10-02 This is the epoch of anxiety.
2010-10-01 Do First Class Passengers get there quicker?
2010-09-30 The Victorians knew much about teeth.
2010-09-29 Black geese are known for being fiercely dark.
2010-09-28 On the deep, always swagging on the deep.
2010-09-27 One more push and I’ll be invisible!
2010-09-26 Every object is as hard as her heart.
2010-09-25 Rogue traders, bond dealers, marionettes.
2010-09-24 Episode Thirteen contains all the sex.
2010-09-23 Why foxes not whales or blue-fin tuna?
2010-09-22 If I were a snake I’d suffocate you!
2010-09-21 Ahmadinejad in the U.N. loo.
2010-09-20 So much work in order to disappear.
2010-09-19 One hand is on her breast, and one under…
2010-09-18 Old Man! You cannot look at her that way!
2010-09-17 I wish I’d bought myself a pack of cards.
2010-09-16 We’ve stopped the oil by killing all the fish.
2010-09-15 The dark clouds of coherency swagging.
2010-09-14 Is this now, therefore, a new beginning?
2010-09-13 It was the Mulberry Bush as prison song!
2010-09-12 How many candidates for Piggie-boy?
2010-09-11 I do believe we will see the Last Days.
2010-09-10 The climate’s been changing since time began.
2010-09-09 We’re splitting the Anglo-Irish in two.
2010-09-08 This week’s most popular show is Mad Men.
2010-09-07 Cash nexus, punctus simplex, my arsehole!
2010-09-06 The fucking FTSe is feeling frisky.
2010-09-05 Mud came and washed away the innocents.
2010-09-04 The earthquake dislikes commercial districts.
2010-09-03 No news today, the future’s gone away.
2010-09-02 Whatever Miliband will fit the suit.
2010-09-01 Iraq is safe, we’re glad that it’s over.
2010-08-31 How long will we have to spend underground?
2010-08-30 Mr Blair looks like his swallowed something.
2010-08-29 A frozen zoo in an african plane.
2010-08-28 I am looking for a constant blogger.
2010-08-27 Richard Dawkins has a very big tie.
2010-08-26 I am writing this as a Last Man text.
2010-08-25 There are unused icons on your desktop.
2010-08-24 The truth is, power makes you powerful.
2010-08-23 She is safe inside the culture machine.
2010-08-22 I live in hope of you remembering.
2010-08-21 The sun is getting brighter every day.
2010-08-20 My bones are cracked, my teeth have lost their shine.
2010-08-19 And the eloquence of things left unsaid.
2010-08-18 Beyond points, beyond all calculation.
2010-08-17 All day in a cauldron of graphic sex.
2010-08-16 My stomach has returned to chalk and dust.
2010-08-15 I haven’t written a poem for months.
2010-08-14 I am teaching myself to dance again.
2010-08-13 Maybe we can learn to be gentile.
2010-08-12 She spoke like a schoolgirl who's good at maths.
2010-08-11 The little prick wants me to forgive him.
2010-08-10 My body is screaming in slow motion.
2010-08-09 Feed up your victim before you kill her.
2010-08-08 China will be a change from religion.
2010-08-07 My father looks like my brother and me.
2010-08-06 My little angel married a squaddie.
2010-08-05 They are there with tea and Branston Pickle.
2010-08-04 There is no way back from the habitual.
2010-08-03 This is a hollow cave of memory.
2010-08-02 Fianna Fáil should have gone to Spec Savers.
2010-08-01 Fianna Fáil is a junket and a joke.
2010-07-31 Fianna Fáil is a tumor in your lungs.
2010-07-30 Fianna Fáil is your arse expelling blood.
2010-07-29 Fianna Fáil is a fart in a vacuum.
2010-07-28 Fianna Fáil is a paedophile’s wet dream.
2010-07-27 Fianna Fáil is a large Pantomine Horse.
2010-07-26 It might not be a prison-song at all.
2010-07-25 I recall the house in Ecclefechan.
2010-07-24 I remember the brown stained sodden moors.
2010-07-23 There is a crime scene around the corner.
2010-07-22 Good advice, go and put a cap on it!
2010-07-21 Lit. Crit. and without the criticism.
2010-07-20 I will not write for children anymore.
2010-07-19 Rubbish is just sand and grey pebbledash.
2010-07-18 He has become his own auto-icon.
2010-07-17 How many memory technologies?
2010-07-16 Till we have built Jerusalem, somewhere.
2010-07-15 How many wars can you safely ignore.
2010-07-14 We still make volunteers to be shot at.
2010-07-13 My lovely niece is to be military.
2010-07-12 Talcum Powder poison on the carpet.
2010-07-11 The shifter is the active agent here.
2010-07-10 I do not understand her purple hair.
2010-07-09 I do not understand her brevity.
2010-07-08 Sick in the stomach because of no food.
2010-07-07 This will become like my Fanny Burney.
2010-07-06 No one will admit they voted them in.
2010-07-05 Fianna Fáil will win the next election.
2010-07-04 Fianna Fáil is our excuse and our shame.
2010-07-03 Fianna Fáil is the itch you cannot scratch.
2010-07-02 Fianna Fáil is the priest with long fingers.
2010-07-01 Fianna Fáil is the bullet in the head.
2010-06-30 Fianna Fáil is the scream down the alley.
2010-06-29 Fianna Fáil hides its heart behind its name.
2010-06-28 Fianna Fáil don’t care if we all collapse.
2010-06-27 Fianna Fáil is the enemy within.
2010-06-26 Fianna Fáil is dogging in the bushes.
2010-06-25 Fianna Fáil is an egg on your physiog.
2010-06-24 Fianna Fáil is ruining your children.
2010-06-23 Fianna Fáil is a shame we cannot hide.
2010-06-22 Fianna Fáil is everybody’s nightmare.
2010-06-21 Fianna Fáil does not come out of the mist.
2010-06-20 Fianna Fáil is an ideas free region.
2010-06-19 Fianna Fáil is not paying any tax.
2010-06-18 Fianna Fáil is dodging by-elections.
2010-06-17 Fianna Fáil is a cancer they can’t cut.
2010-06-16 Fianna Fáil is still with us, amazing!
2010-06-15 Fianna Fáil is an Iranian spy.
2010-06-14 Fianna Fáil is a Communist stitch up.
2010-06-13 James Orchard Halliwell was mistaken.
2010-06-12 Folk Song Number is seven eight eight two.
2010-06-11 Paint the house white and an off-shade of brown.
2010-06-10 The United Kingdom’s not united.
2010-06-09 The poisoned teat of power has been sucked.
2010-06-08 Who to blame now, the priests or the English?
2010-06-07 Number 52 is younger than you.
2010-06-06 A drunk falling over himself again.
2010-06-05 Always in want of the other woman.
2010-06-04 We’ll talk when the world’s stopped spinning so fast.
2010-06-03 The fat man cannot squeeze through the window.
2010-06-02 Homosocial man in a Gucci shirt.
2010-06-01 Israeli waters have just got bigger.
2010-05-31 Ironic apocalyptic venom.
2010-05-30 A thin veil of sludge will cover us all.
2010-05-29 That’s a very Eurocentric format.
2010-05-28 Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, Kafka.
2010-05-27 Most mornings I sneak back into the real.
2010-05-26 Sunshine seeping through the cracks in your face.
2010-05-25 People should visit me, I’m a ruin.
2010-05-24 His face was a beetroot ready to slice.
2010-05-23 Tell me what would change if they pulled the plug?
2010-05-22 Dionysus has recaptured my soul.
2010-05-21 I am being eaten alive by you!
2010-05-20 Violence in dreams makes you provocative.
2010-05-19 Batons and bullets are winning Bangkok.
2010-05-18 Did you hear the one about the Scotsman?
2010-05-17 Il Presidenti is bored with himself.
2010-05-16 We have painted the kitchen with our tongues.
2010-05-15 My husband has forgotten he exists.
2010-05-14 Clean them up and throw them back in the soup.
2010-05-13 Philip Glass, modernity, tv ad.
2010-05-12 HSC, a very bad Irish joke.
2010-05-11 Military monks on the news, seasonal.
2010-05-10 Fruit in the kitchen turns mortuary grey.
2010-05-09 Chickens and guns, evangelical oil.
2010-05-08 Cork is a pond, Kerry is a race-track.
2010-05-07 I know you can see madness in my eyes.
2010-05-06 Education is like public slaughter.
2010-05-05 Someone beat me up when I was asleep.
2010-05-04 Set it alight, let it blaze like the moon.
2010-05-03 Ireland’s so sick it can’t get out of bed!
2010-05-02 I’m a philosopher in a castle!
2010-05-01 The Gulf of Mexico has turned orange.
2010-04-30 Our broken hearts beat in syncopation.
2010-04-29 stay with me tonight! Don’t leave me for them!
2010-04-28 I keep wishing Brecht was here to see it …
2010-04-27 I wrote a book mourning all their futures.
2010-04-26 Loneliness of the long distance poet.
2010-04-25 We are simply adding to the slag heap.
2010-04-24 Memory seems to be leaving us now.
2010-04-23 David Bowie has given up, I fear.
2010-04-22 The phantasmagoric trope of Justice.
2010-04-21 All our children will now have to leave us.
2010-04-20 If you tackle Messi he’s not so good.
2010-04-19 Sometimes ruination gets in your head.
2010-04-18 Stuck under a cloud of icy daggers.
2010-04-17 I woke up and remembered angel-face.
2010-04-16 Red sky at night, shepherd’s insurance claim.
2010-04-15 Volcanic inferno keeps me from hell.
2010-04-14 The pigeons shit like crazy around here.
2010-04-13 You get your heart broken every season.
2010-04-12 The earth has jolted us back into life.
2010-04-11 Capitalism? Not on our telly!
2010-04-10 Let’s have a thin one instead of fatties.
2010-04-09 We just might have found a home for Harold.
2010-04-08 Load every fucking riff with fucking ore!
2010-04-07 made to say a green, snot-heavy sorry.
2010-04-06 brought down to its Babylonian knees
2010-04-05 The most top-loaded of institutions
2010-04-04 As if Fascist hierarchy could level.
2010-04-03 As if the Pope was not infallible.
2010-04-02 Fr O’Connor, category mistake.
2010-04-01 Excitement then memory, April’s Fool.
2010-03-31 No sun for Lawrence, just pigs on the beach.
2010-03-30 Bill Shakespeare as part of that prison shrub.
2010-03-29 Freud’s Looney Tunes were anti-Semitic.
2010-03-28 Another half hour and the banks are breached.
2010-03-27 Without any disrespect to monkeys.
2010-03-26 As if those who deal in shit were not shite.
2010-03-25 I am putting Hell back into the earth.
2010-03-24 You live as if monkeys could question you.
2010-03-23 Sheol, the ground into which you will go.
2010-03-22 Gehenna that Biblical landfill site.
2010-03-21 Jerusalem’s southside, fire and brimstone.
2010-03-20 Underneath the skirts of Rome, stinking death.
2010-03-19 As if our greatest poet was in heat.
2010-03-18 This might all sound a bit unhinged to you.
2010-03-17 Dogs and us have long been working it out.
2010-03-16 Camels evolved a second hump for us.
2010-03-15 Today is monumental, granite, hard.
2010-03-14 Dogs don’t care if you look at them pissing.
2010-03-13 At the top of the mountain you look down.
2010-03-12 People know me, ricetti, refugee.
2010-03-11 All of this is groundless, all of it air.
2010-03-10 The passage of time reconfigures me.
2010-03-09 A caterpillar fell into my hair.
2010-03-08 Spiders make their webs nearest to danger.
2010-03-07 I have an awful pain in my mother.
2010-03-06 Will I give you all a big cheesy smile?
2010-03-05 My teeth are the teeth the Devil might have.
2010-03-04 The passage of time begins to amaze.
2010-03-03 Capitalism is our rainy day.
2010-03-02 Ireland’s a nightmare I’ve tried to escape.
2010-03-01 Everyone’s smiling with their teeth again.
2010-02-28 Poetry does not call to a reader.
2010-02-27 Her ankles are the shape of angel’s wings.
2010-02-26 Are these lines in any sense readable?
2010-02-25 Maybe four years on, sometime around now.
2010-02-24 Buy us a meal and then fuck the hell off!
2010-02-23 To me her knees are newly minted coins.
2010-02-22 This is the way my new poverty goes.
2010-02-21 Her lips are like gold buried in the moon.
2010-02-20 I am a coward when it comes to fear.
2010-02-19 Because I love life I am a squatter.
2010-02-18 He drew his resolution on a board.
2010-02-17 The men are mad, the women are crazy.
2010-02-16 Her mouth looks like a win in extra time.
2010-02-15 Her skin feels like the summer holidays.
2010-02-14 The flood plains have disappeared into soil.
2010-02-13 The colour blue interacts with her eyes.
2010-02-12 Helmand Province, beyond resolution.
2010-02-11 This is not an inhabitable rock.
2010-02-10 In its breathing the earth puffs and spits us.
2010-02-09 Someone put a crack into Africa.
2010-02-08 Fine Gael displays our devastation.
2010-02-07 My days are now full of vampire faces.
2010-02-06 I will invent her and write my poems.
2010-02-05 Farewell father, I learnt to love you well.
2010-02-04 Farewell boys, there’s no fun left in running.
2010-02-03 Farewell corrupted and spiteful captain.
2010-02-02 Farewell my sweet sister of winter sex.
2010-02-01 Farewell my brother of eternal pain.
2010-01-31 Farewell my monster of lamentations.
2010-01-30 Religion is cruelty to our children.
2010-01-29 Empty car park Friday melancholy.
2010-01-28 Obama, the joke of a cartoon god.
2010-01-27 Hegel was blinded by something shiny.
2010-01-26 I wonder whether pimps dress up as pimps?
2010-01-25 Racer-boys searching for death to cure them.
2010-01-24 Pyramid boy doesn’t remember you.
2010-01-23 Associate the word with your mother.
2010-01-22 Get back to the year, the day, the event.
2010-01-21 The hole I cannot fill will bring me peace.
2010-01-20 The hole in my head will become a fire.
2010-01-19 The hole in my shoe has given me hope.
2010-01-18 Today I lost my nerve and stayed in bed.
2010-01-17 I find it impossible to keep up.
2010-01-16 My first real leper moment of the year.
2010-01-15 See yourself in bed before you get in.
2010-01-14 Everyone I know thinks in building blocks.
2010-01-13 He would say Aristotle and the deed.
2010-01-12 This is still the epoch of the mass grave.
2010-01-11 Piggy-boy would just tumble if he slipped.
2010-01-10 The snow settles on Michael Collins’ face.
2010-01-09 Photography, icy transformations.
2010-01-08 In a world of white the prophets go blind.
2010-01-07 The present, the future, entombed in ice.
2010-01-06 Ice, as at the end of America.
2010-01-05 Picturesque death-camp, carpet of hawfrost.
2010-01-04 My teeth grow tired of the sharp sting of ice.
2010-01-03 Discarded condom, cold Sunday morning.
2010-01-02 The smell of toast in the hospital ward.
2010-01-01 New Year’s children will stuff themselves with drugs.
2009-12-31 That prison-song left me unsupported.
2009-12-30 Angel-face has been stolen from our dreams.
2009-12-29 Aliens came and spirited him away.
2009-12-28 The political horse has lost a shoe.
2009-12-27 Madness is the child of solipsism.
2009-12-26 Everyone has forgotten I’m alive.
2009-12-25 I gave him fish, wine and a wooden book.
2009-12-24 Back in the big house of ruination.
2009-12-23 At forty-six you give it back broken.
2009-12-22 Tolstoy did not own a map of the world.
2009-12-21 Blue-black spot inside the back of her neck.
2009-12-20 Because I love you I will die again.
2009-12-19 Blinking uncomprehending eyes in rows.
2009-12-18 Godwin was someone who saw the system.
2009-12-17 Oliver Reed was no hero of mine.
2009-12-16 Ambiguity is the end of me.
2009-12-15 I am a fan of people who help me.
2009-12-14 Hatred inside the fillings in his teeth.
2009-12-13 They’d kill you dead for the price of a pint.
2009-12-12 There are women here who need some solace.
2009-12-11 If you nick her gin she’ll not forgive you.
2009-12-10 Things fall apart, the bankers cannot hold.
2009-12-09 And if you dare move I’ll shoot you again!
2009-12-08 I love little differences, like ware.
2009-12-07 The contempt I have for him is his gift.
2009-12-06 What’s the use of a book in a blackout?
2009-12-05 What’s the use of your art when we’re sleeping?
2009-12-04 What’s the use of sunglasses in the fog?
2009-12-03 What’s the use of a drink when it’s raining?
2009-12-02 The bombing of playgrounds was sufficient.
2009-12-01 This time last year I gave up all my hopes.
2009-11-30 The English don’t know the Irish are sick.
2009-11-29 Dante would have struggled to invent this.
2009-11-28 You come to her and then you spit on her.
2009-11-27 I could get used to being scholastic.
2009-11-26 High Table and a prick philosopher.
2009-11-25 Reading and writing are good for you folks!
2009-11-24 Heathrow is like a film no one watches.
2009-11-23 Already they’re fighting over the flood.
2009-11-22 The river Lee vomited up its bile.
2009-11-21 You’d be the city drinking that water.
2009-11-20 Being trapped with you would be my ideal.
2009-11-19 The deluge came and found us all wanting.
2009-11-18 Where the sun has been and the moon now is.
2009-11-17 I am a friend of St George’s Channel.
2009-11-16 No one loves a nosy little fucker.
2009-11-15 The prodigy has been fiddling the books.
2009-11-14 There’s something staring you straight in the mouth.
2009-11-13 O baby, don’t be sad, give me your face.
2009-11-12 The big houses didn’t have telephones.
2009-11-11 If I knew the future’s number I’d ring.
2009-11-10 Ash Bank has considerable interest.
2009-11-09 The money is gone and the heart grows cold.
2009-11-08 You inherit the earth at forty-five.
2009-11-07 The window’s closed, I cannot remember.
2009-11-06 A generation of bitter regret.
2009-11-05 He eyed up the panel then went to work.
2009-11-04 Someone should tell him Spenser was a cunt.
2009-11-03 Do I dare choose the genre of suspense?
2009-11-02 You won’t have to poke him to get a squeal.
2009-11-01 The river Lee is a sad hysteric.
2009-10-31 The Bank of Ireland has sold us a pup.
2009-10-30 Everybody knew, but nobody thought.
2009-10-29 What to say to Dr Dreckology?
2009-10-28 Aren’t you in danger of preserving shit.
2009-10-27 Does piggy-boy know you know what you know?
2009-10-26 Close the blinds, bolt the door, unplug the set.
2009-10-25 The lakes and the beaches, strangely unreal.
2009-10-24 Kerry was further away than it looked.
2009-10-23 I am a grown-up with an accountant!
2009-10-22 Diggle still had a wiggle, Pete looked beat.
2009-10-21 Like bits of yesterday’s newspaper print.
2009-10-20 The gods have lost interest and chocolate melts.
2009-10-19 Boxer dog comes out like an old slogger.
2009-10-18 This time last year was a serial rant.
2009-10-17 Little drunk fucker snogging his girlfriend.
2009-10-16 They can rob me of everything save that.
2009-10-15 Nietzsche, students, and a return to form.
2009-10-14 but the Bank of Ireland left him alone.
2009-10-13 My father knew some trouble in his time,
2009-10-12 Policemen are designed to look the same.
2009-10-11 Ah, now, they wouldn’t be as bad as that!
2009-10-10 The Bank of Ireland requires us to bleed.
2009-10-09 The Bank of Ireland has all the lifebelts.
2009-10-08 and spits at you as if you were unclean.
2009-10-07 The Bank of Ireland understands your pain
2009-10-06 The Bank of Ireland has no solution.
2009-10-05 The Bank of Ireland will watch us all starve.
2009-10-04 For emphasis point at them as you laugh.
2009-10-03 Have you got a minute? Are you free now?
2009-10-02 Those hilarious questions about time,
2009-10-01 A million bottles smashing in mid-air.
2009-09-30 I will absorb anything memorable.
2009-09-29 Pessimism, refuge of wounded hopes.
2009-09-28 of some gleaming, polished, completed text.
2009-09-27 and poetry falls out of my pursuit
2009-09-26 I suddenly find I am days behind
2009-09-25 Every time I go to print this all out
2009-09-24 Crisis has robbed me of all poetry.
2009-09-23 I am resting on the vernacular.
2009-09-22 Telephone interviews, no one is clear.
2009-09-21 They transform me into a teenager.
2009-09-20 Imagine his red cheek after a slap.
2009-09-19 This house worships a spirit-level god.
2009-09-18 Back to not quite being all on my own.
2009-09-17 I murdered one plant behind the curtain.
2009-09-16 Everything around me is functional.
2009-09-15 I miss the little details in smoking.
2009-09-14 Nobody knows I’m an exile again.
2009-09-13 Enigmatic possessions of this man.
2009-09-12 There is a very shy ghost in this house.
2009-09-11 and it does seem like back to the future.
2009-09-10 The river Lee is on the verge of tears,
2009-09-09 I know why I dreamt of Michael J. Fox.
2009-09-08 If it could stay like this I’d be happy.
2009-09-07 I’m wearing someone else’s shirt and tie.
2009-09-06 The Elysian seemed to strike a note.
2009-09-05 I would imagine I will fall down soon.
2009-09-04 The seafood pie contained a nasty bite.
2009-09-03 I must not let any of the plants die.
2009-09-02 This place has no teaspoons and no iron.
2009-09-01 I need to return to smaller details.
2009-08-31 Every time I go away hell breaks lose.
2009-08-30 Momentary panic, calcio fans.
2009-08-29 Exile is over, I have served my time.
2009-08-28 Will I ever sit by the lake again?
2009-08-27 Not a good way of forgiving bankers.
2009-08-26 The most irritating fucker alive!
2009-08-25 Nobody is looking at my left hand.
2009-08-24 The idea of limbo was born like this.
2009-08-23 Remember, it’s an absolute god-send.
2009-08-22 What is after Derrida? Your own mind?
2009-08-21 Not a new chapter, more like a new book.
2009-08-20 Cycling around weeping into the lake.
2009-08-19 Nothing will ever be the same again.
2009-08-18 Fa bello means I do not have to write.
2009-08-17 Italian cena would make you sink!
2009-08-16 Cycle round the lake. Molto facile!
2009-08-15 I used the "r" word and all hell broke loose.
2009-08-14 Is that a mobile I see before me?
2009-08-13 After Geoffrey of Bromsgrove, should I quit?
2009-08-12 Kids hyperventilate, I try to write.
2009-08-11 Rapalarno, Volcanic, bolente!
2009-08-10 She’s got a face like an ugly boxer.
2009-08-09 La bolla Africana? Not this year!
2009-08-08 and Hannibal got eaten by this place.
2009-08-07 Flaminius lost, the Romans triumphed
2009-08-06 We have come to the end of the circle.
2009-08-05 There’s that little spot I’ve had since childhood.
2009-08-04 I brought no novels with me but my own.
2009-08-03 Fierce discord at the heart of union.
2009-08-02 Or the tremors of deep paranoia.
2009-08-01 I did not anticipate narrative.
2009-07-31 Everything’s the same, everything’s different.
2009-07-30 Lago. Casetta. Everything bella.
2009-07-29 The here we are back in Italia.
2009-07-28 The here we are back at home and it hurts.
2009-07-27 The here we are back at work and it hurts.
2009-07-26 The ironic baby-set prison dance.
2009-07-25 I come back to angel-face and the round.
2009-07-24 All the excess was in my female left.
2009-07-23 What to do with my atomic knowledge?
2009-07-22 so if you want twelve from me we’re both screwed.
2009-07-21 I only have eight pints of blood in me,
2009-07-20 I am scum of the earth and I’m top dog.
2009-07-19 Banana Republic has now turned black.
2009-07-18 My office, a paper-mite safe haven.
2009-07-17 I have given up tobacco and wheat.
2009-07-16 London opens up like an abattoir.
2009-07-15 There was a hut at the back of the pub.
2009-07-14 Oxford proves that fella’ to be a fraud.
2009-07-13 The move to Oxford, inspirational.
2009-07-12 Buried together, William, Catherine.
2009-07-11 The British Library is over the road.
2009-07-10 Tomorrow I’ll be somewhere different.
2009-07-09 Do you know the way to San José? No!
2009-07-08 you scratch my back and I’ll scratch my own back.
2009-07-07 anger at irresponsibility,
2009-07-06 students as consumers, constipation,
2009-07-05 Shit-for-brains American tv, tax,
2009-07-04 Anger about dishwashers, hairdryers,
2009-07-03 Nothing in Iran now but politics.
2009-07-02 RTE is covering for Biffo!
2009-07-01 I seem to be gaining authority.
2009-06-30 The way she crossed her legs showed she was pleased.
2009-06-29 I am beginning to lose my temper.
2009-06-28 If I was Damon I would be happy.
2009-06-27 The Spanish dancers were smaller this time.
2009-06-26 Academic Council, the paint’s still dry.
2009-06-25 Cross-referencing, Tony Blair, Fabregas.
2009-06-24 Eventually an intricate system.
2009-06-23 Addition of temporary starlight.
2009-06-22 Neda Soltani, you have died for us.
2009-06-21 Hades, Tarturus, Erebus, the Pits!
2009-06-20 I want to be under a mountain range.
2009-06-19 You just have to remember to edit.
2009-06-18 You are helpless to help and hopeless too.
2009-06-17 Bullets and truncheons do not speak Persian.
2009-06-16 You are going to have to drop your pants.
2009-06-15 Ulysses should have got people talking.
2009-06-14 I think I may have discovered your knees.
2009-06-13 Piggy-boy doesn’t know how to behave.
2009-06-12 Somedays I am simply kicked in the guts.
2009-06-11 Now I’m writing like there’s no tomorrow.
2009-06-10 People can’t look each other in the eye.
2009-06-09 Your solar plexus, yes, that’s the big hole.
2009-06-08 Who we now know wore a smart paisley tie.
2009-06-07 And so we sold our souls to the devil.
2009-06-06 Corruption cannot lie with honesty.
2009-06-05 The folly of that vacuous folly!
2009-06-04 I feel more Irish than English today.
2009-06-03 Nobody is safe from Biffo’s bastards.
2009-06-02 The easiest birth I’ll ever witness.
2009-06-01 It is time for political action.
2009-05-31 I don’t want to be good, I want to sing.
2009-05-30 You will of course need to take off all yours.
2009-05-29 They absailed down as we ate our pasta.
2009-05-28 Kiss me on my mouth, your love is vino.
2009-05-27 The Elysian is my idée fixe.
2009-05-26 Mahler’s 6th, Adagio, pure heaven.
2009-05-25 I would like to relinquish all power.
2009-05-24 Bruckner’s 7th Symphony saved my life.
2009-05-23 The old man still wand-waves a snooker cue.
2009-05-22 The accountants are having a field day.
2009-05-21 Someone needs to tell Biffo to fuck off.
2009-05-20 I only masturbate with my clothes on.
2009-05-19 Where o where have they hidden Obama?
2009-05-18 They still haven’t told me if I’m dying.
2009-05-17 Pig politicians deserve Bertholt Brecht.
2009-05-16 It must be said it all turned out kosher.
2009-05-15 Three meetings sandwiching a quick sandwich.
2009-05-14 She seems to want me to be a hero.
2009-05-13 Union siblings plotting their revenge.
2009-05-12 Politics has become impossible.
2009-05-11 I am learning to swim above the text.
2009-05-10 Sundays are beginning to hurt again.
2009-05-09 Europe Day, nobody even noticed.
2009-05-08 And Blake said it’s all in the human breast.
2009-05-07 World economy is our deity.
2009-05-06 Job would be faithful to the free market.
2009-05-05 The Bible is an excellent idea.
2009-05-04 This would film well, although it hurts like hell.
2009-05-03 Gardening and poetry, classical!
2009-05-02 Hills are like giant waves, that do not move.
2009-05-01 Planes are like temporary lighthouses.
2009-04-30 There is so much love in my life, I’m lost.
2009-04-29 I have mastered the art of anarchy.
2009-04-28 He sang, Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others.
2009-04-27 Work is poker now, my hand still secret.
2009-04-26 Ireland is not like the other addicts.
2009-04-25 I’m going to have to sell my organs.
2009-04-24 We touched down onto the bankrupt runway.
2009-04-23 Ekel, he said, and I almost threw up.
2009-04-22 We got drunk and discovered a mirror.
2009-04-21 Green shoots in the U.S., weeds over here.
2009-04-20 Something is against communication.
2009-04-19 Fucking Chelsea bollocks shit bag fuck wank!
2009-04-18 Obama thinks he can hold back the tide.
2009-04-17 Is there anything but economics.
2009-04-16 This poem is making me a ghost face.
2009-04-15 People will have to live with my weakness.
2009-04-14 The fire we can make would ignite the stars.
2009-04-13 It’s the dark light that shows you off the best.
2009-04-12 The fucking government has robbed us blind!
2009-04-11 I’m coming back to that non-nursery rhyme.
2009-04-10 You can’t be depressed if you act like that!
2009-04-09 They are so detached, they think we’re all fine.
2009-04-08 There’s a fault right down Italy’s middle.
2009-04-07 One of us is going to be sorry.
2009-04-06 It’s up there playing patriotic songs.
2009-04-05 I have enjoyed the non-nuclear age.
2009-04-04 When they caught you you were in the nationals.
2009-04-03 I never thought I’d end up doing that.
2009-04-02 Didn’t you know I’m a Union man?
2009-04-01 Anticipate the end of every storm.
2009-03-31 Calm and sane in the middle of madness.
2009-03-30 The windows of my soul have got cloudy.
2009-03-29 Fourth time round it feels somewhat redemptive.
2009-03-28 Learn to look through to the back of his brain.
2009-03-27 His head is a cupboard crammed with old bones.
2009-03-26 I could look at you for a long, long time.
2009-03-25 I will put a mask on to hide my face.
2009-03-24 The truth leaks out of the side of his eyes.
2009-03-23 You covered your face in the Parthenon.
2009-03-22 Remember! inky penned evolution!
2009-03-21 I cannot bear the thought of her leaving.
2009-03-20 Hospital turns us all into offal.
2009-03-19 America is preaching peace again.
2009-03-18 That question about toxins and romance.
2009-03-17 I love alcohol! I love, ALCOHOL!
2009-03-16 My children are growing up somewhere else.
2009-03-15 Aren’t you looking for new ways to make cash?
2009-03-14 Why not do a new line in prophecy?
2009-03-13 Would you not just take all my teeth away?
2009-03-12 O.K. Folks! this is a mid-life crisis.
2009-03-11 I am full of sinister chemicals.
2009-03-10 She noticed I’m happy in Italy.
2009-03-09 Global banking system? SIT ON MY FACE!
2009-03-08 It’s not a cliché when you are in it.
2009-03-07 We’re the strangest things in the universe.
2009-03-06 Nil by mouth, a very sorry bottom.
2009-03-05 The memory of the first time, before.
2009-03-04 You are so far away and yet so near.
2009-03-03 Snow collecting around the compost bin.
2009-03-02 I have learnt to meditate to Mahler.
2009-03-01 So smash all the stars and be done with it!
2009-02-28 I am somewhere else, I am somewhere else.
2009-02-27 They are all adults in my mind, I said
2009-02-26 The phrase was altering the universe.
2009-02-25 Technology makes our relationships.
2009-02-24 The world has succumbed to influenza.
2009-02-23 If I give you signs, will you understand?
2009-02-22 So go out and buy yourself a plaster.
2009-02-21 I feel like my heart is bleeding to death.
2009-02-20 I woke up one day and found my Byron.
2009-02-19 And gasping for air like a stranded fish.
2009-02-18 We can get rid of all expectation.
2009-02-17 My peace of mind is lying on the floor.
2009-02-16 It’s what men of a certain age will do.
2009-02-15 We’re filling the entire house with Triffids.
2009-02-14 And what the fuck is that when it’s at home?
2009-02-13 Something that offered viable structure.
2009-02-12 Something that saved you from contingency.
2009-02-11 As if poetry might be the basis.
2009-02-10 And something that felt meaningful at last.
2009-02-09 Maybe they could help me make a story.
2009-02-08 I feel potent. I feel like I could act.
2009-02-07 Maybe these lines are encouraging me.
2009-02-06 And our favourite sin has got to be lust.
2009-02-05 Gewurztraminer is our favourite wine.
2009-02-04 Dirty little fucking cheating bastard.
2009-02-03 You could not keep your mind off those crossed legs.
2009-02-02 And the world seemed far too big and frightening.
2009-02-01 And everything you’d learnt you had yet to.
2009-01-31 Like you were back there lost in the Eighties.
2009-01-30 The pain in my heart has been switched back on.
2009-01-29 Why did you think they would leave you alone?
2009-01-28 I quite like signing books I have authored.
2009-01-27 How long can you go on without a name?
2009-01-26 A President that calls himself Muslim.
2009-01-25 Nothing could have prepared us for this fall.
2009-01-24 He was overwhelmed by his own despair.
2009-01-23 I slipped away from the liquid dinner.
2009-01-22 As you wrote elsewhere, sortilege of self.
2009-01-21 I have created my own almanac.
2009-01-20 Number 44 looks alright to us.
2009-01-19 As tanks roll over skeletons they made.
2009-01-18 And that’s the biggest silence of them all.
2009-01-17 They are almost uniformly German.
2009-01-16 Have we got something like joined-up thinking?
2009-01-15 Let contingency into your system.
2009-01-14 The earth ground your finest hypotheses.
2009-01-13 Let the singing birds into every prayer.
2009-01-12 The answer’s in the future and the stars.
2009-01-11 Oriah Mountain Dreamer and the flu.
2009-01-10 Show me the realist who has an answer.
2009-01-09 So long as tomorrow’s uneventful.
2009-01-08 Is this the best system we can devise?
2009-01-07 Poetry is counter-historical.
2009-01-06 Spirit of the Age, collective Nero.
2009-01-05 Narcissism of those without vision.
2009-01-04 Dollar oriented self-sacrifice.
2009-01-03 Climate change, global meltdown, vanity.
2009-01-02 A hundred souls for every one of them.
2009-01-01 Let’s stay at home and pretend it’s not real.
2008-12-31 I need to make some sound re-connections.
2008-12-30 She seemed far more glamorous than usual.
2008-12-29 She is in love and she’s getting married.
2008-12-28 They want sympathy for being killers.
2008-12-27 They have a month to do their very worst.
2008-12-26 You feel the solid ground beneath your feet.
2008-12-25 That pitiless musical at the end.
2008-12-24 The carol singers took over the pub.
2008-12-23 Look up above you, the sky is still there!
2008-12-22 If we could all decide to hold our nerve.
2008-12-21 The secret to all this is confidence.
2008-12-20 Do I contain multitudes?, do I fuck!
2008-12-19 I’m bigger than I could ever cope with.
2008-12-18 It would seem I’ve misrepresented God.
2008-12-17 There is a secret now as big as time.
2008-12-16 Pyramid boy has collapsed into sand.
2008-12-15 Once again I blitzed him with politeness.
2008-12-14 With such weaponry at hand, why choose shoes?
2008-12-13 I got my dancing done when I was young.
2008-12-12 The moon is too close, it makes us anxious.
2008-12-11 It felt good to be so confessional.
2008-12-10 This little piggy went to no market.
2008-12-09 I must stop picking my nose in public.
2008-12-08 Her eyes looked like they had been oven baked.
2008-12-07 Every fortnight now the FTSe gets fucked!
2008-12-06 The fingers snap and then they cut away.
2008-12-05 Much of this is unrecoverable.
2008-12-04 You could see the Panda hair in his ears.
2008-12-03 Venus, Jupiter, fingering the moon.
2008-12-02 Obama should be burying the dead.
2008-12-01 Have I become just a mouthy bastard?
2008-11-30 Those cracks in her mouth, like the Grand Canyon.
2008-11-29 Did all the cricket fans go home as well?
2008-11-28 Evolution of hate and then violence.
2008-11-27 Like paying for someone to be your id.
2008-11-26 A feeling of being lost, not exiled.
2008-11-25 You had a kind of stroke in the stomach.
2008-11-24 Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin knows who I am!
2008-11-23 He had no interest in my welfare.
2008-11-22 Is everything not impossibly small?
2008-11-21 Give me a black pen and a sober mind.
2008-11-20 Some men just cannot get beyond their dicks.
2008-11-19 I keep thinking of that brute invasion.
2008-11-18 Not having to get up early, that helps.
2008-11-17 I avoided the Coventry poets.
2008-11-16 Pennsylvania Avenue is shut.
2008-11-15 Pass me the baton and shut the fuck up!
2008-11-14 What will their little camera discover?
2008-11-13 She told me the back of my head’s on fire.
2008-11-12 Something a bit more rebellious please!
2008-11-11 You would say yes to your own misery.
2008-11-10 Diarrhoea, and surrounded by poets.
2008-11-09 The jet-stream has slipped and will slow us down.
2008-11-08 In that family you are an idea.
2008-11-07 You are a sensitive man, there’s no doubt.
2008-11-06 She remembered nothing about nothing.
2008-11-05 Sublime fact, he is the embodiment.
2008-11-04 Let everybody shout it: Yes We Can!
2008-11-03 I wrote a postcard to myself, miss you!
2008-11-02 Scrambled eggs never hurt anybody.
2008-11-01 Taxi, airport, shop, whiskey, train, taxi.
2008-10-31 This morning Cork was full of men with sticks.
2008-10-30 Mr Nietzsche is going to be good.
2008-10-29 My white cells are fine, but I still feel sick.
2008-10-28 So that, for instance, here, I forgot them.
2008-10-27 He says that no one possessed the secret.
2008-10-26 Let us all say tah-tah and good-riddance.
2008-10-25 The atmosphere is simply appalling.
2008-10-24 The wine is green and sharp, the bread mouldy,
2008-10-23 O God of rigged elections and money.
2008-10-22 Rip down my soul and make me your servant,
2008-10-21 It’s the end of the mother-fucking world!
2008-10-20 Whatever you hit me with it will hurt.
2008-10-19 Blood, sperm, shit, teeth, eye, nose, prick, ----, toe, thumb.
2008-10-18 Nothing stands between us and misery.
2008-10-17 wine, beer, tea, grass, cents, cold, rain, Capital.
2008-10-16 Bread, cream, rice, id, Freud, hell, mind, body, war,
2008-10-15 They laughed when I confessed that I was lost.
2008-10-14 Our German Exchange Student stays up late.
2008-10-13 I was ok, I had underwear on.
2008-10-12 I long for a release from addiction.
2008-10-11 I had to tell them this will blow over.
2008-10-10 This has nothing to do with energy.
2008-10-09 And others will be hanging from tight knots.
2008-10-08 So that some will be looking at the stars.
2008-10-07 The Emperor’s New Clothes: see paper money.
2008-10-06 The question is what’s beyond regression?
2008-10-05 What is worse than recession? Depression?
2008-10-04 Financial markets turned to anarchy.
2008-10-03 Someone has gone and stolen the centre.
2008-10-02 When was the last reference to that prison?
2008-10-01 It’s arrived, our disintegration kit.
2008-09-30 Politicians flying like stunned skittles.
2008-09-29 I think we are lactose intolerant.
2008-09-28 Gilbert and George doing ‘Bend It, Shake It’
2008-09-27 When’s the last time we thought of angel-face?
2008-09-26 I could ask you what you see in all this?
2008-09-25 The kind of person who wrecks people’s lives.
2008-09-24 The monster Plagiarism wakes refreshed.
2008-09-23 The Arsenal is woven into my name.
2008-09-22 Brown is not a sexy, hot colour name.
2008-09-21 In the end I discovered gardening.
2008-09-20 I would take his trousers down and spank him.
2008-09-19 That Belfast Union Jack stopped you short.
2008-09-18 I’m in The Wellie, where’s all the action?
2008-09-17 Hallelujah my brothers, god is dead!
2008-09-16 But isn’t the lack of it compelling?
2008-09-15 Somebody has turned all the money off.
2008-09-14 Homonyms will lose them the election.
2008-09-13 Ignorant, self-indulgent little prick!
2008-09-12 Arrogance always came out of the blue.
2008-09-11 They refuse to admit the falling man.
2008-09-10 Doesn’t Joe Biden sound like Bin Laden?
2008-09-09 Aren’t we all already in a black hole?
2008-09-08 Poison and beauty in equal doses.
2008-09-07 If you hate getting wet, live somewhere else.
2008-09-06 And pit-bull Presidents are good because....?
2008-09-05 My hope and my fear is never ending.
2008-09-04 Instead of this circular wandering.
2008-09-03 And move forward, like a pedestrian.
2008-09-02 Maybe then I will achieve coherence.
2008-09-01 And put a For Sale sign over my dreams.
2008-08-31 I will rent out a warehouse in my heart.
2008-08-30 Bits of me are dying by the second.
2008-08-29 Back to Ireland, psychic catastrophe.
2008-08-28 There is something I know you would refuse.
2008-08-27 I kept forgetting she was still impressed.
2008-08-26 I think they think I’m all touchy-feely.
2008-08-25 The sky was a dramatic grey canvass.
2008-08-24 Copenhagen seemed to be full of ghosts.
2008-08-23 Arriverdici almost made me gag.
2008-08-22 Georgia is a tooth that requires filling.
2008-08-21 Theologically heaven made sense here.
2008-08-20 Ba’al was a good find, a very good find.
2008-08-19 Attend to the things you are consuming.
2008-08-18 U.S. troops pretending they’re somewhere else.
2008-08-17 Compared to this, Denmark is an iceberg.
2008-08-16 I fell off my bike, a year and a day.
2008-08-15 Obama is too close to Osama.
2008-08-14 In the end I am frightened of the sky.
2008-08-13 Russian roulette, someone explain the game!
2008-08-12 Roma is still there, dreaming it still rules.
2008-08-11 China is having an enormous laugh.
2008-08-10 I suddenly realised why all the girls.
2008-08-09 Since he doesn’t exist he can’t go home.
2008-08-08 For us the symmetry was meaningful.
2008-08-07 And pull down their fancy circus rigging.
2008-08-06 Then a storm arrived and I was finished.
2008-08-05 All the abandoned children will return.
2008-08-04 We will always remember Gulag man.
2008-08-03 At Malpasso I think I understand.
2008-08-02 There is nothing specific in my head.
2008-08-01 I don’t know the time, I don’t know the day.
2008-07-31 I’m trying not to think about the fags.
2008-07-30 Epicurus does not allay my fear.
2008-07-29 So hot today we turned back like cowards.
2008-07-28 Bicycle rides, warm weather, perfecto!
2008-07-27 Suddenly it comes, as if mocking you.
2008-07-26 A little Shakespearean don’t you think?
2008-07-25 And then as he squealed I’d make him eat it.
2008-07-24 Castiglione-del-Lago and back.
2008-07-23 I never have the right tools for the job.
2008-07-22 Suddenly I have a body again.
2008-07-21 Your voyage smoothed by the gods of transit.
2008-07-20 Your chaos is going to drive me mad.
2008-07-19 Would he tell me he had already guessed.
2008-07-18 What if I explained to him he is dead?
2008-07-17 Are you not dying sufficiently fast.
2008-07-16 The fags were an idiotic return.
2008-07-15 Spontaneous overflow of nothing.
2008-07-14 Finishing things is a slower business.
2008-07-13 If I met him I would rip his dick off.
2008-07-12 Cat puke on the carpet as I return.
2008-07-11 Suddenly we are all economists.
2008-07-10 If they want me to help them they should ask.
2008-07-09 Sammy Davis Junior is in my head.
2008-07-08 All day worried I would shit my trousers.
2008-07-07 Those with no plosives are celebrating.
2008-07-06 Philosophical insight, character.
2008-07-05 Paul Muldoon can get a little tricksy.
2008-07-04 Denial, the only river in this town.
2008-07-03 This view has lost much of its novelty.
2008-07-02 I think the friends think I am a monster.
2008-07-01 Everyone can understand, and no one.
2008-06-30 If you only knew what I think I know.
2008-06-29 When I put myself in the way it comes.
2008-06-28 They defend Brown because they know they’re fucked.
2008-06-27 Wimbledon’s naval chord to our childhood.
2008-06-26 Half-relaxed, still at work: impossible.
2008-06-25 The little Spaniard is now my favourite.
2008-06-24 Vote for me or die, democracy lite.
2008-06-23 And Mugabe is left alone because ….?
2008-06-22 Toleration in the shape of others.
2008-06-21 When there will be nobody left to read.
2008-06-20 I write because of the darkness coming.
2008-06-19 Hang them high in the name of nostalgia.
2008-06-18 She is inscrutable, I want a fag!
2008-06-17 The impossible curve of her body.
2008-06-16 In her eyes, unknowable sensations.
2008-06-15 There are three thousand years between her lips.
2008-06-14 There are dangerous snakes under her skin.
2008-06-13 They said no to the stuff in their pockets.
2008-06-12 I will begin again. I will begin.
2008-06-11 Change we can believe in, and change we can’t.
2008-06-10 His neck was full of little black mountains.
2008-06-09 I would be so embarrassed if they won.
2008-06-08 I am sick, there is something wrong with me.
2008-06-07 He was cutting me out of his body.
2008-06-06 If there is no honesty there’s nothing.
2008-06-05 Charing Cross Road and a poisoned body.
2008-06-04 Have I been loving a fool all along?
2008-06-03 He didn’t know what a syllable was.
2008-06-02 I could tell right away that he was dead.
2008-06-01 My place in their house is in photographs.
2008-05-31 I never did feel lonely in London.
2008-05-30 He shook me by the hand for the last time.
2008-05-29 Everybody liked my pyramid joke.
2008-05-28 If I talk to you it’s because you’re here.
2008-05-27 Somebody lit a fire within my spine.
2008-05-26 Take away the coffees and it’s lab work.
2008-05-25 Those two do not know how much I love them.
2008-05-24 If I said, that’s corruption, would he care.
2008-05-23 Deception, theological question.
2008-05-22 They think because we laugh they are learning.
2008-05-21 I can’t feel. Somebody has unplugged me.
2008-05-20 Everything that’s happening is the same.
2008-05-19 Beyond what? But they will never answer.
2008-05-18 It’s me with the problem, remember this.
2008-05-17 This time I don’t know if I can save her.
2008-05-16 Someone switched me off, I am powerless.
2008-05-15 I stepped outside and it began to rain.
2008-05-14 I am drinking myself into freedom.
2008-05-13 I am symbolic and the only hope.
2008-05-12 Next it will be vino, then sex, then food.
2008-05-11 One would need teeth in the back of one’s head.
2008-05-10 Always the eye when vision is over.
2008-05-09 Our lives quietly washing up against time.
2008-05-08 A world without loss or repetition.
2008-05-07 We imagine the end of memory.
2008-05-06 I know what to do with my fingers now.
2008-05-05 My second fag-free day, this is working.
2008-05-04 My first fag-free day for twenty-six years.
2008-05-03 He still loves her, but doesn’t want to now.
2008-05-02 The seas are frothing, the earth full of worms.
2008-05-01 Will I ever be able to return?
2008-04-30 My sense of smell has sold me a kipper.
2008-04-29 I am not systematic, and it hurts.
2008-04-28 For me that sound could never disappear.
2008-04-27 The illusion of something coherent.
2008-04-26 Careful now, this is no biography.
2008-04-25 Teenage, Victorian, uniformed girls.
2008-04-24 Salvation Army, would you credit it?
2008-04-23 Congregate around that pitiful fire.
2008-04-22 You could not imagine such loneliness.
2008-04-21 Lucretius finally irrelevant.
2008-04-20 Sixty cosmic decades from where we are.
2008-04-19 And yes, of course, they will misunderstand.
2008-04-18 Final annihilation is sublime.
2008-04-17 Ì have arrived to usher in the end.
2008-04-16 and scream and scream and scream and scream and scream ….
2008-04-15 I have only ever wanted to scream,
2008-04-14 Everyone has forgotten angel-face.
2008-04-13 If you could understand your own tempo.
2008-04-12 Herbs, mint, and always that flash of acid.
2008-04-11 Show me the person who’d not be a fish.
2008-04-10 Fruit-flies swarming from a neglected bowl.
2008-04-09 Hell would be facing the waste that we make.
2008-04-08 I’m not someone who pisses in the street.
2008-04-07 Home, that was the title of your first work.
2008-04-06 A people bigger than any story.
2008-04-05 Hannibal coaxing elephants upwards.
2008-04-04 Eggerberg is a place I’d like to go.
2008-04-03 Cleaning equipment spilling down the stairs.
2008-04-02 The Simplon Pass, like a history book.
2008-04-01 I am struggling with the world of smell.
2008-03-31 The Romans eventually built a road.
2008-03-30 Diachronic, synchronic, yeah, yeah, yeah!
2008-03-29 Slap a lightning symbol on my forehead.
2008-03-28 I loved her body, and I loved her mind.
2008-03-27 Can someone lend me an oxygen tank?
2008-03-26 Coming out of a tunnel like a train.
2008-03-25 White wine is the same colour as your piss.
2008-03-24 Morrissey, incorporation, and love.
2008-03-23 Destinerrancy of all intention.
2008-03-22 There are people there I know that I know.
2008-03-21 In August, on my bicycle, I’m free.
2008-03-20 Frozen lake instead of a beating heart.
2008-03-19 Trauma, the long-term memory of skin.
2008-03-18 I think I came one time from Davos Dorf.
2008-03-17 The splinter stole in underneath the nail.
2008-03-16 Joined-up writing without any bridges.
2008-03-15 For me that’s where life first slithered out from.
2008-03-14 A wafer-thin, tin, slow-moving red one.
2008-03-13 You can never but return to the Alps.
2008-03-12 Here the Sycamore tends to dominate.
2008-03-11 Show me the person who’s not been a bird.
2008-03-10 I would travel every mile by slow train.
2008-03-09 I used to have more energy than this.
2008-03-08 Bejing, St. Petersburgh, Hong Kong, Cape Town.
2008-03-07 The mainland that connects to Calcutta,
2008-03-06 For me nature comes alive in Europe.
2008-03-05 Anything that’s portable will be smashed.
2008-03-04 I hide my unhappiness from others.
2008-03-03 Everyone’s going to be a witness.
2008-03-02 You won’t find anything that looks like wit.
2008-03-01 Anything that’s valuable can be smashed.
2008-02-29 I am for the new. We are for the new.
2008-02-28 Be careful not to generalise, he said.
2008-02-27 I hide my unhappiness from myself.
2008-02-26 I feel like another feeble species.
2008-02-25 When will I begin to repeat myself?
2008-02-24 I need to vary my vocabulary.
2008-02-23 Live action thuggery almost murder.
2008-02-22 I think I’m going to have to think twice.
2008-02-21 This town is full of old miserablists.
2008-02-20 The city is unapologetic.
2008-02-19 If you don’t take the lead they will not quit.
2008-02-18 Oh, buy me a cup of tea and fuck off!
2008-02-17 If I had a tale I would display it.
2008-02-16 and you wouldn’t like that, now, would you Sir?
2008-02-15 She’s beginning to suspect you exist.
2008-02-14 Drug-dealer hooked on his own merchandise.
2008-02-13 Shameful pollution of your own body.
2008-02-12 The Western world’s pretence of cleanliness.
2008-02-11 America will not change if you don’t.
2008-02-10 The city is everything that I know.
2008-02-09 Planes spread their sound like paint across the sky.
2008-02-08 The city is trying to kill the stars.
2008-02-07 The persistence of life is a killer.
2008-02-06 The city is trying to talk to us.
2008-02-05 The end of words such as "ripe," "fruition."
2008-02-04 Still walking round that fantastical stump.
2008-02-03 Everyone would like to be somewhere else.
2008-02-02 The heart of the city is the airport.
2008-02-01 The Dhali Lama considers the earth.
2008-01-31 To your left you can see Europe weeping.
2008-01-30 Plagiarizing student is defeated.
2008-01-29 How say this, without sounding negative?
2008-01-28 I hope you’re not expecting meaning here.
2008-01-27 The way fruit disintegrates frightens me.
2008-01-26 I appear to have grown bored of myself.
2008-01-25 We are all now holocaust deniers.
2008-01-24 I had an idea that I could not share.
2008-01-23 Trauma seeps out of her body like sweat.
2008-01-22 What you do not see you must believe in.
2008-01-21 I cannot successfully show you now.
2008-01-20 Apocalypse denied and all is well.
2008-01-19 Your porridge sticks to my sense of order.
2008-01-18 Wolf’s face, tree-stump, anthropomorphism.
2008-01-17 You fall into these things and don’t come out.
2008-01-16 I am sick of the semblance of power.
2008-01-15 The dead tree that gives us light is a ghost.
2008-01-14 I feel the rebirth of something like sex.
2008-01-13 Let’s build a wall and then start flinging things.
2008-01-12 which doesn’t mean to say I don’t love you…
2008-01-11 Reason never really had a snowball’s.
2008-01-10 We have built a bridge from start to finish.
2008-01-09 The sun falling into its bloody bath.
2008-01-08 Bullets exploding out of their bodies.
2008-01-07 Metalepsis, a stone falling upwards.
2008-01-06 Triangular logic, reversible.
2008-01-05 Only the personalities are poor.
2008-01-04 Today Gilray would have had a field-day.
2008-01-03 Anniversary of war’s cessation.
2008-01-02 Base and apex simultaneously.
2008-01-01 The weather in Ireland is nostalgic.
2007-12-31 You can read all this backwards if you want.
2007-12-30 Pyramids instead of that prison-slab.
2007-12-29 I could prophesy if I wanted to.
2007-12-28 No use regretting things that never were.
2007-12-27 Assassination is someone’s justice.
2007-12-26 I will not lie, this is going to hurt.
2007-12-25 We want victory, some kind of finish.
2007-12-24 Jesus doesn’t love you unless you pay.
2007-12-23 Something fell out of the sky and hurt you.
2007-12-22 Mulberry Road, the common term would be fate.
2007-12-21 Piggies tied to a stick in winter-time.
2007-12-20 You will not let me in, so I haunt you.
2007-12-19 I used to love that, music, That’s All Folks!
2007-12-18 I would like to get you out of my mind.
2007-12-17 If I were a horse they would shoot me dead.
2007-12-16 I see the back of your head everywhere.
2007-12-15 He has no idea how much I love him.
2007-12-14 You murder me with your plagiarism.
2007-12-13 If only I wasn’t losing my rage.
2007-12-12 There is a blank! there is a day-long blank!
2007-12-11 If I wasn’t poised I would be poisoned.
2007-12-10 This is a good way of remembering.
2007-12-09 How can we barter away our friendship?
2007-12-08 I wept when you left, you will never know.
2007-12-07 My culture breaks in and there is silence.
2007-12-06 Among all the slackers, you are flotsam.
2007-12-05 Over-eager to please, deficiency.
2007-12-04 Tell me something I don’t know but want to.
2007-12-03 Some of these kids are going to survive.
2007-12-02 I would storm your green hill and citadel.
2007-12-01 My favourite month. The idea of world peace.
2007-11-30 To you I am a chicken with giblets.
2007-11-29 Blake on a Thursday, always a Thursday.
2007-11-28 I avoided him because he was she.
2007-11-27 This is the way we divvy up the world.
2007-11-26 Strategic Planning, you must be joking!
2007-11-25 Once I am in they will crucify me.
2007-11-24 To me she is a portal to the stars.
2007-11-23 So many people, so little meaning.
2007-11-22 The universe and you are expanding.
2007-11-21 Give me a red pen and loads of whiskey.
2007-11-20 Romulus and Remus, bloody suckers!
2007-11-19 They just don’t get it, me and no monkeys.
2007-11-18 I am in love with insignificance.
2007-11-17 Galway is pleasant and full of windows.
2007-11-16 If it’s not important, leave it at home.
2007-11-15 Soon there will be one big tidal wave there.
2007-11-14 He thinks he is in control, poor bastard!
2007-11-13 All that fuss about a man who writes books.
2007-11-12 Heaven was constructed for memory.
2007-11-11 I cried today, but they were not my tears.
2007-11-10 Lots of things hurt but still need to happen.
2007-11-09 She wants me gone, she wants to be alone.
2007-11-08 Three thousand years in the blink of an eye.
2007-11-07 Spring in November, the joys of the end.
2007-11-06 I would give you my eyes, if that would help.
2007-11-05 You’ve been dreaming about your teeth again.
2007-11-04 It was a sting! It was a public fart!
2007-11-03 She is a weapon I could detonate.
2007-11-02 I am on the edge of a warm abyss.
2007-11-01 I don’t recognize this geography.
2007-10-31 It’s getting dangerous to walk back home.
2007-10-30 Do not peep into other people’s rooms.
2007-10-29 Have I supplied enough aphorisms?
2007-10-28 My right leg was drunk, but we were happy.
2007-10-27 And the problem is the pig enjoys it.
2007-10-26 That was 1980, and it still hurts.
2007-10-25 Sometimes, son, you just have to eat something.
2007-10-24 Wrestle with the pig and you end in shit.
2007-10-23 America is on fire now, of course.
2007-10-22 He is the man who invented silence.
2007-10-21 I dreamt of blindness in her daughter’s bed.
2007-10-20 I am tired and I am getting careless.
2007-10-19 Tie a pink ribbon round him, he’s perfect!
2007-10-18 That small scratch of water that caused such spite.
2007-10-17 I wouldn’t know what to do with my hands.
2007-10-16 No, not subjective, no universal.
2007-10-15 If you get sick you get a holiday.
2007-10-14 They do not understand, and why should they?
2007-10-13 Essex was always an accusation.
2007-10-12 All our joys and woes want repetition.
2007-10-11 From space, light pollution gives you freedom.
2007-10-10 China is busy opening discos.
2007-10-09 Aung San Suu Kyi must go back to dreaming.
2007-10-08 Everyone’s washed their hands. How hygienic!
2007-10-07 You cannot go blind looking at the stars.
2007-10-06 My brother’s name is Howard. My brother.
2007-10-05 I’ve never even been to Warrington.
2007-10-04 This is the way we obliterate truth.
2007-10-03 You have children, so you know how it goes.
2007-10-02 She is fat, fresh-faced, and a no-hoper.
2007-10-01 Don’t you know that short cuts are the prime cuts?
2007-09-30 ‘Someone put a bomb under you,’ she said.
2007-09-29 I love foraging, that’s what I do.
2007-09-28 Everything has got somewhat out of gear.
2007-09-27 Here we go again, excuses and shite.
2007-09-26 She vomited before giving her talk.
2007-09-25 There are too many exclamation marks!
2007-09-24 If I get pissed every night, I’m famous.
2007-09-23 There is something here that you are missing.
2007-09-22 My Italian briefs are still sexy.
2007-09-21 Ratatat-tat, ratatat-tat, you’re dead.
2007-09-20 This university is an addict!
2007-09-19 She knows that I fantasize about her.
2007-09-18 Prescription: ten syllables every day.
2007-09-17 I miss the basilica we consumed.
2007-09-16 Little piggy eyes and venomous tongue.
2007-09-15 All that’s missing for me is tomorrow.
2007-09-14 Cold and frosty? you’d better believe it!
2007-09-13 In the morning I am a cross-dresser.
2007-09-12 Kiss me again and we will call it quits.
2007-09-11 These people do not know I have returned.
2007-09-10 They had called off the search a while ago.
2007-09-09 Time is not accelerating, we are!
2007-09-08 Running poisons the body with poison.
2007-09-07 The Alps on your right are now well behaved.
2007-09-06 ‘I, you, me?’ ‘Why hell! We are elastic’
2007-09-05 How many insects did I kill this year?
2007-09-04 Michael Moore is far too fat to be un-.
2007-09-03 Stan was the man with a plan, now he’s lost.
2007-09-02 Wake me up when September is over.
2007-09-01 Berries from hedges, an acidic taste.
2007-08-31 Mister Moretti and I are firm friends.
2007-08-30 I have oiled all the wrong parts of your bike.
2007-08-29 If you want something that’s profound, go fuck!
2007-08-28 ‘Is it raining, love?’ ‘No, it’s just dripping.’
2007-08-27 Little doggies keep pissing on our plants.
2007-08-26 Ontology seeps out of the landscape.
2007-08-25 You won’t see this place for ice in the end.
2007-08-24 I am beginning to have a future.
2007-08-23 Pornography for kids, books for adults.
2007-08-22 The weather has changed and so has my mind.
2007-08-21 Sweet lago of poetry and spectres.
2007-08-20 I wish just once I could show you the stars.
2007-08-19 Ferragosto is just a memory.
2007-08-18 Yes, I get it! Mobile phones are useful!
2007-08-17 Italia is somewhat different.
2007-08-16 There are no points that could count her for me.
2007-08-15 So much alcohol I fell off my bike.
2007-08-14 He had Mussolini in his pocket.
2007-08-13 The teenagers walk past me in silence.
2007-08-12 Round the lake, victorious, defeated.
2007-08-11 Gilchrist made me cry, it went noticed.
2007-08-10 Mosquitoes are eating me for breakfast.
2007-08-09 That little baby boy is in my dreams.
2007-08-08 Storm clouds over this day of memory.
2007-08-07 And I can say today was worth living.
2007-08-06 Problem is, I was built for partying.
2007-08-05 Don’t say amore unless you mean it.
2007-08-04 Viareggio, human sausages.
2007-08-03 Nothing with the stink of moralism.
2007-08-02 Blake goes beyond even the core of me.
2007-08-01 We’re going round in a pleasant circle.
2007-07-31 Back again to our home from home from home.
2007-07-30 When young I would have dreamt of being him.
2007-07-29 He spoke like a broken man whose found love.
2007-07-28 The victims of nepotism and me.
2007-07-27 If I were a politician I’d bleed.
2007-07-26 We must all adapt to pornography.
2007-07-25 She knew I had seen her indiscretion.
2007-07-24 Time decelerates when you record it.
2007-07-23 Maybe I will choose to die in this place.
2007-07-22 The new house allows me to see my teeth.
2007-07-21 The jet stream’s lost its sense of direction.
2007-07-20 I could not stop looking at her ankles.
2007-07-19 Enemy Blair, he will be your friend now.
2007-07-18 Microwaves, an excuse for parenting.
2007-07-17 Harry Potter film, evil soundly stuffed.
2007-07-16 I’ve thrown all the holy water away.
2007-07-15 I am house painting, I am not thinking.
2007-07-14 I must not become obsessed with nose hair.
2007-07-13 From here, this city is full of insects.
2007-07-12 Weddings depress the hell out of me.
2007-07-11 The book is posted and I am empty.
2007-07-10 So long as there is wine and blank paper.
2007-07-09 Her form distracts my professional care.
2007-07-08 I will let this house tell me how to live.
2007-07-07 One giant city, a forgotten star.
2007-07-06 Other creatures have lived here, some happy.
2007-07-05 Poetry is what comes after madness.
2007-07-04 Being taught is a civilised voodoo.
2007-07-03 We’ve moved into bourgeois, drug-dealer land.
2007-07-02 I can do anything, if I switch off.
2007-07-01 They turn the lights off and the city sleeps.
2007-06-30 Could you not destroy something meaningful?
2007-06-29 I would take his poems but keep my face.
2007-06-28 Angel-face is gone, everyone knows it.
2007-06-27 Cut, cut, cut, as the new day starts to show.
2007-06-26 My stomach has the voice of a reptile.
2007-06-25 He whom we abdicated from has gone.
2007-06-24 England is sinking and nobody cares.
2007-06-23 Up to her hip-bone in wet resentment.
2007-06-22 I will marry and bury my students.
2007-06-21 A little and often makes little nil.
2007-06-20 When was it I forgot to make omelettes?
2007-06-19 If you wait long enough it will arrive.
2007-06-18 Sometimes the sheep and the goats coalesce.
2007-06-17 The people who need Freud choose History.
2007-06-16 I have a chance of becoming spectral.
2007-06-15 There must be another place sans bigots.
2007-06-14 Democracy seems less and less like sense.
2007-06-13 They were the wave on which he chose to surf.
2007-06-12 Hannibal’s pissed warrior elephants.
2007-06-11 I love you, but you make me want to scream.
2007-06-10 The little kitten thinks I am boring.
2007-06-09 I bought two dozen eggs. An explosion.
2007-06-08 I would be the nightmare that made him mad.
2007-06-07 Hollywood is Nero, the furnace, us.
2007-06-06 Corruption: profit from your negligence.
2007-06-05 The birds that remain are frightened, subdued.
2007-06-04 Top-man cannot read the script they wrote him.
2007-06-03 The Six Days War, a slight understatement.
2007-06-02 My body is giving me new ideas.
2007-06-01 I am not having a mid-life crisis.
2007-05-31 Still singing their guts out, the boys who lost.
2007-05-30 Survival, greed. Watch them square the circle.
2007-05-29 ‘This isn’t as difficult as it looks.’
2007-05-28 Next door’s dog has always got a hard on.
2007-05-27 If Kate Moss asked me, I wouldn’t say no.
2007-05-26 When the lights are off, who am I to you?
2007-05-25 Here come back the old new modernizers.
2007-05-24 I looked at my hands, they were tarred with blood.
2007-05-23 Tonight she is our greatest victory.
2007-05-22 We are moving from the top of the hill.
2007-05-21 Give me a place where there’s silence and love.
2007-05-20 He gave her back her clothes and spat on them.
2007-05-19 She was just someone who didn’t exist.
2007-05-18 My original plan was decadence.
2007-05-17 I am a microcosm. I am fucked!
2007-05-16 Supermarket lamb one, butcher’s lamb nil.
2007-05-15 She looked at me as if she understood.
2007-05-14 His shirt was humming from the night before.
2007-05-13 Others help you learn to love those you love.
2007-05-12 Stock check the accuracy of your maths.
2007-05-11 When it comes to fruit, I am embarrassed.
2007-05-10 This sub-division in order to love.
2007-05-09 And if there could be a kind of breathing.
2007-05-08 I would pull the whole world down to a verb.
2007-05-07 Contempt of angel-face, hiding the news.
2007-05-06 The fingers in my mouth have betrayed me.
2007-05-05 I miss the music because of madness.
2007-05-04 Show me the place where I am not observed.
2007-05-03 ‘Whatever floats your boat,’ an ugly phrase.
2007-05-02 I drink for purely religious reasons.
2007-05-01 That kind of haircut makes everyone sad.
2007-04-30 Always the chance of a better version.
2007-04-29 Do they talk about her behind my back.
2007-04-28 Whilst I was away I caused a schism.
2007-04-27 The dunces cap rises over their roofs.
2007-04-26 Somebody pulled us into the Tropics.
2007-04-25 Since this counting, nothing like a poem.
2007-04-24 My life is an adventure in friendship.
2007-04-23 I fell asleep reading The Odyssey.
2007-04-22 Foreign, familiar city of dreams.
2007-04-21 I just want to get off this plane alive!
2007-04-20 She kissed me on the mouth, like my mother.
2007-04-19 If they criticise you it means they care.
2007-04-18 You are my friend, behind my seeing eyes.
2007-04-17 If I were dumb would you still wave to me?
2007-04-16 The horizon of his world, and a gun.
2007-04-15 This is all rather metaphysical.
2007-04-14 I can’t keep up with this day upon day.
2007-04-13 Reality is other peoples’ lives.
2007-04-12 Abstinence makes the body grow fonder.
2007-04-11 At the end of the day it is just flesh.
2007-04-10 Structure, sign and play is getting closer.
2007-04-09 The days go by and I do not notice.
2007-04-08 The moon is my friend and my enemy.
2007-04-07 Desertification of the spirit.
2007-04-06 I should be banned, I am full of toxins.
2007-04-05 This is our Vietnam, without revolt.
2007-04-04 Talking from the inside of you, as you.
2007-04-03 To be a poet you must be a snake.
2007-04-02 I have moments of clarity, they pass.
2007-04-01 I wish I were a ghost, pure consciousness.
2007-03-31 All my life this yawning gap in the chest.
2007-03-30 I cannot sing without closing my eyes.
2007-03-29 Playground scraps over invisible lines.
2007-03-28 You come back and remind me that you left.
2007-03-27 Sometimes seconds are years, minutes aeons.
2007-03-26 Like two stars make a structure of the moon.
2007-03-25 The sea would be a sweet place to return.
2007-03-24 He smelt of suede jackets and Sunday roast.
2007-03-23 To me her voice is a barometer.
2007-03-22 My skin touches my skin and she is here.
2007-03-21 Because we couldn’t talk, telepathy.
2007-03-20 In my teaching there are some casualties.
2007-03-19 When it comes to birth, I am a sucker!
2007-03-18 From the door to the table, it has gone.
2007-03-17 Nothing of this was supposed to happen.
2007-03-16 I have fallen off the edge of the world.
2007-03-15 Noise is incapable of novelty.
2007-03-14 A bad lecture, like dropping your trousers.
2007-03-13 All the young women imprison their teeth.
2007-03-12 Responsibility is optional.
2007-03-11 His books smell like a school-boy’s uniform.
2007-03-10 Pain in my body does not reach my face.
2007-03-09 When precisely did the world become mad?
2007-03-08 That house, where we made love, has been pulled down.
2007-03-07 The radicals are now conservative.
2007-03-06 Walter Scott, why have I neglected you?
2007-03-05 Rain, rain, rain. Somebody left the tap on.
2007-03-04 He was asleep, I was not mistaken.
2007-03-03 I am learning the power in silence.
2007-03-02 If it rains again tomorrow, I quit!
2007-03-01 Heaven would have to include all the stars.
2007-02-28 Feed your system with garlic and ginger.
2007-02-27 They know no Bible, I must forgive them.
2007-02-26 A snail on the wheelie-bin as I smoke.
2007-02-25 Something has shifted. Something has gone right.
2007-02-24 Croke Park. We are giving up ghosts for Lent.
2007-02-23 I am sleeping and you are a symbol.
2007-02-22 Dublin doesn’t care about you or me.
2007-02-21 Celtic Tiger. Sooty face, Versace.
2007-02-20 If you don’t want to play then don’t turn up!
2007-02-19 The old moon lying in the new moon’s arms.
2007-02-18 I’ve finished a chapter, I will survive!
2007-02-17 Never experiment in the kitchen!
2007-02-16 The book arrived. It’s large, wordy and dead.
2007-02-15 Do not drive to work! Do not drive to work!
2007-02-14 Sometimes I am almost hungry for food.
2007-02-13 My head is full of poems that won’t work.
2007-02-12 Your addictions and the end of the world.
2007-02-11 The sun has crept nearer, it’s almost Spring.
2007-02-10 I’ve bought new poetry. I won’t read it.
2007-02-09 Sometimes I am as happy as I need.
2007-02-08 Vomiting, virus, early spring detox.
2007-02-07 You are at least, at best, an obsessive.
2007-02-06 I hate this place! I fucking hate this place!
2007-02-05 If only the sleep thing were optional.
2007-02-04 Italiano, non ho capito.
2007-02-03 Lessons in everything, apart from trust.
2007-02-02 There is too much violence in my body.
2007-02-01 The cat looks around this house and sees ghosts.
2007-01-31 Basra, Baghdad, Tikrit, a hell on earth.
2007-01-30 She knew her words would rattle in my head.
2007-01-29 He met my eyes, his executioner.
2007-01-28 You are not as random as this suggests.
2007-01-27 She smiled at me and I was in Heaven.
2007-01-26 Saturday is a brilliant idea!
2007-01-25 It may well be that I’m completely wrong.
2007-01-24 I could not remember the date today.
2007-01-23 I cling to the sanity of others.
2007-01-22 Engineered voice of writing, say who speaks.
2007-01-21 Stack up the sentences like dead bodies.
2007-01-20 Poetry deserts every sinking ship.
2007-01-19 I am obsessed with natural disasters.
2007-01-18 I will encrypt my history in this.
2007-01-17 Maybe if I stuck to quality wines.
2007-01-16 Must stop hating America so much.
2007-01-15 People seem to think I’m an oddity.
2007-01-14 Sundays were once hell, now they don’t happen.
2007-01-13 My parents are growing old, somewhere else.
2007-01-12 Hospitals, a foretaste of what’s to come.
2007-01-11 The spark of something collective, heart-stop.
2007-01-10 Ingénue students, a ‘drop-in’ session.
2007-01-09 Meetings all day with spectres and phantoms.
2007-01-08 Have I drunk all my memory away?
2007-01-07 I would rather have my two legs cut off!
2007-01-06 Pyramid boy will come and rub you out.
2007-01-05 I cannot stop thinking about her face.
2007-01-04 She’s fallen in love; clearly she hasn’t.
2007-01-03 I have written a poem, it will do.
2007-01-02 If I could only get up earlier!
2007-01-01 Dedicatory or else sepulchral.
2006-12-31 New Year, a conservative invention.
2006-12-30 Today’s achievement, a sparkling toilet.
2006-12-29 Sometime in the new year the fags will go.
2006-12-28 I will say only one and the same thing.
2006-12-27 I am as fat as a pig in its shit.
2006-12-26 Body, mind, for me that’s insufficient.
2006-12-25 Christmas is like falling into a pit.
2006-12-24 If I had the courage I would shoplift.
2006-12-23 My birthday again, I’m still on the ride.


Holes is a digital poem which presents a new approach to autobiographical writing. It is a ten syllable one line per day poem which offers something less and something more than a window on the author’s life. Composition of Holes began on December 23rd, 2006. Holes is a poetic vehicle for the exploration of chance, meaning, juxtaposition and language.

About the Author

Graham AllenGraham Allen has published two collections of print poetry with New Binary Press, The Madhouse System (2016) and The One That Got Away (2014); the latter was shortlisted for the 2015 Shine/Strong Award. His poems have previously been published in journals like Southword, The Stinging Fly, Revival, the Poetry Ireland Review; Cyphers, The SHOp, and The Rialto. He was the winner of the Listowel Single Poem Prize in 2010.

Graham is Professor of Literature at University College Cork, Ireland. His books include Harold Bloom: Towards a Poetics of Conflict (1994); Intertextuality (2000 and 2011); Roland Barthes (2003); The Salt Companion to Harold Bloom, co-editor with Roy Sellars (2007); Mary Shelley (2008) and The Reader’s Guide to Frankenstein (2008). His work has been translated into Japanese, Korean, and Persian.

Publications & Readings

Allen, Graham, and James O’Sullivan. “Collapsing Generation and Reception: Holes as Electronic Literary Impermanence.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures 15 (2016).

Allen, Graham. “I have no elders and no juniors.” The Bogman’s Cannon, 26 Aug 2015.

Allen, Graham and James O’Sullivan. “Device or Genre? Deconstructing the Literary Database.” ACCUTE Conference, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Victoria, British Columbia, 3 Jun 2013.

Allen, Graham and James O’Sullivan, “Digital Archives of the Self in Creative Writing.” In the Archive, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork, 6-7 Dec 2012.

Allen, Graham. “On Holes / Che cos’ è la Poesia.” Jacques Derrida Symposium, JD12b, Les Molunes, France, 6 Oct 2012.

“Holes in a life” (paper and reading with Jimmy Cummins, Rachel Warriner and Niamh O’Mahony), Technologies of Self conference, University College Cork, Sept 2011.

The first year of Holes was published as “365 Holes” in Theory & Event 12.1 (2009). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_and_event/v012/12.1.allen.html

“Holes” (reading with Clare Connors, Forbes Morlock and Sarah Wood) to Forty Years of Structure, Sign and Play: Critical Method in the Humanities and Sciences conference, University of Singapore, Apr 2007.


Creative Commons Licence
Holes by Graham Allen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Reactions to Holes

“Holes may be defined as hollow places in solid ground or space-time, as openings that lead into and through something. Holes may be the hollow spaces left by absences, of people, creatures, thought, and therefore spaces that ask to be filled…or not. Began in 2006, Graham Allen’s epoem ‘Holes’, is a daily ten-syllable thought clip, that uses language to picture his reflections on being. ‘Holes’ is a prodigious tunnelling through of philosophy, politics and domesticity, and which affirms that nothing in life is quotidian. The changes in mood, (bemusement, anger, accusation, amusement, sadness and even bleakness), which may hold for a series of lines, are particularly interesting, in that they carry with them a sense of immediacy, a truthfulness from the commentary. This is a hugely important and intelligent work, by a man fully engaged with living and being present in the world.”
                  — Eleanor Hooker (writer and poet)

“A line a day produced in an untiring formal adventure cuts a way through an almost exhausted field.”
                  — John W. Phillips (Professor of Literature) from “Cuts and Corrosives. The Airy ways of Friendship,” in Transmission Annual, Hospitality, eds. Michael Corris, Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Sharon Kivland. London: Artsword Press (2010).

“Holed Up”, by James Cummins:

“There is a real joy to discovering Graham Allen’s epoem Holes and seeing the dedication to craft within it. It’s very tempting to go all the way back to December 23rd, 2006, and read from the very beginning—like a marathon binge-viewing of several years’ worth of a beloved series—but really, any point is a good jumping-in point. Along with the textures and patterns of nature found within the many photographs, there are the personal, political, philosophical, and otherwise insightful revelations of a mind that never fails to surprise. I’ve been making a game out of finding my favourite lines in a given section of entries, then figuring out why it is I like them so much. That’s the definition of engaging reading, wouldn’t you say?”
                  — Bonnie Ditlevsen (editor of Penduline)

“The ongoing digital life-poem Holes [is] the most successful fusion of the lyrical with the cyber-spatial I am aware of. In fact, I’m pretty sure that in terms of it’s probable future influence over the formal development of poetry (and what other influence is there?), Holes is the most important poem being written in Ireland in the present time.”
                  — Dave Lordan (writer and creative writing teacher)

“For me, the indeterminacy of the piece across all its intersecting modes and platforms is the main thing. Added to by the fact that it depends on emergent technology, and is an aesthethic hybrid as well. The sense of encountering something new which has both familar and unfamiliar elements, and familiar elements unfamiliarly arranged, and that there is an intense and wide-ranging intelligence showering us with an excess of meaning throughout, makes the piece immensely generative, and so pleasing, as an aesthetic experience. For example, it reads at points like a set of runes/omens/prophecies/proverbs and at other points like a confession of personal failings, anxieties etc the relationship and interchange and tension between such registers as the piece unfolds, drawing into and then striking out of itself, so to speak, dynamises.”
                  — Dave Lordan (writer and creative writing teacher)
